Teaser Tuesday

Part of MomKatt's plan to draw me out of the shell I'd kinda crawled into because of Boudicca's shenanigans was to renew my love of my teaser.  Well, this was the PURRFECT strategy - 'cause I LOVE my teaser, as you will see! 

We have started having play sessions every morning while MomKatt has breakfast, and sometimes for a few minutes after, and every evening after we've all eaten our gooshy fud.

NOW ... before you meow anything, don't be dissin' my stubby teaser (whose name, it won't surprise you, is Stubby Teaser).  (Actually, I stole him from Morticia, so blame her for his shabby appearance.  She's rough on teasers.)  I know he's stubby and chewed on and ... well, he's been around the block SEVERAL times.  As Harrison Ford said in "Raiders", "It ain't the years, honey, it's the mileage!"

But I love my teaser just as he is, even if MomKatt says a trip to Petco's going to soon be in order 'cause 'Ticia needs a teaser of her own (she loves to play teaser, too) and because Petco seems to have a better selection of mylar teasers (our  favorites) than PetSmart.  (PetSmart carries teasers that have a lot of feathers, etc.  We really don't go for those much, plus if we do, they don't last long.  Mylar's a better investment for us, MomKatt says.)

So don't laugh.  Here is a picture of Stubby Teaser: 

As you can no doubt infer, those are MY paws ... just guarding him, waiting for a twitch or two of his mylar fingers ... beckoning my LongPaw of Death to smite him mightily!

These photos were taken this morning.  Here I am, waiting for MomKatt to play with me.  Typically, I issue little "brrrips" and high-pitched "MIAOW?"s to let her know that I am ready for action!  (She finds these charming.  And yes, I put a question mark at the end of these particular miaows, as I'm saying, "Can we play NOW, MomKatt?  NowPLEASE?!")

Dig my glowing eye!

And here ... waiting to LEAP!

Well, that was fun ... and now for a nice day-long nap 'til MomKatt gets home after work so we can play teaser some more!

Ya'll be good now, y'hear?




  1. selina, any teaser that haz NO BURD FEATHERS iza grate teaser !!! enjoy yur nap; we iz gonna due sum chillaxin two...peace out N rok on, long live trout :)

  2. Enjoy your nap Selina and decide how best to beat your opponent in tonight's contest.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx x

  3. Great laser eye, Selina! It makes you look like you're about to kill that teaser deaded! If you love Stubby Teaser, that's all that matters to us. Happy Tuesday. xoxo

  4. You kitties ARE rough on teasers! I still have a couple from when I was a kitten - yes, they are a little ratty looking, but not as bad as your stubby teaser!

  5. Pawsome! We love our toys too. Efurry cat should have toy time all day long...

  6. Salina, that looks like a well loved teaser!

  7. Have you taken to using your laser to signal MomKatt, Selina? We'll have to try that. Usually, we sit in the hall behind my woman's computer chair, and entreat with our big eyes. She seems to feel "the look" and asks if we want to play. The she whips our favorite tiedye teaser back and forth while we leap for it. Purrs.

    Taffy & my woman, Laura

  8. Whoa! What a laser! Do you have a Neko Fly? I bet you'd love them. You can buy them online at Nip & Bones and some other places but I've never seen them in a store. They're my fave wand toy.


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