It's a Special Day!

Morning peeps!

Today is a special day.  Why?  Well, besides being my "Gotcha! Day", it's also my DadKatt's 55th birthday.  I'm proud that I get to share my special day with him.

Here he is, in the present he wishes MomKatt could get for him.  MOL! 

So, in honor of the occasion, I have to look my best; that's why I got started early this morning with a nice, refreshing bath!

But it gets better:  seems my "Gotcha! Day" coincides with MomKatt breaking out ... 


Yes, spring has finally sprung in NC and there's no better proof of that than the fact that your humble blogging uniocular kitty gets to play, once more, with her favorite thing in all the world:


Yep, no doubt about it - gonna be a good day!

And tonight:  EXTRA TREATS & LOVINS!

Seriously, can you believe it's been two years since I arrived here at the pawrents' house?  They can't.  Me neither, sometimes.  I mean, it seems like just a few days ago, I was hanging out at the country club hoping SOMEone would help me, trying to fruitlessly catch that stupid chipmunk and learning that my Uncle Bill was the first answer to my hopes.

MomKatt told DadKatt this morning (who is staying home from work with me today, for his day and for mine) that it felt like I'd always been here with them, making them laugh and enriching their daily lives.  (Bet Morticia feels like I've been here too long sometimes.  MOL!)

But I'm happy and healthy and I have pawrents that adore me, and I get chicken in the mornings lately (who knew it tasted so good???) and I have other sibs to chase & annoy, cabinets to climb up on ... and SHOES! 

What more could a little one-eyed kitty ask for?

Happy day everyone!



  1. Happy Gotchaday to you Selina and Happy Purrthday to your Dad. We can hardly believe you have been there two years, it seems like only yesterday that you were living outside with horrid folks being mean to you. We are so glad you got such a great home

    Have a wonderful day!

    Gerry, Mungo & The Ape

    1. Yes, they were awful. And not only me, but my cousin, Gomez, got Gotch'ed from there, too, thanks to my Uncle Bill! He's got a nice, shiny new furever home like mine!

      Thanks guys!

  2. Happy Gotcha Day Selina and Happy Purrday to your Dad too. We hope you have a good play with those shoes your MomKatt left out for you and get an extra special supper tonight.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. As long as I get to snarf down my Forti-Flora before MomKatt puts the squishy food in the bowl, I'm a happy girl!

  3. HAPPY GOTCHA DAY, SELENA! May your day be filled with love & cuddles and treats & nip. Lots & lots of the nip!


    PS. Your dad doesn't need that fancy-schmancy car for his birthday. He already has the best prezzie on Earth... YOU! purrs

    1. Well I *was* his b'day present 2 years ago .. ;-) And you're absolutely right!

  4. Happy Gotcha Day sweet Selina and Happy Birthday to the DadKatt!

    1. And a special "Thank you" to you, Brian, and your hooman 'cause you guys were part of me GETTING a furever home in the first place! We love you!!

  5. What we love most about your post today, Selina, is that it is so full of JOY! Happy Gotcha Day and Happy Birthday to your DadKatt!

    The Chans

    1. MomKatt here - yes, I think Selina *is* full of joy. She's always such a pleasure to have around me, always energetic, coming to me for love, rubbing on me, shadowing me no matter what I do. I just adore her.

      MomKatt Laura

  6. happee birthday ta yur dad selina anda happee gotcha day two ewe...

    heerz ta 800 mor birthday and gotcha dayz...

    guess de nice 2013 furrarrez car yur dad getted yur mom for mothers day...will haz ta go bak ta de deelership huh, considerin her willna let him haz this car :(


    hope ewe both haza fun filled day, enjoy with treets, cake, pies, trout, flounder, burgers, steak, friez, pizza, sghetti, pork chops and cat nip !!!


    1. I'll give DadKatt some trout in your honor, guys!

  7. Happy gotcha day to you, Selina, and happy birthday to your male human! Does that mean you were his birthday gift two years ago?

    1. Indeed I was! XOXO What more could he have asked for? MOL!

  8. Happy Gotcha day Selena. It feels like we have known you forever!! Happy birthday to your dad too!! have a great day xox

  9. Happy Gotcha Day Selina!! Two years already? WOW!!!!!!
    Happy Birthday DadKatt!!
    We hope you two have a pawsome day!!!!!!!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  10. Not to mention you have the bestest furrends in the world. MOL! Happy Gotcha Day and Happy Birthday to DadKatt. My peeps taste like chick-hen!

  11. Happy Gotcha Day, Selina, and Happy Birthday to your DadKatt! We hope you both are having the bestest day!

  12. Well, then. Happy Burrrrthday to your DadKatt, and Happy Gotcha Day to you, Selina. We're a bit late, but we hope you all had a great day, full of cuddles and treats.

  13. Happy belated Gotcha Day, Selina! I am so glad to have found your bloggie and I'm so glad that you found such a great human family!

    Happy belated birthday to your DadKatt!

    Lots of purrs


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