
Meowlo all!

You know, I learned a great lesson this morning.

When you love something, you should nom it.  No matter what it is.

(BTW I've also reached the conclusion that MomKatt does NOT taste like chicken ... or turkey, either, for that matter.  It's a total myth that hoomans taste like chicken.  Those cannibals don't know what they're blathering about.)

So hoomans, next time your kitties nom on you, it's an expression of love.  Cherish it - those marks won't last long, I assure you ... ;-)

But, inevitably, on weekday mornings all good things must come to an end for this little black kitty because of this 

W O R K 

place MomKatt is forced to go to every day (Hiss!  Spit!  Other assorted noises of displeasure!)  So I quit nomming her and thought, "What to do ... what to do ...?"  I pondered and pondered.  You see, I was still feeling SO much love ...  At one point, I thought maybe if I hung my head off of the edge of MomKatt's chair, all the blood would rush to my head & provoke an inspiration.

It worked!  At last, I hit on the OTHER thing I REALLY love in the world:

Yes, it's Spotted Leopard Teaser!  XOXOXO  See how much I'm enjoying myself??  I was so busy I didn't even mind when MomKatt snuck in for a close-up!

But you know something else I learned?

MomKatt tastes a lot better than a plastic stick ...  (at least she's slightly salty and she's got more "give" than a stick).  Oh well, wait 'til she gets home tonight!

PURRS & I hope all my furriends have an equally revealing Toosday ...



  1. My Pop tastes like chick-hen. At least his feet do. I know cos I keep coming back for more. If you draw blood, it's even tastier! You're right, the marks don't last for long.

  2. We think our Mum is rather tough - chickhen is much more tender and tasty!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
    PS We find Mum's knee is warmer to sit on than a chicken's knee!!!

  3. That's what I always try to explain my human, that it's just showing love! But she doesn't believe me :-/

    Selina, I nominated you for some awards:


  4. bee soooooper way glad yur peepulz due knot even ree mote lee tastez like burd selina coz that iz just like de werst......ever....trooly....reely.....we wood like ta pazz out thinkin bout it.......burd....that close.......

  5. Hi beautiful girl. I sure love my momma, but so far I haven't thought to nom on her. Now I will. xoxo

  6. I think human flesh tastes icky! Binga licks the humans all the time... but she will eat anything too!

  7. We only think our Mom's fingers are good for scritches ;)
    Tiger thinks Mom is tatty and licks her lots,and JJ does sometimes too ,heehee
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  8. I like nomming on my mom...though she doesn't appreciate it as much as I do.


  9. Nomming on Mommy is our second favorite thing to do! The first one is to make biskits on her. MOL!

  10. You sure are adorable! I kinda prefer the taste of my feather toy to Glogirly. But in a pinch, I'll settle for her.
    ; ) Katie


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