Monday Selina Update

Selina continues to improve, though I think the poop issue w/the roundworms will take a bit longer to completely eradicate.  She was peeing this weekend with no apparent visual difficulties, and no more of this going in & out of the box with no pee results.  She left nice, round, LARGE puddles and litter clumps!

I must admit, I was VERY worried - plus I had company this weekend & was gone most of Sat., so I couldn't monitor as I would've normally done.  But yesterday I saw her squat and pee a nice big puddle in the box & I was doing the Happy Dance!

So ... she will be back to her own reporting/dictating soon.  I just thought I'd bring ya'll up to speed, since it's been a couple of days ... 

MomKatt Laura 


  1. So glad she is feeling better! Hope she is 100% right quick!

  2. I sure am happy that sweet Selina is doing better!

  3. Selina shouldn't scare her furrends like that—or her family. Healing purrz.

  4. My mommy knows as do all the kitty moms here what it's like to have to monitor and worry. Our pawrents love us so much.

  5. We're happy to hear that. And we won't tell anyone that pee makes you do the happy dance :-) We cat people are truly a breed apart.

  6. Normal pee and poo makes our Mommy crazypants happy, too! Glad to hear things are gettin back to normal. Happy Tuesday!

  7. Paws up! This is great news to hear! I can't wait to have Selina back reporting.

  8. YAY !!! manee tanx ta R pal St Francis for helpin watch over ewe selina...sorree bout de hole werm thing...we wood say take em fishin but thoze werms iz good for nothin...knot even stoooooooooooopid halibutt....heerz ta a grate day:)


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