MomKatt Laura Here - Please Purr for Selina

Good morning all!

I'd like to ask for purrs for Selina this morning. I had to take her in to the vet just now. She hasn't peed, I don't think, since last night. Came home last night & saw her just sitting in the litter box. Didn't think anything of it at first, then I caught her doing it again.   At one point, she got up & there was a tiny (I mean smaller than a dime tiny) spot of clumped litter where she'd been sitting, but that was it.)

This morning, same thing, only not even the dime-tiny emission.  Just NOTHING.  She sits in the box and was in & out of it this morning several times, squatted down like she wanted to do something and couldn't.  I didn't see any sign of her straining or bearing down to attempt to pee.  After a few minutes, she got out, cleaned her butt & stayed out for a little while before going back into a box again.  It's clear she's feeling some sort of "urge" to go.  What isn't clear is why she apparently can't.

At one point, she DID finally poop on top of a pee ball, but I don't know if that ball was hers or someone else's, so I scooped her up & took her in. (Her "well kitty" exam on Sat. went perfectly, except it was revealed that she had roundworms [!!], so no wonder her poops are pudding-like in consistency. She received 18.2 mg of Drontal & she must return on the 25th for another dose of THAT.) 

So my little one-eyed thang's having some trouble lately - please purr for her! Thank you! Waiting now for Dr. Lofgren to take a look at her & call me later this morning.

She was going to have me write a really funny post about her vet visit this past Sat., but I was sick Mon. & Tues., and spent all day catching up at work yesterday, so it's not gotten done.  However, I will keep ya'll posted on her condition & on what Dr. L says when he calls this morning.

Meanwhile, here are a few photos I took at the vet's office on Sat., which I was going to put in the "funny vet blog" that never got written.

Also, DadKatt Gary's father isn't doing well.  At this point, I don't know much more to say about that, but basically Gary's mom, Patsy, told him if he wanted to visit his father when his dad knew he was there, he'd better come soon.  He spoke with his dad briefly on the phone last night & he said he didn't sound too hot.  Plus, Patsy is having shoulder surgery this coming Mon., and she'll be out of commission for 10 weeks and she won't be able to drive.  I think we are going to have to journey to Rocky Mt. some to help out when we can (it's about 3 hours from Reidsville, on the other side of Raleigh, NC). 

SO.  It seems several things are happening at once at the Carter Cat House.  But it helps knowing that so many kind, loving folks are thinking of us.

Thanks for ALL of your support!

MomKatt Laura

PS - Dr. L just re-designed his office.  You can't really see the actual colors too well, but I LOVE his new benches, and Selina does, too, obviously ... :)  She looks quite comfortable, don't you think?

My little one-eyed thang!  XOXO

PPS - Also a shout-out to Ann & Poppy Vic that we are thinking of them.


  1. We sure do send you lots of purrs Selina. Sounds like a urinary infection of some sort. I bet the vet can help you out. We will keep sending tons of purrs though and cross our paws too.

  2. We hope you get some medicine for your pee problem - Emma who lived here before us used to be like that once or twice a year but she always got better quickly with a visit to the vet. We are sending lots of purrs and gentle head butts to you Selina.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Purrs to Selina - and to all of you with Gary's Dad.....

  4. Purrs for your healing, and prayers for a quick and easy diagnosis!

  5. We are all sending our best purrs to sweet Selina. I had that same thing a while back, a UTI, but a shot in the butt fixed me right up. We will be looking for an update.

    1. Eek! Brian, too much talk about needles! MOL! The lady told MomKatt in the vet's office that if I didn't pee, they were going to stick one in my bladder to MAKE me pee! EWWW! :(


  6. Healing purrz for Selina. I'm sure the vet can fix you up like new. My advice is don't be so stingy with your pee. You gotta share, you know!

  7. selina....purrs oh plentee N de blessings oh St Francis two ewe...N we hope all de other craziness in yur houz with yur peepuls gets....better......

    sorree bout de hole UTI and glad yur mom caught it in time; high paws two her for bein observant..

    ya gotta make sure ya drink plentee...water that iz :) and ya mite have ta change yur diet if ya eat a certain kinda kibble...

    want we shuld send trout !!??

  8. We are purring and praying for you, Selina! We hope everything gets cleared up real soon.

  9. I am purring lots for you, Selina! I hope the vet gets you fixed up very quickly - you must be really uncomfortable and unhappy. Please keep us posted.


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