Makin' You Laff

Mornin', peeps!  Today is "Oldie But Goodie" time in my neck of the woods.

Now, me - purrsonally?  I don't understand why this particular photo of Yours Truly always makes my MomKatt laugh and smile (well, aside from the facts that (A) it's a photo of me and (B) I make everyone smile).  But this one in particular always elicits that reaction from her, so I thought I'd share it today to start everyone's weekend with a smile.

Is it my eye, all wide and piercing?  Or the fact that Pink Bed is trying desperately to escape my clutches - so desperately, in fact, that he seems willing to risk suicide in order to get away?  (PS - Note how badly he is FAILING in his pathetic attempt ... )

I don't know. 

Can YOU figure out what it is about this picture that tickles my MomKatt so?

I hope all my peeps have a most excellent weekend.  Mom&DadKatt will be celebrating their 17th wedding anniversary tomorrow.

(That's a long time, isn't it, 17 years?  I don't know if I could put up with another peep that long.  I think they both deserve combat pay!  MOL  I know *I* deserve combat pay - in the form of some type of edible yumminess - for having to put up with certain fat cats who reside in the basement!)



  1. a veree happee annie fursary two yur mom N dad selina...heerz ta 170 mor ;)

    hope yur dad gets yur mom sum trout N hope yur mom getz yur dad sum flounder N hope yur mom N dad get ewe N yur crew sum mackeral !!

    N yur bed looks kinda like three dee.. iz it ona flat surface ore gonna fall over de edge !!

    hay..hope everee one haza awesum week oh end !

  2. You totally look surprised in that photo, Selina! It is a cute one.

    The humans here have been together like 19 years. And they STILL aren't married!

  3. I'm not laughing Selena, no really I'm not *sniggers* hufrmph … ahem!

    Happy anniversary to the humans. Combat pay only comes after 40 years ;)

  4. We like that picture too, Selina. Happy Anniversary to your peeps.

  5. We're a bit late wishing your Mom and Dad Khat a Happy Anniversary but it's the thought that counts - well that's our excuse!! We hope you don't slide off the edge there.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. MOL! Silly bed trying to escape you (I think that's what makes my human smile!)!
    Happy Anniversary to your humans!

  7. Hope your mom and dad had a happy anniversary! That picture made me smile, too Selina! :-)


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