What the meow?!?!

OMC ... Look ... just LOOK!

No, not at how shiny my fur is in this picture - look CLOSER!  Do you SEE them?!?!?

Those ... WHITE HAIRS?!?!

MomKatt took this picture of me yesterday, then she noticed & said, "Selina, look at all your white hairs!"

I am MOST distressed.  WHERE in the name of Morris did they come from?  Stress?  I can't blame Boudicca, she's out of my world now & in the basement where she belongs.

Oh no ... a terrible thought ... could it be ...

Is THIS the punishment I get for "outing" Morticia the other day about her two white whiskers?  As Nerissa says, MOUSIES!  Heck, I was only picking on her about it ... I didn't mean anything by it ...

How has she had a paw in this?  Gosh, 'Ticia ... I'm really sorry ... 

Ack!  Don't LOOK at me like that ...

Oh boy am I in trouble ...

*assumes casual pose under the dining room table, humming .... *

*resumes agony*  OH NOES!  WHITE HAIRS!!!!!  Maybe I'd better look for a parlor that does DYE JOBS on cats!!!  Do Paul Mitchell salons "do" cats?????

Selina (NOT so contrite as she may appear ...)


  1. Uh-oh. Can we talk? I am a formerly ALL-BLACK boy, but lately, well...laytely I am noticing that some parts of me are not so black as they used to be. My underarm furs are long and soft as efur, but they are (quelle horreur!) most definitely not black-black anymore. They are (dare I say it? No, I dare not) the G-word. I'm only 8!!! How can this be???

    1. Well, MomKatt says that DadKatt has a "Stewart Granger thing" going on with his "G"-hairs on either side of his temples. She says he's going to look "distinguished". Perhaps you could research this person & use that as an excuse. Apparently he was quite the handsome movie actor ...

      As for me, I prefer men w/salt & pepper fur ... ;-)


  2. Selina, are you sure they were not there before? Sometimes black kitties have a few stray white hairs.

    1. Yes, definitely not! MomKatt concurs! As much as she pets me and as much as I lay on her lap at night, she'd have seen this!

      Maybe I'm channeling Elsa Lancaster ....

    2. Which gives me an idea for a blog entry .....

  3. We don't have this problem Selina - may be your Mom can get you some black touch up to cover the odd white whisker.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. You guys have heard of "White Out", right? (That liquid correction stuff?) Maybe there's "Black Out" - if not, purrr-haps I could invent some ...


  4. Is it sure it is not a joke from your human? Just saying...


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