Selina Update

Hi, all, MomKatt Laura again:

Just a quick update on our little one-eyed thang.  She continues to slowly improve, and I'm cautiously optimistic.  Though we are still dealing with diarrhea, Selina has not thrown up since she did after attempting to eat some Fancy Feast late Saturday afternoon.  She did eat a little of it last night and, this morning, she ate some Blue Buffalo Wilderness wet "Chicken & Salmon in Tasty Gravy" and really seemed to like it!  (It was her first time trying it - I'm attempting to ween my guys off of Fancy Feast and onto something I feel might be better for all of them, health-wise.)  Morticia had some, too, and really seemed to enjoy it.  So I'm encouraged there.

Selina is also gradually acting more like herself.  I've missed her "snoopervising" my morning coffee-making activities (and going for the coffee scoop, which she does each morning by standing on her back legs & reaching for it in the cabinet.  She knows I keep it in the stack of coffee filters & often brings both scoop AND filter stack down on top of her when she does this, but she does not seem to careQuality control?  LOL)  But this morning, she was up on the counter, roaming around and making sure that I put enough scoops of java into the filter.

She spent all day yesterday in my lap & is once more following me around the house, doing some meowing.  She played a little bit with her teaser yesterday morning (we didn't try this morning because I was running late for work).  She's no longer keeping close to Pink Bed, she's inserting herself back into her normal activities and movements.  With tail held high, as usual!

I'm keeping in close touch w/Dr. L, especially about the diarrhea, in case I need to bring her in for more meds or another check on that.  I'm SO bummed because, with the Forti-Flora that I give her in her wet food, we'd REALLY gotten her poops to where they were a good consistency.  :(  Oh well, guess I just have to be patient and wait for this bacteria to get OUT of her system so we can get her outputs back to a normal state.  Heck, one was even a strange GREEN color early yesterday morning!  (It must be the meds, do you think?)

Unfortunately, I had to go to work this morning; I'd rather have stayed home another day with her but that wasn't possible, so I'm very anxious to get home tonight & be with her.  

Thank you all so much for your concern and for posting about her on the Blogosphere!  :)  That was very kind of you.  I'll keep you all updated & hopefully she'll be back regaling you with her adventures very soon.

I don't mind admitting I've been VERY worried about her through this.  I just ... well, I love all my babies, especially Morticia as you all know, but Selina's ... DIFFERENT.  She's so special and, ever since I brought her home nearly two years ago, I've considered her my "special charge" entrusted to me by many people.  I just want her to be HAPPY and I try very had to see that she is both happy AND healthy.  Of all my cats, I think, she deserves it the most because she's been through so much.  I adore her & she gives so much to me every day; I just want her WELL.

More later!
MomKatt Laura 


  1. Hai, Selina! Sounds like you are going through quite a lot (green poop! Yikes!) and just want you to know we are here purraying fur you! xxoo Patty & Bhu

  2. Well green poop is something new - trust Selina to do something unexpected! We're glad to hear she is eating small amounts now and we expect she'll have plenty to meow about when you get home from work. We are sending you all special purrs.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. HA HA True enough, H & L, true enough. We think it's the medicine they gave her. It's a little ... well, unnerving to see, though. LOL

      Purrs to you & yours,
      MomKatt Laura

  3. We all love that Selina and will keep the purrs coming her way. Thanks so much for the update.

  4. So very happy for the encouraging news. We hope she continues to improve each and every day. I'm purring for her. purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr

  5. Good news! Keep it up, Selina. Everyone at is purring for you!

  6. happee ewe iz doin better selina..sendin de blessings oh st francis yur way; eye had ta go bak ta de ewe noe wear again sayz her noes yur moms stress...her wood like ta cry but it sure iz knot gonna help.... continmewed healthz two ewe

  7. So gopod news! I´m purrring here!

  8. Glad to hear Selina is getting more like herself. Purrrrrring that she keeps on getting better.

  9. We're very glad that Selina is feeling better ad acting more like herself. We are crossing our paws that she will be feeing 100% again soonest!

    The Chans

  10. Thanks for the update. Sure glad she is feeling better now and snooopervising the coffee detail. That is great news.

  11. Hoping Selina gets over this very quickly. TW had a cat who couldn't take certain antibiotics cos they gave him diarrhea.I feel so close to Selina after tweeting about her when she was looking for her home. I'm so glad she found you!

    1. CK, thank you for "tweeting" about my girl - before she WAS my girl! I'm so happy she & I found each other, too, because she gives Gary & me a lot of joy and laughter. I'm hoping the antibiotics clear her up in the next few days! We'll keep ya'll posted!

      Love you!

  12. Aw, sounds like she's on her way back to feeling good! We'll keep purring! I know what you mean. they're ALL special, but some are specially special!

  13. I have been purring a lot for Selina ever since she got sick. I wish that bacteria would go away faster! I am glad she is improving though - keep on keeping us posted!

  14. We are glad Selina is improving and are sending more purrs.

  15. We are sending a loud cheer of encouragement to Selena from across the pond. Hoping she will be back to full snoopervising duties very soon xx

  16. Our kitties are our babies too :)
    We worry about them and hate when they are not well and
    only want them to be happy. We all feel your concern and send positive vibes to you and Selina. We hope she continues to heal !
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie
    and mom Nancy

  17. We are so glad that Selina is feeling better. Worrying about your little one is only natural, and we'll keep purring for her until she's feeling all better again.

  18. Hang in there Mom, Selina sounds on the mend. You can't keep a little spitfire down for long!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  19. We're glad to hear Selina is improving. We continue to purr for her until she is 100%!

  20. We're happy to hear that Selina is feeling better. We're going to purr even harder to make sure she's feeling like herself really fast!!

    The Florida Furkids

    pee ess - Mom is a worrier too.

  21. Selina we are sooo glad to hear mew are feeling better and supervising momkat again with the coffee making! Moms always need help in the kitchen. MOL
    We know how special you are to mom, after all you DO have your own blog AND always lots to meow about. pssst...we wont tell Morticia.
    Sending Power of the Paw and extra healing purrs to mew girlfriend!
    We LUV you lots, purr purr purr purr purr purr
    Pete,Hen and kits, mom Teresa


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