Possession is 9/10th's of the law!

Well, peeps, yesterday I just *had* to finally put my paw down!  Tell 'em where things stood!  Make my mark clearly and firmly, with no fuss, no drama, and NO room for debate.

This is MY bowl!

Look closely at the picture - see my head moving from side to side, as in, "No, you will NOT put my food in any other bowl.  This is NOT Sasha's bowl, it's MY bowl!"

Of course, MomKatt understood right away.  Sasha got her gooshy fud in the pink bowl, as befits her.

But we ALL know that red & black, in combination, are "power colors".  (At least, MomKatt says she read that somewhere.  And that's cool.  I can totally see that.  Besides, the pink bowl isn't AS pink as, say, Pink Bed, or MomKatt's hot pink sandals - see previous post concerning shoes.  So I can relinquish the pink bowl in favor of the red one with a clear conscience.)

Remember, peeps:  ALWAYS tell 'em where you stand!  And make sure they know what's yours ... is YOURS!

Peace out, ya'll!


PS - Happy Friday!


  1. If you ever invite us for dinner Selina we'll know not to take the red bowl if we don't want whapping!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. Oh no! It would be an honor to share my bowl with my blog furriends! Just not my sibs. MOL!


  2. I would've taken all 3 of them but that's why I'm an only cat. MOL!

  3. The only problem here is that Binga and I tend to lay claim to the same things.

  4. All our bowls look the same. Dad decided a long time ago that was the only way to keep the peace. (from long before any of us were around)

  5. Selina...I wonder where Reid is in relation to Charlotte?

    1. About 3 hrs as the crow flies, MomKatt sez ....

  6. Guess what? Big news for me and for you. You won an award! That's right... an award! Stop on by the post "Houston... we have a problem" on my blog and you can pick it up. purrs

  7. Everybuddy knows that red looks beautiful with your sleek black furs, Selina!


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