Meowlo Peeps!

Well *my* Labor Day weekend didn't start out all that auspiciously, let me tell ya!  About 8:45 AM, I was scooped up by MomKatt, thrust into this silly carrier and found myself riding in the MINI - AGAIN!  What the meow?!  She said two weeks ago that THAT trip was gonna be my last until my well-kitty exam next year!  MomKatt LIED!

*sigh*  Not being able to fight it, I settled back for the short ride to Dr. L's.  Once arrived, there was nattering amongst the hoomans - something about "expelling" and "worms".  Plus, MomKatt had a poop sample in a plastic bag.  Oh no, what now? I thought - more probing?

Long story short ... the BEST news is ... *drum roll* ... I AM OFFICIALLY WORM-FREE!

Second, MomKatt & I really *do* want to give a bit shout-out of thanks to Katie Isabella for calling MomKatt's attention to what was most likely behind my recent "scooting" actions.  Yes, indeed, my anal glands needed expelling! (Should a girl REALLY meow about this in a blog?  Well, what the meow:  I'm a pioneer in so many other things, I might as well include THIS subject on my resume!  MOL)

Dr. L said my glands were "quite full" and boy, can I attest to that!  (A copious amount apparently got on his right arm.  MOL  Sorry 'bout that - couldn't see where I was aiming!  MOL  He regaled MomKatt with the details afterward.)  He said that she should just keep an eye on me to see if I started doing it again, that it wasn't anything life-threatening and that it was actually kinda rare in cats.

We'd both like to know if any of you guys have ever had experience with this type of problem.  Now, I know I'm a "rare gem" but I'd rather NOT be rare in this case, thankyouverymuch!  Dr. L isn't sure if this is related to my recent "worm" problems but hopefully, now that I'm (A) worm-free, (B) expelled (hooray!) and (C) on Forti-Flora once a day in my wet food, we'll see nothing but improved pooping (which we HAVE been seeing) and NO SCOOTING!

The pic is one that MomKatt took before getting me & THAT CARRIER out of the car just now.  I told her to update my blog ASAP to let you all know that I was alright, since so many had asked about me.

I got a treat at the vet, too, but I didn't eat it.  Oh well, I gave it to Peppers when we got home.  Of COURSE he gobbled it right down!  

All I can say about this morning's experience is this:  have your butt squoozed first thing in the morning and NOTHING - and I mean NOTHING - worse will happen to you the rest of the day!  MOL

But again thank you, Katie Isabella, for that forward-thinking suggestion.  MomKatt's armed with more kitty knowledge that she didn't have before and I'm expelled.  *giggle*  So kudos all 'round.

Gonna take a nap now - peace out, kits!


PS - I gained back some weight and am now back at 10.1 lbs.  So, a further big of good news!

HAPPY LABOR DAY everypurr that is off this weekend!


  1. Always good to be worm-free, I think. Peeps give us pills every now and then. We don't like 'em but we take 'em 'cause it's for the best. Well... my sister Constance doesn't do the pill thing so for her the peeps use trickery and deceit but in the end, she ends up worm-free, too. purrs

  2. It's good to hear that you're feeling better and that the worms are history!

    Ashton had to have her anal glands expressed. Our vet said that it might be an isolated occurrence, and so far (over six months later), it has been. She was not scooting, but hers were full enough that she was leaving less-than-lovely-smelling marks where she sat. Anyhow, she is not a fan of having her butt sqoozed, either, so you re in good company there.

    Ashton is the first cat of 17 who have come and gone from the household over the years who ever needed attention back there, so I don't think it's common among cats -- not like dogs.

  3. Selina, I am SO happy that you had your anal glands expressed. Scooting is almost always how your mom or dad will know. Admiral, the one who came before, needed her glands expressed about every 6 or 7 months.

    If you DON'T tend to them when they are full, they will develop a tear and you'll be in even more misery plus you'll be leaking blood streaked fluids from the glands. It really isn't rare for cats. Both dog and cats have the problem and my Vet said it was largley due to pooping not pressing very hard on it's way through the poop expressway and therefore as it moves past the anal glands, they don't get the stimulation via the bowel movement to "self express". Hope that makes sense. WHEW!

  4. Oh, that totally does NOT sound like fun, Selina! But I bet you felt great afterwards! ;-)

  5. Glad to hear that you are worm-free , expelled and forti-flora in your food so you can poop :)

  6. I have to get my anal glands expressed also. Usually just once a year is enough. Mum knows when I start scooting it is time to go in.

  7. you know, if your anal glands do continue to cause problems your momma could learn to express them herself..

    *pause while you stop laughing*

    Dogs are much more likely to have anal gland issues, and from time to time cats do as well. Such is the way of life. I'm sure you are feeling much better now, even if the procedure wasn't to your liking.

  8. Sadly, I too, had an anal gland problem earlier this year. Just on one side. It was an infection. So, these things happen and unfortunately, to the best of us! Let's both keep our paws crossed that this unpleasantness is over!

  9. Selina, I had no idea about these anal glands things :-/ But I am glad that you are fine now.
    Have a nice weekend!

  10. Until we started reading blogs, we never knew about this "problem." Let's hope you never have to run for political office. heh heh. Glad you are worm free. There was a big garden worm in my bed last week and TW thought it came outta me. Gasp! It didn't. We don't know where it came from. Hope this really was your last v-e-t trip until next year.

  11. I am glad you are worm-free and, er, emptied out! That must feel much better now.

  12. It all sounds good except for that bottom squeezing. The things we cats put up with!

  13. So happy that you are worm-free Selina. Mom has never had to take us to the doctor to be squeezed, but she has found that when she does butt inspections (her kids tease Mom that she has a butt fetish, but Mom defends by saying that you can tell if something is going on by checking our butts--clean or not, worms, blood, etc) she has found by experience to be careful with a few of us. Boss, Lulu, Bear and myself will all express if she pulls our tails up too quick and high. You should have heard her squeal the first time Boss got her (Bow Tye takes a moment to recover from ROTFL); okay I'm back. Funny we are all blacks too!! MOL Great post Selina, I loved it. xoxoxo


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