Wordless Wednesday/In Memorium - Happy 17th Birthday Sharif

*whispers*  PS - I know it's Wordless Wed., but tomorrow - I hope - I'll have news about my relation, GOMEZ.  As a teaser, I will tell you that the news is GOOD news (but no, not adopted yet, so don't get excited.)

*Shhh.  Going wordless now.*



  1. Happy 17th Birthday at the Bridge to Angel Sharif.

  2. dood..eye will be by round 3:23 ta pick ewe up N we will head on over ta boe boe's fish N fry, stuff R selves fulla whitefish N pizza then head ta de happee herring coz nip...ewe hurd rite...nip... is bein offered ta day at de low low price of...1 cent a pound...my treet :) !! we will get sew buzzard up we will be callin St Francis...frank !!!! then we can zip on over ta Cal's Cake N more N eat cake til caturday !!! happee day dood


    dude k, rainbow bridge cloud 777313

  3. Hope Angel Sharif is having a pawsome Birthday at the bridge <3

  4. Purrs to your human today - I know she must be missing Sharif lots today.

  5. Lots of purrs to your human!
    Happy purrthday to the beautiful Sharif.

  6. Happy Birthday handsome Sharif. Sending lots of love and purrs to your family today.


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