Helping Sparkle Spread the Word about Black Cat Rescue! & Help Miss Kitty Find a Forever Home

My dear furriend, Sparkle, blogged today about a super upcoming (TOMORROW Dec. 1, from 6 PM to Midnight Eastern Time) pawty on Twitter - #NipClub is having its First Annual Holiday Bazaar - that will benefit Black Cat Rescue in Boston, MA.  To read more about it and see her post (yes, you'll be able to buy some of Sparkle's great swag at this event), just click on her name in the previous sentence!!

And, to learn more about Black Cat Rescue, just click on their name to visit their website.  My MomKatt just loves these guys and, of course, we FULLY support any organization that loves & saves blackies.  They are a no-kill, all-volunteer organization and they do awesome work.  Portions of your purchases from the NipClub online event will go to benefit Black Cat Rescue's continuing efforts to spread the word about how wonderpurr black kitties are, and what a special thing it is to rescue them.

So if you want to give this little One-Eyed Thang a Xmas present, do some shopping tomorrow night!  Again, it's from 6 PM until Midnight Eastern time.

Sparkle, did I forget anything?  I hope not!  Shop 'til you drop!  Then go adopt a black cat!  We're worth it!  (with apologies to Brian for modifying his tagline!)  (And if you don't believe we're worth it, you can check out MY story again - without Brian, I wouldn't have found MY forever home!)

ALSO:  My friend, Brian, is trying to help Miss Kitty find a new forever home & I said I'd be happy to spread the word!  Miss Kitty is a sweet cat who was "ditched" by the rescue that was supposed to take her.  She really needs a new home for Xmas - won't you help?  Thank you so much!

Happy Furriday all!




  1. Oh Selina our Mum was owned by a black cat called Max - if you go back a day or two on our blog you will see his name and see that there is a picture or him (it's not clear as it's at an angle) next to where Mum sits to read and watch TV. He chose her at the Cats Protection shelter by climbing up her jeans and refusing to go down again until she promised not to bypass him and choose another cat. He would chase dogs off if they approached Mum and would bring her many tasty mice (if she was lucky or rats if she wasn't) to see if she would like to sample them. His favourite hunting ground was the local cemetery and Mum was always scared he would come home with something larger!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
    ps In the UK black cats are considered lucky.

    1. H&L:

      I will have to go have a gander at Max! I think we blackies have to work twice as hard to make hoomans notice that we are SPECIAL! Obviously, he did just that clinging to your mum's jeans that way. I cling to MomKatt that way a lot. Good thing she doesn't mind (high pain threshold y'know). MOL

      I hope you guys have a great weekend!


  2. Thank you, sweetie. We'll be there too and hoping to help out where we can! Purrs from the crew at

  3. We think black cats are very special! Thanks for the meow out on sweet Miss Kitty!

    1. 'Twas our purrr-leasure! Payback don'tcha know .... ;)

  4. Hi Selina !
    My mom-person too was owned by a Black Cat for over 17 years , his name was Sixten.
    GREAT idea with the Holiday Bazar and that Black Cat Rescue will get green papers :)

    1. Kjelle! Nice to see you my furriend! Yes, go do a little shopping tomorrow! It's "retail therapy" my MomKatt says!

  5. Awesome getting the word out! We hope the event is super successful!

  6. black kittehs rock selina....heer in trout towne de local shelter teemed up with a local automotive place and they ran a
    "black friday" campaign...on black friday.....adopt a black kitteh and buy a black car.....pretty saweet huh !!! haza grate week oh end

  7. It's great to read these comments and see how many humans have had a special black cat in their past - my human has too. Thanks for spreading the word about the #NipClub Holiday Bazaar!

    1. My purrrrrleasure, Sparkle! I'm glad you wrote about it too! Or else I probably wouldn't have known about it!

      Selina (hiding the credit cards from her MomKatt)

  8. Selina, you're a sweetie with a huge heart! Another proof black cats rule!
    My human's first kitty was black too and she loved it very much. She was a child then and never quite understood what was supposedly the problem, for some, with black cats!
    Lots of purrs


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