This "White Hair" thing

OK ... I don't mean to yowl on about my recent ... ahem ... "developments" in the fur department ... but I *was* quite shocked at MomKatt's discovery.  I mean, you walk by mirrors every day without noticing a thing has changed, then suddenly ... BAM!  You notice something or someone says, "Hey, when did you get THAT?"

And you realize that things are not quite so cool anymore.

So my MomKatt's quite the film buff, particularly when it comes to classic horror movies, and she's been trying to make me feel better by saying that purr-haps with my new ... what shall we call them ... accents?  flecks?  (humph ... don't fancy that last one.  Makes me sound like I'm covered in dust or wood shavings or something) ... I'm channeling my "inner famous movie star".  She's provided two helpful choices:

First, from "Bride of Frankenstein", we have the stunning Elsa Lancaster:

Or perhaps, given my "funny side", I might gravitate more readily to the lovely (but late) Madeline Kahn in "Young Frankenstein":

Gee ... if I AM doing that, then it's gonna take a LOT more of these white things to match THOSE ladies' furz!  Not sure I want to go that route.

Well, as I meowed to my furriends Hannah and Lucy just now, ya'll know what "White Out" is, right?  The liquid paper stuff?  Maybe I should invent some "Black Out" ... y'know, like bottles of touch-up paint that they use on cars. 

Or maybe a Sharpie ...

Selina (future star of the epic motion picture, "Cat of Bride of Frankenstein")


  1. selina; eye haz that problem two; N what eye like ta due iz roll round in motor oil


    ok then, haza grate week oh end

    sauce of fishbone.. N crew ;)

  2. I have a few white furs amongst the black but I pretty young still. I fink the furs made a mistake. yeah, that's it. Mistake.

  3. It just sets you apart from the rest, Selina. We're sure it looks very beautiful on you. XOXO

  4. I think black-out is a great idea! I know my human would use it! ;-)

  5. Wonder if that comb in black stuff that humans use would work on your furs. I'm getting a bit of white in my gray furs also.

  6. Well, those two are great ideas for Halloween costumes ;-)

  7. Just think of those furs as beautiful accents, Selina! My Mommeh has some of those in her hair, but she tries to cover them up.

  8. Bow Mommy has some white in HER fur but she also tries to cover it up. Me--- I just let them shine!


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