Keepin' the Seat Warm!

Meowlo again, peeps!

Once more, MomKatt wishes me to apologize.  Since Granddad's funeral, she & DadKatt have kinda been ... taking it easy. It's been a bit of a rough summer.  I don't know what this "driving" stuff is, really, except that MomKatt does it to take me to the V E T, but since July, they've been doing a lot of it, and they've been kinda tired.  Must be hard work, this "driving". (It doesn't appear to be like work.  She's sitting, in a comfy car, turning a wheel.  What's tiring about THAT?)

Unfortunately, MY blogging has suffered, but I've not meowed about it, just done my job keeping her entertained and making sure they are both smiling when they are looking at or watching me!  (Plus, MomKatt knew things weren't as they should be, so that's why she got me that new awesome teaser I've already told y'all about.)  And I *have* been keeping up with a lot of YOUR blogs, though not nearly as well as I should have been.

Anyway, she doesn't want you all to forget about us, or lose touch, and we're going to try to do better now that things have calmed down around this place.

Which brings to mind my blog subject for today:  


Hoomans.  Have you *fully* stopped to consider the answer(s) to this question ... lately?  I mean, obviously you're aware of what we kitties do for you, day in & day out, but ... I mean LATELY, have you made yourselves RE-aware?  (As MomKatt says, "Be aware!  The world needs more wares!")  MOL!  (What's a "ware" anyway?)

Ahem ... stop it ...

Back to what I was talking about, about Paris, France ... I remember, don't worry.

(Oh dear, I'm channeling Steve Martin.  Stop it, MomKatt!)

Back to my subject.  Being that it's Thanksgiving next week, it's just gotten me thinking and ONE thing that we kitties do for you hoomans is ... keep you FOCUSED.  On US.  We are the most important thing(s) in your lives - aside, perhaps, from your spouses and/or significant others ... OK, and your pawrents.  But without us in your day, just THINK how boring things would be.  No destruction.  No toys to trip over in the middle of the night strung out on the floor.  No gooshy fud to dole out.  No litter boxes to scoop ... no, wait a sec.  

Let's think about OTHER things.

No soft, warm, furry being reclined in your lap, purring seductively and whapping that book you're reading with his/her tail until you stop reading to pet him/her.  Nobody standing on your chest at 3 AM with his/her nose in your face, saying, "Feed me."  No warm bodies pinning you in the bed at night on all sides so you can't turn over or get out.  Yes, we do all this FOR YOU!  (Well, OK, we do it for US, mainly, but there's a "you" in there too.  Ok?)  And no cute, adorable little faces running to the door as you come in from a long, hard day at your job.  WHAT, I ask you, would you do without us?

You shelter us.  You love us.  And in return, we perform services for you that you might just be taking a wee bit for granted these days.  We kitties understand - heck, it's a busy time of year, and getting busier.  Holidays.  Turkeys.  Trees going up in houses where trees normally are NOT.  Parties we can't attend (and wouldn't want to attend, anyway, 'cause they're really loud and there's usually one doofus staggering around with a lampshade on his head who just might step on our tails.)  I mean, there's a lot going on right now.  We just don't want  you to completely forget the parts we play in your lives, every minute of every day, no matter how busy you are.  And we LOVE it when, again, no matter how busy you are, you stop with us for awhile.  Your blood pressure goes down, and we get petted.  Win-win! 

What was I meowing? Oh jeeze, well, anyway, here's a pic of me doing just what I'm talking about.  In this picture, I am performing a service for MomKatt.  What IS that service, you ask, since I simply appear to be lying on a chair?  This is her dining room chair.  And it's kinda turned cold in NC lately.  So I'm keeping it WARM for her while she gets more coffee at breakfast!

See what I did there?  See what selfless creatures cats can be?  What would she have if I didn't do this?  A cold, hard chair that's what!

In addition, I am making myself available for a photo op.  So, here, I'm actually doing DOUBLE duty.  Are you listening, MomKatt?

So, take a minute now that you've made it this far through my ramblings to think:  "What does my cat do for me every day that I'm really unworthy of?"

The answers just might surprise you.  (And might include bringing you a dead, smelly thing.  That's not MY bag, per se, but I know some of you really dig that.  No pun intended.  Just meowin'.)

PURRS & have a great weekend peeps!



  1. We could never forget you pretty Selina! Have a warm and snuggly weekend!

  2. Having only recently met you, Selena. I would sure miss you if you weren't around >^,,^<

    PeeEss You summed things up pretty darned well!!!

  3. Um, I don't do any of that purring, lap sitting, laying against the peeps. Ixnay. It's against my religion.

  4. Selina, you are funny! But it is true, humans' lives would be miserable without us. They just would not know what to do with themselves!

  5. Selina, it never hurts to point out all the ways we kitties do things for our humans ;) We just hope they are smart enough to "get it" After all, humans are not cats!heeheehee
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  6. Selina,
    First things first: we cannot possible forget you!! So tell your human we will be patiently waiting for you to come back to blogging =^.^=
    Second, I agree, my human would be lost without me. And I don't even mention the times I make her laugh!

  7. Selina, we are hoping Santa is understanding :)
    Purrs Tillie and Julie

  8. Those are all such great things of which to re-aware the peeps! Even though our Thanksgiving is long past, here in Canada, I think I'm gonna point out those things to my peeps for which they should be thankful. And there are twelve of us! purrs

  9. We love you sweet Selina! We have not been blogging as often either so you're not alone. XXOO


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