Stuff N Things ...

Meowlo peeps!

Just checking in.  Nothing much to report from UniOcular Land.  I continue to do better w/my poops, though I "scooted" on my butt a little on the carpet this morning after I pooped.  :(  No blood, however, which is a good thing.  We are awaiting the arrival of some Forti-Flora for me to start taking, just to help the bacteria in my digestive tract stay nice & healthy - should arrive on Saturday.  I sure hope MomKatt is right and I don't have to go back to the V E T until this time next year ...

Oh!  Holy Bast, I nearly forgot.  Some mild Basement Excitement the other day!  This

was cornered (but not dispatched) by Boudicca

in the basement the other night.  DadKatt scooped it up on a piece of Tupperware (the most rigid thing close to hand) and dumped it out the basement door, while MomKatt Googled its image to find out what it was.  Turns out it's a Northern Ringneck Snake.  Sociable creatures, they can live up to 20 years and are nocturnal.  

Good on Boudicca, I say - better her than me.  Besides, because of her name, she really has QUITE a warrior rep to maintain, wouldn't you agree?  NO FEAR ALLOWED!

MomKatt's having trouble taking pics of me - I'm not cooperating lately, preferring to play with Pink Teaser while she eats breakfast.  She got some so-so shots of me (including the "laser eye" ones we posted the other day) but she has concluded that perhaps she needs to borrow DadKatt's new little digital camera for better results.  So no visuals of Yours Truly today ... :(  I know, ya'll are sad.  We'll try to make up for it!

MomKatt is going to spend the weekend at her mother-in-law's, to help her out & visit her father-in-law, while DadKatt stays home to mow the lawn (which is quite shaggy) and take care of us kits.  She'll be back on Sun., about mid-day.  No word about her FIL - apparently he's still in hospital and she wants to find out what the doctors are saying, so I'm sure she'll get "the scoop" tonight.  Plus she'll have a nice visit with her MIL. 

Meanwhile, she's left instructions w/DadKatt about my Forti-Flora, and about giving my sisfur, Sasha, her transdermal "happy medicine" (she gets it in her ears once a day).  Bet I don't get ANY time with Pink Teaser while she's gone ... :(  DadKatt's kinda bad about that - he'll be in the basement "hamming" and whatnot.  MomKatt & I are going to miss each other.  She DID admonish DadKatt to give me, Livia & Morticia some ham tomorrow morning AND to be sure to get up at 6 AM to feed Oliver.  ("He's on a schedule," she told him.  "Don't forget!"  MomKatt *may* have to ring him at 6 AM tomorrow & wake him up.)

So I hope everyone has a really nice weekend.  Think I'll go chase Peppers, then give myself a bath & take a snooze.




  1. Having read all that Selina we are off for a lay down - that sounds too much for 1 weekend!! Hope you manage to squeeze in your bath and snooze and get your FortiFlora.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. *MOL MOL* Sorry to have exhausted you guys!
      Frankly I feel a wee bit tuckered out myself!

      Zzzzzz ....

  2. Honey, ask Mom if the Vet can check to see if your anal glands need to be expressed.

    1. Thank you Katie - good point! The vet is closed this weekend (they close every other Sat.) but she can call & ask & see if they think they need to see me on Monday ... and I'll have MomKatt tell DadKatt to keep his eye on me to see if I scoot anymore. MomKatt thinks/thought it was just 'cause I had a dinkleberry I couldn't get rid of 'cause she scrubbed the carpet after ....

      Sometimes, being a cat isn't very ... dignified?

  3. That's a snake! We've got those here, too, but I don't think ours are as big or as scary. Plus, ours are always green or light brown. Hmmm... interesting...

    1. Ooo should have said - this little fellow Boudicca cornered wasn't big at all! Probably a juvenile ... but DadKatt wanted it out OUT of the basement anyway!!

  4. Oooo, what a pretty snake! I hear they taste like chicken, but I guess Boudicca never got to find out. I hope things are okay at your human's in-laws' house and that her FIL is not going to be in the hospital for much longer.

  5. Purrs fur the FIL. We hopes he gets home soon. This is the second snake we've seen on the CB tonight! Our Mommy hopes this is not a sign of them bein on the move. (eek!) Have a happy Caturday, kittehz. XOXO

  6. Bravo to Boudicca!
    Selina: paws crossed that you are feeling better soon.
    Many purrs

  7. Wowie, a SNAKE! I'm glad it got catched-and-released though.

  8. Snakes? WOW! Do they bite or not? Ours are cobras so we're not allowed to have them as pets. We;'re looking forward to some pics!

  9. Has Mommy seen about your anal glands yet? May have been a dingle berry but if this isn't the first time, it may be the glands. Mommy's Admiral did that..took forever for her, mom, to see the light and take her to the vet. Mom can be dense about we cat's issues sometimes.

    1. Katie:

      She has only done it one other time (yesterday afternoon) since that last time. I do think both times were because of dingleberries but ... to be on the safe side, she has an appointment scheduled for 9:30 tomorrow morning for Dr. Lofgren to check her over. I'd rather him say, "She's fine!" than ... well, not go & find out I SHOULD have gone. Will update you! Thanks for checking back with us!

      MomKatt Laura


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