Friday the 13th


Today is Friday the 13th, a particularly special day for us black kitties.  I think that anyone fortunate enough to be owned by at least one Black Beauty (see?  the luck starts right here), let alone five of us (as my Mom&DadKatt are - and that counts my late sisfur, Torrie, who was also an adoption), is obligated to sing our praises on at least two days out of the year:  Halloween and any Friday the 13th that pops up (so you may actually have MORE than two days but ... you get my drift).

It's high time all the silliness about us Black Beauties being unlucky stops.  Also, the witch association thing.  I mean - c'mon, peeps, it's the 21st century!  I cannot believe some people ACTUALLY still subscribe to all this nonsense which emerged from a period when most hoomans were poor, ignorant and pretty frightened of anything that smacked of "different".  (And out of respect for my readers' differing beliefs, I won't EVEN get into the mess the Church caused this issue.  But I think we all know.)

It's time to bring us all up to the present and realize that:

A.  Black cats are just like regular cats - only MORESO (and blacker).

B.  In the fashion world, we knew black went with everything BEFORE hoomans figured it out:  

C.  We go great with punkins:

D.  We appear in LOTS of really cool vintage advertising, like the following:

Here's another one (bet you never knew this was actually an ad for a theatre ("TOURNEE"))!

E.  We get to be in movies a lot!  This shot is of many black kitties all auditioning for the Vincent Price, Peter Lorre & Basil Rathbone movie, "Tales of Terror", back in the day. 

SEE how well-behaved all these potential stars are?  The competition looks fierce, doesn't it?  

Which brings up ANOTHER plus for black kitties:  WE know how to act in public!  (Unlike SOME I could mention ... ) 

F.  We even got to star with the immortal Karloff and Lugosi!  In *MY* opinion, 'nuff said right there!!

So, as you can see, black cats are wonderful and contribute much to the worlds of art, advertising, pop culture and hooman holidays.  We aren't evil, we don't bring bad luck AND, as my MomKatt believes through her experience with us, when you adopt one of us, you get a cat that might be just a WEE bit more grateful that you chose to fling off the shackles of superstition and ignorance and invite one of us into your home to cuddle, care for, play with, cry to and, most of all, LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY.

You've no idea how grateful we are - really.  We just don't want you going around with a swelled head about it.  (See?  Black cats really DO care!)

So.  On this Friday the 13th - celebrate the black kitty in YOUR life.  Don't have one?  Why the hell NOT?  There are four in our family - what's YOUR excuse?!  You should get one today!  You won't be sorry!  



Oliver, my Porch Panther brofur:

The late, but beautiful, Torrie:

And last but NOT least, MOI!

While you're at it, celebrate your friend's black kitty/kitties.  Tell 'em they're beautiful, or admire one of their cats' photographs.  If they are like my MomKatt, they'll be thrilled that you noticed their Black Beauty's grace, presence and overall wonderfulness, and beam with pride.

Together, we CAN stop the idiocy:

Oh, before I forget.  I may be prejudiced, but adopting a "special needs" black kitty *REALLY* scores you big points on the Karma scale.  Look at me:  people who already devalue black cats would REALLY have looked askance at me, with my one eye.  But that, thankfully, wasn't my fate - and not just with MomKatt or my Uncle Bill, but with all my wonderpurr blogging furriends, who know the value of black kitties, especially uniocular ones, and give me their time every day by reading my blog & being concerned about me.




  1. Black cats rock, stoopid humans not so much!

    1. 'Cept your dad, Brian, and furramily and MINE! :) :)

  2. if sum bodee we purrson.. wood take me socks N shirt off...well...ther ewe haz it !!! heerez ta black kitttehs N me mom..barbie Q sauce and me dad tom ayetoe sauce

    sauce of fishbone

    ( N eye tried to copy ther pick sures for ewe selina but no go )

  3. Black cats are the best! We have some at PAWS, and we just love, love, love them! :)

    1. My MomKatt is thoroughly addicted to us blackies!

  4. Happy Friday the 13th to you beautiful, black house panthers!

  5. Black cats rule! I said so in my post today too, as you know!

  6. Send all your black cats to the UK - we think that black cats are lucky Selina. Our Mum used to have a black cat and his name was Max.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Not only are you a lucky black cat you are a beautiful one too... I remember before you found your home.... I am so happy you got to live happily ever after sweetie.

  8. We agree, black cats are beautiful and lucky, too! A black cat named "Slinky" was my Mommeh's very first cat many, many years ago.

  9. We love black kitties! When my woman had a choice, she would always choose a black cat. We are not, but the cat before us was.

    My woman loved your zany Stuff post! Her mind goes all over like that too. Purrs.

    Laura & Taffy


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