SELINA UPDATE: She's got cystitis! Dr. Brigham said they've given her an antibiotic shot that should take care of things. We still have the second dosage for the roundworms scheduled for next Sat., the 18th, and he said by then she should be well on her way to "100% mended"! ♥♥ Thank you all - I know your purrs & kind thoughts did the trick! :) :)

I'll be picking her up at 5 PM today to take my baby home!

Also, slight correct to the previous entry:  I learned my Mother-in-law has already HAD the shoulder surgery (last week) but is on the "cannot drive" list for 10 WEEKS!  Ugh ... 


  1. our grandma was on the "cannot drive" list for a while and it was NO FUN for anyone. :)

    Glad Selina in on the mend.....

    1. So glad that the vet was able to diagnose and treat Selina so quickly! I hope this means she will be back to her usual sprightly self shortly.

    2. Sparkle,

      It's amazing, but the last two days, she's been very lively & her usual self. If you hadn't known she hadn't peed, you'd never have guessed by her behavior that anything was wrong! This morning she was ALL about the teaser, playing VERY hard and seemingly VERY happy! (For which I am thankful, of course.) :)

  2. Oh Selina, we did not know you had been poorly with ouchy cystitis. We are sorry you and your family are going through it right now so we send you lots of love and rumbly purrs

    Oliver, Gerry & Mungo

  3. Healing purrz for my great furrend Selina for a speedy recovery.

  4. I know that shot will have her feeling better soon, purrs Selina!

  5. Pee problems can be nasty, and usually lead to very cranky kitties. Purrrrrrrring that the jab fixes Selina up soonest.

    1. She's amazing. As I told Sparkle above, she's been her normal insane self the last 2 days, playing this morning VERY hard with Pink Teaser! You wouldn't know anything was wrong. Very strange but just her way, I guess!

  6. Sending (((purrs))) and hope you will be back on track real fast , Selina !

  7. I hope she is feeling better soon!

    But please keep a close eye on her, as some kitties have had bad reactions to the antibiotic shot.

    1. Connie, thank you for this. I've read it & will keep my eye on her (I'm also monitoring her peeing and pooping - what a fun job I have LOL!). I'll also run this by Drs L & B and see what they think. I hadn't heard about any of this happening with this particular antibiotic.

      *sigh* It's so hard to keep abreast of everything for our kids, isn't it??? :)

  8. tell sis ta take her itis N go way coz ya dont want it !!! veree happee ewe R on yur way home...make sure yur mom haza few 100 plates oh trout reddy for ewe :)

    1. Selina was happy to GET home yesterday, too, I can tell you! :) Thanks, guys!

  9. Glad she's coming home! Hope she recovers quickly.

  10. We are sending healing purrs to Selina and your Mother in law. Hope they both recuperate super fast.

  11. Hooray! We are so happy that Selina is going to be okay. We'll keep sending purrs and prayers until she is!

  12. Wow, I's nefurr been so happy to hear a reepurrt of cystitis before in mine life!!!
    And I's gonna correct tha other part of mine post about tha no driving due to a hurty shoulder.
    Love & Purrs,

    1. Tell me about it! At least it's something (I hope) simple to deal with.

  13. Purrs, purrayers, and pawsitive thoughts fur you, Selina to be back home and feelin fine!

  14. Mum thought it might be cystitis - one of the before cats used to get it as she got older. We're sure that shot will make her better again.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  15. Hi Laura ~ not blogging this week, but saw that you, too ... have your hands full with lots of medical issues, human and kittycat ...
    prayers for all. Chin scritches for sweet Selina.

    1. And we return the thoughts back to you all! Seems things just come in bunches, don't they?

  16. Welcome home Selina! Purrs to you to keep on the mend!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp


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