Worrying Wednesday

My little one-eyed thing in my lap, last night.

I was going to call this entry for "Wordless Wednesday" "Safe" (as in safe in my lap.)

But it's turned out to be a "Worried Wednesday".  Selina's at the vet's this morning.  She's still not acting right.  Still VERY quiet, still not following me around the countertops in the kitchen while I'm making coffee, etc.  Still not up in my business.  Just very ... quiet.  Mostly curled up like you see here.  She stayed in my lap all last night 'til I went to bed & was on the sofa with DadKatt Gary after I left.

This morning, just sitting in bread-loaf position.  All I can think of is that somehow, she's injured herself trying to be Ms. Flying Wallenda & doing her 49-in. jump.  I can feel her all over & she doesn't cry out or seem like she's in pain.  She's just DEFINITELY not moving around very much and DEFINITELY not "herself".  I know my nutty one-eyed thang, and she ain't being "nutty".  Plus, when she sits, it's like she's trying to kind of "arrange" her backside - so I'm thinking that, somehow, she's bruised or hurt herself ...

So, since she had to go to Dr. Lofgren this coming Sat. for her "well kitty exam" anyway, I decided, out of an abundance of caution, to just go ahead & take her in this morning.  She was such a good little girl on the trip over - meowed a few times, but didn't get upset and went right into the carrier at the house when I loaded her up.  

They're going to call me after they've looked at her, and then I'll pick her up.  I'm thinking she's just bruised herself some way, or something.  While we've seen her successfully negotiate her jump onto the tops of the kitchen cabinets many times (AND since Monday, there have been NO attempts to get up on the cabinets, just on the regular kitchen counter tops like normal), a couple of times we HAVE seen her having to push w/her back legs to get a purchase on the cabinet door & hoist herself over the cabinet top lip.  So she could have missed it at night, when all we have is a night light burning in the kitchen, and we just didn't hear because we were asleep.  Plus, having only one eye ... who knows?   I was just impressed she had that kind of vision depth, even with only one eye, to be able to successfully DO this in the first place!

All I know is something's wrong.

And, frankly, if this cures her of wanting to BE a Flying Wallenda ... well, I won't be upset about it.  If she'd get there by using the top of the 'fridge as a step, so to speak, it would be MUCH safer for her.  And we can't block the cabinet tops!  But, again, if this cures her of doing this forever - well, I won't complain.  I'll just cherish the memory that, once, she DID negotiate it.  She does not have to prove ANYTHING to me.

So please purr for my little baby!  Many thanks & will keep you all posted.

MomKatt Laura


12:07 PM Selina update

Dr. L just called.  The GOOD news is she hasn't hurt herself being a Flying Wallenda.  However, Selina's running a 104.2 temp (about 2 deg. above normal - I *thought* she was feeling a bit warm when I ran my hand over her back this morning while she was having breakfast with me) so SOMETHING is causing it.  The million dollar question is ... what?  So they're going to shoot her up with some antibiotics & sub-Q fluids to get her re-hydrated ... Dr. L says he thinks with one that young, it's generally something she's picked up when something like this happens & she is just feeling "punky".  With this course of treatment, generally they start perking up in about 24 hrs. 

If she doesn't, then I'm to bring her back on Sat. as planned.  He calls this "fevers of unknown origins" - could be almost anything, viral or bacterial.  If THIS doesn't work, THEN we'll get into running bloodwork but we both agreed to go with the simplest, least costly option FIRST.  (One reason my vets are GOLDEN is because they realize that not everyone is J. Nelson Rockefeller, so they try to take that into account when prescribing treatments.  Not that they don't want the best treatment for their animal clients - quite the opposite.  They aren't the types to charge people ridiculous fees for treatment that is "over the top" when the simplest solution might be the best, and most cost-effective, one.  OTOH, if they feel that more expensive treatment IS necessary right then, they're honest with their clients, and try to give us great payment options.  It's just nice to have one that combines the best of both worlds.)

Anyway, even MORE good news is that Selina's NOT lost weight, thank goodness (she's been eating through the whole time, anyway, at least her gooshy food & picking at the dry food) and her gums are pink & healthy ... so he said by the time I pick her up about 4 PM she'll probably be much improved from when I dropped her off.

Further updates after I pick her up!  Thanks to everyone for their thoughts & prayers.

MomKatt Laura 


  1. I'm sending the purrs. Lots of 'em, too. ASAP! purrs

  2. Sending lots of purrs for Selina that it is just bruising and she is feeling sorry for herself.

    1. *sigh* Well, with what she's been dealing with lately, I for one think she has a good reason to feel a slight case of the "Pity Parties" coming on ... thank you guys for your good thoughts! We will keep every purr posted!

      MomKatt Laura

  3. We have added Selina to our purrs and prayers list!

    1. Thank you, Callie! I looked to try to follow your blog & didn't see where I could do so. Help!


  4. Poor Selina! Doesn't the cautious approach wind up costing more in the long run, if you, Cod forbid, have to bring her back for the tests. When I first started reading, I thought maybe the heat had gotten to her. I don't know about where you are, but it's gonna reach 100 here so TW doesn't want me running about. I hope the antibiotics work and you're back to your old self tonight. PS: Maybe you got a slight infection from having to hold yourself so long before you used the LB this weekend??

    1. Hi CK!

      It IS hot here & no mistake, but we have AC inside so we're good. Not necessarily - if this solves it, then MomKatt won't have laid out a lot of semolians for bloodwork that might or might NOT actually tell us what's going on.

      She's all for taking the simple route first. Then, if THAT does not work, we can go on to more complex things.

      You know ... your PS is a good point ... I will instruct MomKatt to ask Dr. L that this afternoon when she goes to pick me up!

  5. I sure hope you feel all better really soon sweet girl. Not being yourself is no fun.

  6. de blessings oh St Francis two ewe selina, we hope by de time ewe reed this ewe R bak ta yur old young self and if ewe wood admit that ewe eated sum stoooooooooooopid burd N ya just wanna ...well...ewe noe....ewe wood trooly feel WAAAAAAAAY better !!!

    hugs N loves frum de land oh trout

  7. I hope Selina is perked up soon! Having her so subdued like that is just wrong. I'm sending her lots of purrs to help.

    P.S. It sounds like you have an awesome vet!

  8. We are purring for Selina and hope she is feeling better soon.

  9. Many purrs and purrayers that sweet Selina is back to her normal self soon. Thanks fur the update. **headbumpies**

  10. Oh, my poor little girl! Of course we are sending mega super maxi purrs that you feel yourself very soon. It is the pits to feel all punky. Rest and relax, sweetheart Selina. We hope the meds have you feeling better already. PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSS.

    Laura & Taffy

    PS: Your vet sounds wonderful.

  11. It sounds like you have a really good vet. Mine is like that, too. I'm glad there are vets out there who realize not everyone is made of money and they work with you on finding the best treatment for the kitties we love so so much!

    I hope your baby is feeling much better now.


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