Trying Again For Boudicca

Meowlo Peeps:

Mom&DadKatt are a bit desperate and REALLY need some help with this one, and I'm reaching out my paw to "do my part" in this. 

They are trying once again to find a forever home for my sisfur, Boudicca, the one that does not like me.  I'll let my MomKatt take over now:


For those of you that don't know, we have a kitty named Boudicca that has been living with us about 3-4 years (I'd have to check the exact date we got her).  She wandered into our yard one snowy weekend in Reidsville and Gary felt sorry for her & took her into our basement.  She's been with us ever since (the link to her Catster page is below, with more information about her and her story, as are some individual pictures).  She's about 4 years old, a "cow cat", black & white, VERY sweet, VERY loving.

To make a long story short, she does not get along AT ALL with Selina, our one-eyed black kitty, and was physically blocking Selina's entrance to the litter boxes and chasing her & attacking her physically.  As a result, we've had to keep her in our basement (no, it's not a prison LOL.  Gary has his computer & ham radio shack down there, so he gets to spend time with her, as he's down there every day).  We've tried everything we know of to integrate her into the household and NOTHING has worked. I can't have her potentially hurting Selina, or one of the other kitties, and we've decided that it will be best for Boudicca if she is an "only cat" in a house where she rules over all and gets all the lovins, etc. she can.

She IS microchipped; however, when we took her to the Reidsville Veterinary Hospital not long after she showed up, the chip was NOT registered.  So we did attempt to find her real home but, alas, could not.

She talks a LOT, loves company, is a great lap girl, is a TOUCH overweight but we're working on that (granted, she doesn't get much exercise in the basement - Gary does his best), purrs a lot, loves to be right in your business helping with whatever you do.  She has a great personality; she just needs to be an only cat.

We just CANNOT keep her, but neither Gary nor I want to surrender her to a shelter.  Does ANYONE have any suggestions, or know of anyone that might love a sweet, loving "only kitty" that would be a boon companion?

Feel free to write me privately at, if you know of someone.  This situation has become a bit urgent; we want our resident kitties to feel safe, and we want to secure for Boudicca a happy, wonderful home where she can be "Queen Bee".  We've tried posting her other places, and on Catster she's listed as "available for adoption", but we've not gotten so much as an inquiry.  Surely SOMEONE out there is the right match for this sweet "cow kitty"!!  :)

Thanks for reading this & feel free to pass along to someone you think might be able to help us.  More photos are available upon request.  We're reaching out yet again because we REALLY need to get her settled somewhere soon - we're even VERY happy to help with the transport if necessary.  

We just want her to be happy and we fear that, though she seems cheerful enough in the basement, she could be a LOT happier and her situation could be a LOT more filled with interaction, etc. 

Laura & Gary Carter

Her Catster page w/photos & story:

PS - She's 100% healthy, spayed, up to date on all shots, etc.  She DOES take a little Lysine gel in her wet food for stress but that's it.


Selina here!

Here are some pics of Boudicca:

Thanks, guys, for any help you can give.




  1. I am pretty buried but will post something on my other blog this week.

    1. Brian, you're a brick. Thank you!


  2. Hope you will find a new forever home to Boudicca , there she can ruel the house ås a Queen :)

  3. selina; we rememburrs boudiccca frum de "C" place....

    meowloz two ewe boudicca; N we R sorree it dinna werk out like yur mom N dad had hoped; calming collarz N such dinna help either ? :(

    haz yur mom tried pet finder///pet finder face book? if we rememburr rite frum R days at de "C" place...her had boudicca's profile with yur vet dinna her? that mite bee another ree source if knot....

    best fishes two ewe boudicca...we noe this iz knot easy on any one.....


  4. OMC! She looks just like Mario! We'll pass along the info. Has your brother been adopted yet?

    1. CK,

      We have news on that score (the short answer is no, not yet, but he's inside & safe & 100% healthy as of last night!) but we're waiting on new pictures from Uncle Bill for me to put in my blog!

      Excited PURRS!

  5. Looks like you have done good by her. I hope she finds her special home! She does look like Mario!!! x


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