Blog takeover!

Hi there,

Nope.  I'm not Selina.  I'm her sisfur, Morticia, and I'm sneaking in to do today's blog post.  Plus, I have some new pics to show everyone so, while Miz Nut Job's having a kip on the sofa, I've bribed MomKatt into typing for ME.

Contemplating a blog takeover?  Me?  Oh no.  I would NEVER do that.  ;-)

Well, just for today.

These photos are of me last Fri., Good Friday.  MomKatt took the day off 'cause DadKatt was off that day, and she was working on her eBay auctions posting Steiff bears for sale.

As you can see, I'm helping.  Don't I look helpful?  I'm always a super-good kitty and never put a paw wrong (unlike SOME cats I could name ... gee, wonder who I'm talking about?) 

In this picture, I'm saying, "MomKatt, are you SURE you want to waste this nice day sitting in a chair behind that stoopid computer posting eBay auctions?  Wouldn't you rather play with me and take my picture instead?  I'm a LOT more fun than any old bear - and especially more fun than a computer!"

How's THIS pose, MomKatt?  This is my "I'm ready to play!  Bring me the Teaser of Death!" pose!

See?  I knew you couldn't resist me once I started being cute!  You got the camera!  Isn't this more fun than listing bears?

Well, that's it for today, everyone.  I hope you enjoyed my cute photos.  

And thank you for letting me into your home.


PS - Ha ha!  I stole a blog page!  I stole a blog page!    


  1. Better be careful, Morticia!
    You-know-who (a certain orange brat) has been trying to take over MY blog. And it's NOT pretty!
    ; ) Katie

    1. Miss Katie, she has to catch me first! MOL

      Purrs to you!

      Morticia (who claims the right to respond to blog responses on her entry today)

  2. Morticia, at least your human did not make you POSE with the bears and pitch them! That's what happened to me a few years ago, when my human wound up with a big box of bears from a friend who was moving back east! She figured that since she had to disclose that the bears came from a home with cats, why not have me do all the selling? Heh.

  3. Hee hee hee, Morticia! Good job taking some blog time for yourself!

  4. morticia, ewe bee welcome ta trout towne any time; just rememburr we iz open frum 11:38 pea emm ta 5:58 a emm... N grate pick surez two ;) meowloz ta de gang !!!

  5. We immensely enjoyed your pics and the blog takeover! Happy Thursda, Morticia!

  6. Whoa! Better watch out she doesn't take your FB page. Just meowin'. I think TW has one of the first Stieff bears ever from her Mom who got it when she first started dating Gramps. Just for the record you look like a little bi-ocular Selina.

  7. Morticia, super douper to meet you. You should lobby for your own blog ….. and facebook page mol ;) xox >^,.^<

    PeeEss you do cute so awfully well ;)

  8. Your Blog Takeover was great!!! Mom is interested in your Mom's ebay stuff....can you email her your Mom's Ebay ID?

    The Florida Furkids

    1. We don't have anything up right now (Fri.) but MomKatt hopes to have some more posted later this weekend. Her eBay handle is radio_bear!

  9. Hi ya, Morticia! It was good to hear from you and see your cute pictures. Maybe you should get your own blog?? Heheheh!

  10. Morticia, you are very cute! You can come visiting me anytime you want!
    Thanks for coming to my pawty and for your wishes. Love you girls! =^.^=


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