What You've All Been Waiting For!

Meowlo, peeps!

Ya'll know that old saying:  "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."  Well, being a cat, my wheel meows rather than squeaks (I leave that pathetic noise to the mice).  

You'll recall that I meowed here a couple of days ago (and quite vociferously, too, I might add) concerning the slackness of a certain member of our household (beloved though he is).

It turned out to be the meow heard 'round the basement of our house.

INTRODUCING ..... *cue drum roll* ...


All construction projects have to begin somewhere and, you will agree, most construction projects begin with a hooman male's butt.  (Apparently, this rule also applies to plumbing work, but I don't know anything about that.)

That's DadKatt of course, starting the assembly. 

Here is the completed base/hidey hole/first tier:

OK for some reason, this photo is turned crank-sided.  I don't know how that happened.  Just tilt your head to the right & you'll be seeing it correctly.  (The hooman knee should be at the bottom of the photo.)

Here is a better (and brighter) shot:  better because (A) it's right-side up and (B) because I'm in itHere I am, snoopervising, performing my job as Feline Quality Control Officer of Pet Acquisitions.  (That's Peppers on the floor.  He's my ... " assistant".  *sigh*  BOYS!  As you can see, he's really not doing much in the way of helping to assess and determine the quality of both the tree and its assembly.  He just likes rolling around on the floor.  Well, whatever makes you happy, right?)

Honestly, it's so hard to find good help these days ....

Enough of that.  Don't I look commanding and authoritative?  After my careful inspection, I found that the base/hidey hole/first tier and its assembly met with my discerning standards, and instructed DadKatt to "proceed", which he did.


And now, the completed project - in all its glory!

Ain't it grand?  We never use our front door, so now we have converted useless space into a functioning part of the living room, properly dedicated to the happiness & entertainment of the household felines, of course.

It will also be noted that this spectacular tree matches ALL of us kitties - yes, even Boudicca. 

With work being completed - and me being worn out from all that snoopervision ... I IMMEDIATELY TOOK POSSESSION!

Comfy?  Check.  Fits my body size?  Check.  360-degree view from the top?  Double-check.

My job here is DONE.   Zzzzzz .....

I must profusely thank DadKatt for putting this together for all of us, and for the pawrents getting this for us kitties.  Now we have two matching cat trees in the living room at two different viewing places, more "Bird TV" and a wider window on the world.


PS - I let Morticia come up top, too.  There is only room enough for one kitty up there, so we've been taking turns.  She loves it, too!


  1. That is a great cat tree, and it looks like you get a good view out the front door too.

  2. selina; at leest yur dad's butt iz wearin pants like all de way up wear they iz pozed ta bee !!!


  3. Wow! That is an awesome cat tree! It's about time we got to have a look at it - I for one am going to haunt my human with it until she gets me a new tree!

    1. Sparkle, if you need the URL to find it, let me know!

  4. That's a nice tree; almost as nice as mine. You DO have to share it though. MOL! I must be the only cat who doesn't climb up to the Penthouse. TW thinks I will in time. Enjoy Bird-tv. Ours signed off for the winter.

    1. Oh Bast! Don't you guys have feeders outside? Bet your BTV would sign back on if you did, CK!

  5. That is some cat tree! BTW the hooman male butt is a necessary part of all construction jobs for some reason!! Mum says the hooman female is generally underwhelmed by it in that capacity! ;)

  6. That's a pawesome cat tree! We love how there are so many new cat trees of various kinds around the blogosphere recently. It has been so much fun seeing the different types!

  7. That is a great cat tree. You're gonna have fun with it!!

  8. Oh my gosh, that's a gorgeous cat tree! Love that you get full door views from it!

  9. That's a GREAT tree! And you look beautiful on top of it =^.^=


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