Blog Award!

Meowlo, peeps!

Wow.  Another award, this time from the too-kind kitties at Cherry City!  Thanks, guys!

I am now to answer 11 questions that the Cherry City Kitties posed for me, as follows.


What is your favorite treat?

MOL!  Believe it or not - my feline Forti-Flora!  Yes, I get it added to my gooshy fud once a day and I love it so much, before MomKatt puts the wet food in the bowl, I've already lapped up the nummy powder supplement!  MomKatt thinks it's really funny that I love the taste so much, but it helps keep my innards "regular" and in good shape, bacteria-wise ... isn't it great when a med that's good FOR you is also good TO you?
Your favorite toy?

My leopard print teaser - and any teaser of Morticia's.
Favorite place to sleep?

In MomKatt's lap while she watches TV or reads a book.  If that's not available, the foot of the bed in the upstairs guest room.
Favorite TV show to watch with your humans?

Well, right now, baseball season has returned to the Carter Clowder, so I normally like BB games because I get an EXTENDED amount of lap time (can someone say, "Extra innings?!")  But, if it's a Detroit Tigers game, then it gets difficult, because MomKatt gets ALL excited about what's going on, and it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to get any quality sleep during those times.  I mean, she's just PASSIONATE about her Tigers.  Especially some dude named Verlander ... *sigh*

Sundays ("Movie Day" at our house) are the best days for TV-watching.  Then, she's more still and quiet ... and controllable. 
What was your naughtiest naughty?

I know this'll sound disingenuous, but I really haven't HAD a "naughtiest" naughty.  No, really!

(You should ask BOUDICCA that question - no, you don't have to 'cause I can TELL you about HERS!  MOL  She's even taken to sneaking past DadKatt at the basement door now, and getting into the house!  She did it this morning!  Chased me up & down the stairs 'til DadKatt caught her & marched her furry butt back down to the basement!  Humph!  That'll learn her!) 

But generally, I'm a really good kitty.  But I guess chasing Morticia is the worst thing that I do - and really, I'm doing her a favor.  She's older than I am and I'm just helping her with her weight control, that's all.  I mean, she's so proud of how svelte she is and everything ... plus running up & down stairs at top speed barely ahead of me improves her cardiovascular system.  Am I right, kitties?!  

So she should be grateful for my assistance with her preventative health care ... so that's not a "naughty" ... wait, I'm getting off topic ...
How did you meet your humans?

I first met MomKatt the day she drove to Charlotte, NC, to meet the lady that was bringing me up from South Carolina!  We met in the lobby of the Sheraton Airport off of Billy Graham Parkway.  I was being so good in my carrier, not meowing or making any noise or fuss or anything.  She couldn't believe it!   I was the same way in the car all the way home, too, in spite of driving through a horrendous rain storm the whole three-hour trip!  I met DadKatt once we got home.

What do you like most about being a cat?
I guess I have to say my agility.  I mean, I am SO athletic and SO flexible.  I've heard MomKatt say many times that she wished she were as flexible as I.  I'm just a long, slinky panther girl!

And being in shape really does come in quite handy.  It's like we cats can conform to almost any shape required!
What shelter/rescue do you give paws up to?

Well, we support ALL of them.  I mean, good shelters do yeoman's work - especially "no kill" shelters.  But our perennial favorites are the Caswell Co. Shelter in Yanceyville, NC (where my sisfur, Sasha, was adopted from), Siamese Rescue in Locust Dale, VA (and the local NC branch of SR volunteers), Blind Cat Rescue in St. Paul, NC, and the Goathouse Refuge in Pittsboro, NC. 

We also like PetSmart on Lawndale Rd. in Greensboro, NC, 'cause that's where my brofur, Peppers, and my late sisfur, Torrie, were adopted from.  They really have some great, caring volunteers there!   

What is your favorite cat holiday?

