Early days in my furever home!

Meowlo, Peeps!

MomKatt got a new 'pooter at work!  So she was going through the photos on her hard drive there & found some early pics of me she took when I first arrived. We don't think we've shared them with you so ... here they are!

Ain't I adorable?  MOL


This first one is me in my parachute-material cube (sides are collapsible . I LOVE destroying this and having it collapse on me!)

Wish I remembered what I was looking up at in this next one.  Must have been a teaser!

(Psst!  You can see my niblets in that last pic up there.  Hee hee!  I don't mind showing mine but you should see how bent outta shape Morticia gets if MomKatt tries to show HERS!  MOL)

Moving on ...

This fleece bed USED to be round 'til I laid on it sideways (FULL length) & collapsed it in half.  Now it looks just like a hooman's coin purse!  MOL

I look rather "baleful" in that picture above, don't I?

And here are some more:

You can see under my chin in this one:

A nice profile shot:

And finally, MomKatt's favorite one (actually, she loves both profile shots):

I hope you've enjoyed a look at my "early days" in my Furever Home!  XOXO


  1. How adorable these are, Selina! Thanks fur sharing them wif us. Happy Thursday. xoxo

    1. Meowlo Prancer & Happy Thurs. to you also! Thanks for looking, I'm glad you enjoyed them!

      Selina (the little exhibitionist)

  2. These are beeyoutiful fotos of you Selina! We luf them all!

    Luf, Us

    1. Thank you, Forty Paws! And we are now following your blog!


  3. we likes de pro file shot two selina....looks like yur smile iz THIS way big coz ya got yur new forever home :)

    1. Tabbies!

      I was VERY happy that day - and still am! XOXO

  4. Selina, those are such cute photos - I remember when you didn't even have a home and Brian was helping you find one!

    1. Sparkle,

      I know. It seems like such a long time ago; then again, it doesn't. I was/am one lucky kitty - I was able to snag a real "soft touch" - who then purr-suaded my soft-touch DadKatt. ;-) She does know how to work the angles, I'll give her credit for that. MOL And now I have terrific furriends like you!


  5. Selina, I am such a fan of yours and I love any and all pictures your mommy can put up. How is Morticia doing now? And by the way, kitty niblets are a thing of beauty!

    1. Katie!

      Why thank you! I'm a fan of you, too! You always have gorgeous photos. :)

      Oh Morticia is just fine - she's never ill, it seems. MomKatt says sometimes she wishes we were all more like 'Ticia - quiet, easy-going ... then I remind her that, if *I* were like Morticia, then I wouldn't be silly old me! MOL! Right?

      Purrs to you sweetie!


  6. Furry nice to see all theese pictures on you , Selina !

  7. Hi Sweet Selina, we have two awards for you, one is the Beautiful Blog and the other is Thinking of you. Stop by our blog and pick up the awards (usually you can copy it to your desktop,). if you have any problems picking them up, we will be happy to e-mail them to you. Our e-mail is catgirlkathleen AT gmail DOT com
    lots of love xoxo
    PS you can give the awards out to friends if you would like. Usually some bloggers choose 15 friends, or some choose 5. Whatever you feel comfortable with :)

  8. I enjoyed seeing your pictures! You're such a beautiful girl! xx

    1. Awww ... thank you Aunt Rebecca! MomKatt says I am too!

  9. Being a new fan, I was so pleased to see the early photos of you Selena :) xox >^,,^<

  10. Hi, sweet Selina, you're a sweetiepie. We're new here and tried to join. Mom put you on favorites so we can visit again. I enjoyed your photos. I enjoy Mom's folding laundry thingie.
    xoxo Kassey

    1. Hi GreatGranny! Welcome to my blog & thank you for following me! Were you successful in joining?

      PURRS! to you!


  11. TW loves the pic of you on the bed you destroyed. She says you look sweet. As if I don't. MOL

  12. Selina you are so sweet! We love you :) purrs and kisses xx xx


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