Friday Fun: Selina & The Fridge

Meowlo Peeps!

MomKatt contends that, if you want to know her, check out (A) her bookshelves and (B) her 'fridge front.

OK here is the 'fridge front.  Where is the picture of ME, you ask?  Who needs a picture when you have the LIVE PRESENCE right there on top?

And bear in mind, this is only the freezer door ... MOL!  There's more on the bottom door.

So for your "Friday Fun", you can peek at our 'fridge front.

Also?  Boudicca's so fat gastrically-challenged she can't get up here to get at me if she gets loose in the house.  So it's one of my three "safe zones" (the other being on top of the cabinets just above my head in this picture, and MomKatt's lap on the sofa).   Tee hee!  I just sit up here & LAUGH at her.   NOTE ON BOUDICCA:  MomKatt would even love if if she could find someone willing to FOSTER her.

Hope ya'll have a PAWSOME weekend.  Looks like we're getting more snow here, and MomKatt's office is closing today at NOON so she'll be home with us all the rest of today, as well as the weekend!



  1. Selina - have a great weekend and sit tight on your Mom's knee.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. There was a meme going around a few years back, when we just started blogging, where everyone posted pics of their fridge doors. Maybe it's time to do it again!

    Have a great weekend!

    The Chans

  3. I can't believe how neat your human's fridge door is! My human's look like a tornado hit it - everything is scrambled! Plus there are no kitties on top (none of us ever go up there, not even Binga), so it is truly a big, ugly mess.

  4. Would you believe that Glogirly's fridge is naked?
    She says it isn't magnetic.
    Lame excuse if you ask me.
    ; ) Katie

  5. We've got a nekkid fridge too! Yours is splendid :)

  6. Hmm, I think... this is just a thought now, but I think your mom likes kitties... just a little? MOL

  7. The best kitty is the one on top of the fridge. We have our magnets on the dishwasher.

  8. Haha! We Northerners have to laugh that your state shuts down with an inch of snow. We had snow today also & Pop worked all day. The peeps fridge on Jane Street looks like that but our stainless fridge here doesn't hold magnets. BTW, I didn't see my free downloadable January calendar hanging up there.

  9. We used to love the top of our fridge, too. It's a great spot. Enjoy!

  10. Y'know, we have 2 fridges! One in the kitchen that doesn't have a lot of stuff on it, and one in the laundry room that the mom has decorated with stuff. We like to get on top and whap the stuff off. ;)


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