My sisfur, Morticia, used to be quiet and unassuming.  But the last couple of years, she's become quite vocal (she's 8).  MomKatt says it's because she's realized that one of the "perks" of getting older (if indeed there ARE any) is realizing you can say whatever you're thinking and not give a damn!

So here she is this morning, telling MomKatt she wanted morning gooshy goodness!

You all may not know this, but Morticia is VERY talented:  she even speaks English!  Well, she only knows one word, and she's saying it now, but when she DOES say it, her meaning is never in question.  Whereas when *I* say it, it comes out as just "MEOW", when Morticia says it, it comes out as "ME NOW!"  It always makes Mom&DadKatt laugh.  (Oh, and I guess that means she knows TWO words.  Well, cats can't count, so don't blame me.)

She's a professional charmer, too.  Morticia can work MomKatt over with those eyes.  Don't think she doesn't know how to use them.  She's ruthless!

See what I mean?

Well, in the end, there was no gooshy love given, 'cause MomKatt doesn't want her "soul kitty" gaining weight.  But 'Ticia seems pretty OK with that - our morning gooshy goodness really IS a once-in-awhile "treat" (we get regular gooshy goodness in the evenings), and MomKatt watches our weights very carefully.

She ended up sitting on the counter watching MomKatt eat breakfast.

I really DO have a cute sisfur, don't you think?  I like celebrating her on my blog.  MomKatt just adores her - and I happen to think that she's pretty cool - for a sisfur.

Then I chase her up and down the stairs relentlessly.  (hee hee)

I hope ya'll have a purr-fect Tewsday.



  1. You are naughty Selina chasing Morticia up and down the stairs - although no doubt you call it exercising! Ha!Ha!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. HahahaMeow! Stair-chasing sounds like loads of fun. Happy Tuesday to both of you beautiful house panthers! XXOO

  3. Morticia sounds like a cool kitty - like you. You just have different talents. :)

  4. that is what stairs are for honey...chasing siblings. :)

  5. Binga is every big as talkative as Morticia, and then some! My human calls it "nagging."

    1. Morticia does it very sweetly, but insistently. She knows that saying about honey and flies .... MOL!

  6. That poor starving kitty look she's giving in the last picture is priceless

    1. Miss Andrea, she's got a PATENT on it! MOL!

  7. hey Selina, Ticia is very very skillful with those eyes...I must try that myself. And Selina, would you be interested in having a meow with me and Mom Linda about doing an interview for my Real Rescue Cats Are Talking series?? email Mom Linda at lcrodgers at sbcglobal dot net if you wanna meow about it

    1. Oh would I! MomKatt sent the Email! Thanks for asking me!

  8. Selina, we bet 'Ticia kinda likes being chased up and down the stairs. ;)

    pee ess...the mom says to tell your MomKatt that Papa Grande is back...she'll understand. ;)

    1. She says, "He IS?" Apparently she hadn't heard ... (Wouldn't that make a great name for a cat? Papa Grande! MOL! MomKatt should've called Peppers that!)


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