Cipher Meowday

Well, Thanksgiving is over.  MomKatt didn't go off of the deep end with the food so she actually LOST weight over Turkey Day when she went on Friday morning to weigh in with her Wait Watchers, so she was happy.  Mom&DadKatt both got four days off (well, two days but counting the weekend - she says four sounds better than two) and we got a lot of hooman time at the house.

But did *I* get any turkey?  NO!  Not a scrap!  Can you believe it?  They didn't even bring me any turkey skin!  *sigh*  Oh well, MomKatt has promised that I'll get some of the chicken she's going to bake for Xmas.  She'd better not forget!

Meanwhile, I think you hoomans are supposed to really shop online today, right?  Hope you're buying kitty stuff.  I heard MomKatt whispering again the other day about this really cool cat tree that is shaped like a castle - it's even PURPLE!  (And pink too, I think.  I could not see the webpage in time before she closed it.)  I'll see if I can find a picture of it when she's not looking & post it.  It's SOOOOO cool and kitties can't have too many cat trees, right?  I
 wonder what we'll all get for Xmas?  I *have* been a good little uniocular kitty this year - honest!

My sisfur, Livia, has perked up a little, health-wise, but MomKatt thinks that's due to the steroid shot she got last week.  Her appetite's still very good, but she's sniffling a little bit and I think she's given DadKatt a cold 'cause he's sniffling, too.  MomKatt says she's probably going to be next & doesn't want him making everyone sick for Xmas.

Only 25 more days 'til Mom&DadKatt get their week-long holiday during Xmas week.  We're all excited about that.

So that's about it from our neck of the woods.  I hope everyone has a great week and now ... GET SHOPPING!

Selina (who lacks a credit card & opposable thumbs)


  1. No turkey! The outrage!!! I didn't get any either but... first of all, I live in Canada and it wasn't our Thanksgiving and secondly, I've got a couple of veggie peeps so they don't roast turkeys or anything like that. But it sounds like your mom and dad had turkey so there really should have been a little of it saved for you. Maybe they can make one next weekend. purrs

  2. We so hope you get that posh cat tree Selina as one of your many Christmas present - we know you're worth it. Good news that your Mom and Dad Khatt get a week's holiday at Christmas so lots of scritches and treats will come your way.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Oh I love how your new tree sounds. I HOPE you get it. Tell mom to get out the flashy box if you do. (like she'd need to be told!)

  4. No turkey?? Call PeTA! I got lots of it. Both TW and I over indulged. If your Mom wants to Cyber Shop today, I have some great vendors and sales listed on my blog today. My Pop gets most of December off cos he saves all his vacation. Woohoo! (of course I don't want to mention he got most of November off too because his office building got trashed by Sandy.)

  5. I DO have a credit card (yes, in my name!), but my human has hidden it away somewhere - otherwise, I would be asking you for the link to that purple castle cat tree!

    1. Ha ha! Oh Sparkle, don't ask & you'll receive anyway!


      PS - Let me know if you get one!

  6. We didn't want any turkey, but now whipped cream is a different story!

  7. We were turkeyless as we don't have Thanksgiving!!! I think we should, but there you go. And you are right Selena, there can never be too many cat trees in this world!! xx

  8. Congrats to MomKatt! Good things come to those who wait. We just hate the waiting part because we're good all the time! And we bet you are too. Hoping you get your castle! Purrs...from the crew at

  9. Gee,Xmas is a long time to make you kitties wait for chicken :/
    We purr you get that pawsome sounding cat castle tree though!!!!
    Yup, you deserve it,heehee
    Purrs for Livia.
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  10. I hope you get that castle cat tree! And the chicken for Christmas!!

  11. I didn't get any turkey either!! How rude!

  12. I didn't get any turkey either!! How rude!


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