Tattlin' Thursday

Meowlo, peeps!

Well, even with X-mousie a'comin' next week & such, it is a slow news week here at Chez Selina .... so I thought I'd do a little bragging on my DadKatt.  I hope I don't put peeps to sleep.

Check out this pawsome picture (more to the point, the guy in the black T-shirt in the middle):

Yeah!  That's him!  OK sure, it's a long time ago (some time period MomKatt calls the "1980s") but, ever the rebel, DadKatt was way into music in his younger days and sang & fronted for a few local punk bands around the Greensboro/Triad NC area "back in the day".  (MomKatt hates that phrase but here, I thought it appropriate.  And yes, there is actual video footage & audio, too, of his local groups!)

This band is actually called Southern Culture on the Skids (or S.C.O.T.S.) and they are a local group out of Chapel Hill, NC, that has been around for decades.  They play twangy-type music, rockabilly stuff (think Dave Edmunds, Link Ray), and DadKatt's been good friends with them since forever.  So, once in awhile at their shows, they'd get him to come onstage and play something or do some backup vocals.  He played some harmonica ("harp" he calls it) and that day, apparently (this was "Before MomKatt Met Him"), they needed someone to shake rattle-y things.  So they gave him this assignment!  And there he is - shakin' those thangs!

MomKatt thinks he was really cute back then, too.  ;-)  HOOMANS!

He still loves his music (both he & MomKatt, separately, were musicians - MomKatt was classically trained in piano for 13 years but no longer plays) and has quite the eclectic CD collection.  When he gets into a "Listening Mood", we cats FLEE upstairs 'cause he cranks it up!  It's a  wonder the neighbors haven't complained!  (We're talking the Sex Pistols, The Stranglers, Iggy Pop, 999, Pere Ubu ... then again, he can put on Bach CDs or classical & be just as happy.  His tastes are all over the place.)  He's influenced MomKatt quite a bit on what she listens to, though now she mainly prefers classical, and period music like Elizabethan music and medival tunes.  Gregorian chants, too.  But once in awhile she breaks out her Police CDs & cranks 'em (her favorite tune is "Don't Stand So Close To Me").  Also Tom Waits, Robert Palmer, Stan Ridgway, The Cars, David Bowie and Paul McCartney solo & with Wings.

Strange, sometimes, the sounds that are emitted from my house.  I wonder what outside kitties think if they hear it ..... 

On the holiday front, MomKatt says I'm heading for coal in a stocking (what the meow?!) for chasing Morticia all night last night!  I was indignant!  I said I was "helping" 'Ticia to keep her weight under control during the holidays - what was wrong with THAT?!

There is also major gossip going 'round about what we kitties are getting for Xmas.  MomKatt told DadKatt last night that it would be "late" and we wouldn't get it in time for Xmas Day.  *sigh*  Oh well, it'll give me something to look forward to AFTER then ... I wonder what it is!  She looked quite excited talking about it.

Well, you can be sure that, whatever it is, I'll be blogging about it & pictures will be taken!

Well, it's time for me to go help with the X-mousie gift wrapping!  You can just imagine how fun that'll be for me!

Peace out, ya'll!


PS - HA HA!  I'm a day ahead of myself!  Ok it ISN'T Thursday!  Big deal!  Deal with it!   MOL!



  1. Helpin' to wrap Christmas prezzies is LOTS of fun. Those rolls of paper are such fun to bat at and around. Bet you're gonna have a great afternoon! purrs

    1. Nerissa, and don't get me STARTED about those BOWS!


  2. ROCK on selina N crew N nothin wrong with gettin sum coals in yur socks coz ya can use em to sear sum tastee fish N steaks on de grill

    R mom iz all over de charts with her mewsic two N iz keepin de itunes store in bizinezz...money her SHULD bee spendin on cat foodz.....her says they bee gift certificates N we R like yea.....we hurd THAT one bee fore ya R & R hippee purrson

    R mom iz sew old her can rememburr LP's

    tho they did haz sum awesum album covers


    1. MomKatt sez she used to buy some albums, that she ended up loving later, just for the COVERS! Silly!

  3. TW LOVED Southern Culture! She lived in Greensboro for awhile in the 80s and wonder if she knew any of the same peeps cos she hung with a music crowd. Does your DadKatt remember Fridays (the club, not the day, MOL)? I bet he'd like the stuff I play on my Nipclub shift. Believe me, if I'm not getting a lump of coal, neither are you.

    1. CK!

      Yes, DadKatt speaks of Fridays! Also a place called Fuzzy Ducks!

      Humm ... MomKatt could give you some names if you wanted to Email privately. Is there some way to exchange EMails w/out making them public?


    2. If you were on Twitter, we could Direct Message or FB we could message. Don't know about Blogger. Brian has my email if you know his.

    3. CK look for Laura Carter on Facebook or Morticia my sisfur has a FB page, you can find MomKatt there too.

  4. OMC! My human totally knows about Southern Culture on the Skids. She thinks it is awesome that your male human got to be onstage with them. She was a rock journalist in the '80s, '90s and early aughts - mostly she wrote about hair bands and heavy metal (in fact, her boyfriend is one of Kix's guitarists), but her favorite music was alternative and quirky rock. Small world!

    1. Rick, Mary & Dave! :) :) They love going to their shows, though DadKatt can't really stay up as late as he usta could. MOL! Wow - what publications did she write for?

      And yes, they are STILL playing & putting out CDs! MomKatt says they REALLY need to find out when they're going to be in Chapel Hill or Greensboro next & go see them. It's been too long!

  5. We enjoyed that fur sure! Our Dad has a similar pic...of him in a band...but that was the late sixties and he says he doesn't remember much from that time period MOL!

  6. What a cool band! Will need to check it out for sure :) xxoo


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