Thursday 'Tude!

Meowlo Peeps!

As you can see, one sure sign that I'm feeling all better and riled-n-ready to go is that ... I'm holding court.  And where do I like to hold court lately?  MomKatt's dresser!  You can see SO much cool stuff from here.

*whispers*  Plus, there are several things sitting on the dresser surface that *I* think need some "Patented Smacky Paws" treatment.  

MomKatt, however, begs to differ ...  Hoomans!  Y'know what *I* say?

I say, "I'm not hearing that, MomKatt!"

Giggly purrs (I know she loves me!) & wishing you all some 'tude in your Thursday,




  1. Hey... if the stuff is in your way...
    Know what I mean?

    1. Weeeelll in THIS case, it's not so much "in the way" as you can see in the photos ... it's just ... "enticing" ....

      Selina *giggling*

  2. Fancy your MomKhatt leaving all those so whappable things there for you to organise Selina - we could teleport over if you need any help.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Paws up, Selina! I'm so happy you're continuing to get better! And yes, I agree, some of those items deserve the Smacky Paws of Doom! Funny enough, my human has knickknacks on a shelf I can't reach. Not fair, is it?

  4. WAAAAAAAY happee yur feelin better selina !!!!

    N de purpell dood kneads ta mewve...him iz takin up all yur space :)

  5. Hee hee hee, Hey, if they didn't want you to rearrange things, they shouldnt put them in your spot, right?? Glad you're feeling better!

  6. It looks like you need to make those other kitties move up to give you more room.

  7. Well you sure look more your old self Selena!! Happy high fives from me!! >^,,^<

  8. Your MomKatt loves you—smacky paws n all.

  9. We're so glad you're feeling your ol' self, Selina!

  10. So glad you're feeling better, Selina!


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