Um, wait ... isn't EVERY day a cat holiday?  No, seriously ... Catmousie.  I mean ... ornaments, wrapping paper, packing peanuts, ribbons & bows ... what's NOT to like, from a cat's perspective?!
What is the one thing you do that makes your humans smile the most?

I EXIST.  No, really, don't laugh!  MomKatt can't help but smile every time she looks at me, and I make her laugh a LOT; sometimes even when I'm not actually doing anything.  She says all the time that I'm a lot like my ruddy Aby brofur, Feisal, who died shortly after I arrived at our house.  He was crazy, too, like me - and I've inherited his nickname, "Nut Job", because I'm so crazy and off-the-wall and FEARLESS!
She's always telling me how lucky she is to have me, and how glad she is that I came to live with her.  I know I'm glad I did, too! 


So there you have it:  some "scoop" on little old me. 

Now I'm to pass this award along to some other furriends that I'd love to learn more about. 

I hereby bestow the Leibster Blog Award to:

Daisy the Curly Cat (and Harley, too!)

Random Felines

Sparkle the Designer Cat


For your questions, why don't you guys answer the same ones that I answered?  For ease of copying/pasting, here they are again:

What is your favorite treat?
Favorite toy?
Favorite place to sleep?
Favorite TV show to watch with your humans?
What was your naughtiest naughty?
How did you meet your humans?
What do you like most about being a cat?
What shelter/rescue(s) do you give paws up to?
What is your favorite cat holiday?
What is the one thing you do that makes your humans smile the most?
Enjoy & have fun & I hope you've all enjoyed learning a little more about my uniocular self!

PURRZ ya'll!  And thank you for allowing me into your homes.



  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! And I just LOVED all your answers. There were fantabuCATulous !!!

    1. NERISSA! My stoopid typist! I meant to nominate YOU TOO! I've put you in now - I hope you will answer the questions!

      Do you know how to place a "Want Ad" for a new typist? MOL!


    2. No, I don't know how to place a want ad for a new typist but I sure do wish I did. My peep is... well... you know.

      Thanks so much for includin' me in the awards! I really appreciate that a lot. You how how I just LOVE the bling!

      Thing is, I already have the Liebster. Even in this new, pretty pink with a heart form. But... Bumpy gave it to me after I already had it, too, and I really liked the questions he was askin'. And... I really like the questions you're askin', too. So... I'm gonna do a post and accept the Liebster again so that I can answer all of your questions. That okay with you?


    3. Nerissa, that's WONDERPURR! Can't wait to read it! Nudge me when you're done, OK?

      Anxious purrs,

      PS - And most peeps are ... well, you know ... *giggles* No, not YOU, MomKatt! MOL!

    4. PS - No rule saying you can't have more than one, Nerissa! (Or is there?) MOL Oh well we break the rules, don't we?


  2. ConCats on your award :) Great answers, Selena! You are a confident one for sure ;) (shows you are well loved)

    1. Thank you, Austin! :) Oh shoot, I should have given YOU an award too! Feel free to steal!!!


  3. fanks for the award.....we promise to make mom get it up (probably later rather than sooner - sigh). LOVE your answers :)

    1. Thanks, guys, I can't wait to read your answers! Nudge me when they're ready!


  4. Thanks so much for the award, Selina! I am usually really bad about reposting them, but I will try to get on this one ASAP - I think answering these questions sounds like fun!

    1. Yay, Sparkle! I can't wait to read your answer - I KNOW they'll be good! MOL

      Let me know!


  5. Congratulations on your awardee! Love your answers!

  6. Selina, it was interesting to learn more about you! My favorite place to sleep or sit is in my Mommeh's lap, too. Congrats on your award and thanks for thinking of me!

  7. Congrats on your award, Selina. We enjoyed reading your answers. We are huge Tiger fans too...we are excited about Opening Day at Comerica this Friday!

  8. Concats and great answers! Appaws! The Yankees are playing just as bad as we thought they would. Sigh!

  9. Congratulations! How exciting!


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