A Really Nice Monday Surprise

Meowlo, Peeps.

MomKatt was out of town this weekend, visiting her Mother-In-Law, and when she got home, we discovered that I'd been given an award by my good furriend, Cathy Keisha:

Cue Photo!

Apparently I, too, am "The Next BIG Thing" (after CK of course!)

Thank you my furriend!

According to her blog page giving me this award, I'm to thank the cat(s) that nominated me (which I just did), nominate five other worthy recipients and answer some questions about a work-in-progress. I'm not sure what exactly that means ... So let me nominate some kitties first:

1.  Hannah & Lucy:  These two have been faithful readers of my blog & great friends.  I love reading their blog though I don't get the chance to respond as often as I would like, or should!  (looks pointedly at MomKatt);

2.  Brian:  My dear furriend who first blogged about my plight and played a huge role in me getting my furever home with Mom&DadKatt!  How could I NOT nominate him?;

3.  Glogirly:  I can't say how big a kick MomKatt & I get out of reading about Katie's long-suffering adventures with the Orange Maniac Waffles Too!  

4.  Daisy The Curly Cat:  OMC!  She & Harley are in our "In" box every morning and MomKatt even forwards them to a friend of hers!  They both love Harley's antics & Daisy's cutting-edge fashions!

And last but NOT least ... 

5.  Ramses:  This beautiful red (or sorrel as they call them in the UK) Aby boy, along with his gorgeous sisfur, Isis, are friends from Catster.com.  Feisal had a huge crush on Isis for the longest time and they are just a beautiful family of Abys.  Please visit their blog when you can!  (And check out Isis' picture - how sweet a face do you WANT?)

Honorable Mention goes to Jacoby at The Daily Abyssinian.  His blog is on Word Press, not Blogger, but if you get a chance, please visit them.  As you all know, we've had three Abys grace our clowder and we've just recently lost the last one, my sisfur Livia, in her trip to the Bridge last Thursday.  MomKatt loves to read Jacoby's blog (w/his Aby sisfur, Angel, and their other siblings) because he reminds her so much of my brofur, Feisal, and is SO very handsome ... and he and Daisy could have a "fashion-off" because he sports some really snazzy-looking outfits, too!  MomKatt gets her ruddy Aby boy fixes looking at handsome Jacoby's pictures ... and I must say I think he's very nice eye candy myself!  PURR!

And thanks go out to everyone for this lovely picture of my sisfur, Livia:

And for all your kind postings about her, to all of us.  We really appreciate it.  MomKatt had a "crying jag" yesterday when she got home from Rocky Mt. because Livia wasn't at the kitchen door to greet her and it was the first time she'd come home since Thursday afternoon.  It really hit her at that moment that she was gone.  We've never NOT had an Aby in our house since the year 2000.

She says maybe one day she'll have another ruddy Aby boy like Jacoby ...

Forgive me, but as for the "work in progress", I'll have to ponder that one ... anyway concats to the kitties I've selected!  It's very hard to pick just five because we love ALL your blogs!


PS - Did I do this right?  MOL!


  1. Hello! We are four Abys living in France and saw the link to your blog on Jake's blog. Then we saw your mention of Uncle Ramses and Sweet Isis who are big favourites of ours (we're sorry they've stopped blogging). We were sorry to read about your sister Livia, and hope you have another sweet Aby in your home soon.

    As we said, there are four of us, two girls and two boys, including a ruddy mother and son (Tama and Bibi), a red girl, Sei, and a blue boy, Genji.

    The Chans

    1. I went on Ramses' site then realized that they were no longer blogging! What happened, do you know? We knew them from Catster.com but we've not seen them on there, either. MomKatt & I hope they are OK.

      Nice to meet you and we're following your blog! Thanks for reading mine!


  2. Tom, Bibi-Chan & Furramly: It's so nice to meet you! Thank you for reading my blog! We're following you guys now, so we'll be able to get MORE Aby into our day.

    Thank you for your kind words. Livia was a very special Aby girl; didn't know a stranger and all she wanted from life was love & food, not necessarily in that order. :)

    MomKatt echoes your hope re: another Aby in our home soon. It WILL happen at some point - we're addicted to them!


  3. CONGRATULATIONS! You really are the next big thing, Selina.

    As for that work in progress? Well... I think many of us cats can give the answer to that as... our peeps! I know I sure can!!! purrs

  4. You did that purrfectly. Thanks for accepting the award so graciously. Remember, I knew you when! MOL!

  5. Concatulations on your award, Selina! So well deserved!!!

  6. Concatulations, Selina! I'm a new reader and I'm enjoying your blog a lot. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs.


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