Maybe I Should Change My Blog Title ...

... to "One Eye On Your Turkey" in celebration of the season!

Well, I've gotten my cardio in today:

Seems I'm all ready for this Thanksgiving holiday to commence!

You say the turkey's over THERE, MomKatt?  Where?  I don't see ... OMC ... I DO see it!  IT'S HUGE!

I am stunned ... STUNNED at such a bird!

Wait ... MomKatt ... that's not a turkey - turkeys aren't BLACK!  That's PEPPERS!  (Though he's big enough to BE a turkey ....)

Well, at least he's dressed properly for dinner for a change!

OK can I get down now & meow my Thanksgiving message?  Enough of this!

Anyways, before all this eatin' and piggin' out get started, we wanted to post a special thank you to my "fan base" - yes, that's right, all of you who read my mewsings faithfully and follow the life & progress of this little one-eyed kitty.  We are grateful this Thanksgiving that I am safe, loved and have a wonderpurr home.  Your concern about, and love for, this little uniocular feline never ceases to touch our hearts and make Mom&DadKatt smile.  

We're also thankful for my Uncle Bill, who called MomKatt last night to check on me & who told her that he now has FOUR kitties he is trying to "civilize" at the same country club dumpster where I first wandered to his attention!  He says there is a little black male kitty (who reminds him very much of me) that he thinks he's VERY close to being able to capture.  Cross your paws he does this!  (He asked MomKatt if she'd be interested in him but the dynamics at our house right now are good and she's hesitant to "upset the apple cart", she told him.  Otherwise, I'd most likely have a new brofur!)  My Uncle Bill is a wonderpurr, kind and compassionate man and I am thankful for him - otherwise, you'd never have heard of me and I wouldn't have the happy, loving home I have today.  

We hope all your families have a wonderpurr holiday and that, if they are traveling, they arrive safely at both their destination and their homes on the return end of the trip.

We just cannot properly express our gratitude at your responses to my blog, and the friendships we've built here.  Just know we love & appreciate you all!

Selina & MomKatt Laura & DadKatt Gary


  1. Ah, Selina, its always nice to hear you are doing to well. I hope all your family, furrs and humans, have a wonderful holiday.

    1. Thank you, Miz Mary! Just pardon my funny leg position in that picture up there - I was being my usual wiggly self & MomKatt was trying to hold me with one hand! MOL

  2. We can all be thankful for your Uncle Bill, Selina. His finding you and bringing you to your mum made your wonderful blog possible. And we ALL love your blog! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

  3. Aww, Selina the pleasure is truly ours! We enjoy your bloggie so much. We hope you have a great Thanksgiving. Purrs, headbumpies, and nosetaps, Prancer Pie.

    1. Meowlo Prancer! Thanks & happy Wednesday!


  4. And I'm thankful for your Uncle Bill and all the Uncle Bills out there who save and socialize feral cats and strays like you and me. I'm also thankful I found your blog. Happy Turkey Day to you and yours.

    1. CK we are thankful for you because your blog ALWAYS makes us laugh and we love seeing new piccys of you! Yes, indeed, there are plenty of Uncle Bills and Aunt (insert favorite name here) that go unsung but who do yeoman's work taking care of us kitties abandoned by the rest of the world .... and Brian's right: We ARE worth it! I'm thankful you are my furriend!


  5. What a lovely uncle you have! Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Yes, we agree! And I hope you & your family does too!


  6. Hi Serina !
    Glad to hear that your cardio was fine so you can celebrate Thanks giving !
    Me too are thankful that you have a nice Uncle Bill that saves a lot of ferals !
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family :)

    1. Yes, my cardio these days is playing Smacky Paws with my pawsome new teaser! Then I rest. HARD.

  7. We are delighted you are getting your Mom organised with the turkey for your Thanksgiving Selina. Take care and purrs to you and your Mom Khat too.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. I dunno if she can't tell Peppers from a turkey ... then again, he IS a big turkey sometimes, so it's possible to make a case .... *MOL*

  8. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us to all of you!

  9. Selina, I am grateful to your Uncle Bill for looking out for homeless kitties - and to my friend Brian for bringing you to the attention of our kitty blogging community! And thank you for BEING part our community, Selina - we love you!

    1. Aww thanks! And I'm thankful that we're furriends!

  10. Awww! Happy Thanksgiving, Selena. It has been great getting to know you xox

    1. Austin, my MomKatt loves your word play!


  11. Happy Thanksgiving sweet Selena!
    Big purrs to you XOXO
    ~Katie & Glogirly

  12. Happy Thanksgiving Selena!! We are glad to know you and are so glad you got a wonderful forever home! East lots of Turkey!!
    Your TX furiends,

    1. Darn it, I didn't get to try ANY turkey, since Mom&DadKatt were out of town for the day! *pouts* Oh well Xmas is coming!

      I'll guilt the MomKatt into SOMEthing .... depend upon it!


  13. Hi Selina! This is our first post here, but we've been reading your blog for a few months now. We thought this was a good time to say hello and tell you that we enjoy reading about you. I'm Mistletoe and I'm a black female kitty too. My brofur is Hitch. He's a brat not act!!! Anyhow, Happy Thanksgiving! You do a great job showing people that black cats are pawesome.
    Purrs to you!
    Mistletoe & Hitch

    PS -we don't have a blog of our own. We just enjoy read other peoples and kitties blog. Peace and Purr!

    1. Meowlo Mistletoe & Hitch:

      Hey, Mistletoe, your name is very fitting to the season! And Hitch you have the same name as one of MomKatt's favorite writers (Christopher Hitchens) and directors (Hitchcock)! I just thought I'd toss that in there.

      Thanks for reading & we hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving! We blackies have to stick together, eh?


  14. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your peeps, sweet Selina!

    1. Hey meowmeowmans! Hope you had a good turkey day too!


  15. We always enjoy your blog Selina. Sorry we do not always stop by and let you know (we read your blog in our email). We are thankful that your Uncle Bill rescued you so that you then found your way to MomKatt and DadKatt. How Pawful!!
    Hugs and Purrs,
    Auntie Mary & Furs

    1. Hi Aunt Mary! I know you! ;-) Morticia sends greetings to all of y'all, too! Hope you had a great Turkey Day!


  16. We remember when you were first rescued and Brian meowed about you on his blog. We are so glad you found your wonderful forever family and we will purr that the other kitties find wonderful homes too.


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