Thursday's Torture Target!

Meowlo, Peeps!

Today is Thursday and, in keeping with my MomKatt's overweening passion for alliteration, we've named today's entry "Thursday's Torture Target".  As you can see, the recipient of my attentions this time is NOT a fruit.  Heck, it isn't even REAL!  BUT ... 


So, today a catnip carrot bears the brunt of my kitty wrath.  It takes the stickings from my thunderous paws without whine or whimper; it wilts imperceptibly at the onslaught of my slight fish breath, brought on by consuming the fish-flavored treats that MomKatt had dispensed to me only moments before and ... 

Well, after all that, it's in for a serious & detailed licking & grooming ...

PS - Don't I have a really nice profile?



PS - Note from MomKatt:  Less than 5 minutes after these pictures were taken this morning, Selina was found under that same chair by me, and she was, indeed, administering a FURIOUS grooming to said carrot, which remained quiet throughout the whole undoubtedly humiliating procedure.  She also took a moment from her exacting ministrations to remind me that said carrot needed stuffing with fresher 'nip.  This will be done this evening.


  1. May we come over and check that the nip is fresh enough for you Selina.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. You attack, I mean, clean your toys rel nicely. Maybe if I cleaned mine, they wouldn't have been attacked by killer moths.

  3. We attacks our toys even worse. But mama never gets it on camera. Or we attack the camera then if she does. MWAHA!! BTW, nice to meet you, Selina!

  4. You really have your human trained well, Selina - you barely had to ask for your nip carrot to be refreshed!

  5. Odie has an abundance of 'nip to share! Hugs and kissies to Selina :)

  6. I have a nippy carrot too and I love to bunny kick it.

  7. Show that carrot who is boss, Selina! We happen to like your profile and your other pic, too! Happy Thursday, xoxo.

  8. Well, unlike Wally, you have chosen a chair with a padded seat. This shows superior sense, which leads to needing very fresh nip. Purrs, Selina, your GD-ness.


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