Long Time No Meow! (And Fosters!)

Mornin' peeps!  Long time no meow!  Yes, well, don't blame me:  this is all down to my MomKatt & DadKatt getting back from their vacation in Camano Island, WA (boy, were we glad to see them!) and re-adjusting to "real life" (they both said the best thing about coming home was coming home to us kitties - well duh!  MOL)  They arrived back in NC last Tues., and still had one day of vacation left on Wed., which was spent getting lots of kitty lovin', and doing some laundry, as well as just some good, old-fashioned laziness (with kitties).

They REALLY liked the Camano Island/Puget Sound area.  MomKatt even got to visit the Camano Island Shelter (a no-kill facility) and she took pics of the kitties.  We're going to blog about that in the coming days but first ... I have to introduce some houseguests we have.

Does everypurr remember this entry from our friend Brian, about Rachel & Ray Charles, the two black kitties in South Carolina, one of whom (Ray) was blind or nearly blind?  Well, to make a long story VERY short, after the anticipated forever home fell through while she was on her vacation, MomKatt heard from Brian's dad, who said that things weren't looking good for these two little black beauty kittens. 

MomKatt said, "No way are they going back to that trailer park!  We'll foster them!"  (Of course, this was BEFORE she'd asked DadKatt but sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission, isn't it?  MOL)  When she did ask him, however, being the soft-hearted DadKatt that he is, he said it was fine on the condition that we COULD NOT adopt them ourselves.  MomKatt quickly agreed, texted Brian's dad and on Sat., June 15, she drove to Concord NC to meet him halfway and pick up Rachel and Ray Charles!

Here is Ray (courtesy of Brian's blog - MomKatt can't get a pic of him yet herself as he's quite shy, unsure of things because of his eyesight & still learning the lay of the office):
And here is Miss Rachel (MomKatt did take this one in her office yesterday):

None of us have been allowed in the office yet.  Rachel got out twice yesterday - she's ready to explore! - but MomKatt caught her.  Morticia saw her, I didn't, but I can hear them behind the door and I want to meet them!  But MomKatt says, "No, not yet!"  Oh well, in time, in time ... 

Rachel is a love-bug.  Ray is very, very shy.  He's only used to being in a crate/cage and he's not accustomed to being able to range about freely, but he's rapidly getting used to the idea of "extra space".  He's sniffed MomKatt's hand twice and she says she is working on him knowing that she's the "Gooshy Food Lady" and not some evil someone he can't trust.  Meanwhile, Rachel is all kitten:  loves to play with the new toys that MomKatt got for them both and she keeps her brother in her line of sight all the time.  When not doing anything, she is often found next to him under MomKatt's office chair, just sitting comfortingly next to him.  Ray found the (a) litterbox (b) food bowl and (c) water bowl, so those were the three crucial things MomKatt wanted to see that he'd accomplished before the close of business Sat. afternoon after they arrived home.  They both are eating VERY well and just chillin' and getting used to their new digs.

MomKatt hated that they are on their own all day today, since they both had to go in to work, but I'm sure Rachel will keep busy.  Meanwhile, I will be tantalized on the other side of the door, wondering WHO has invaded OUR house!

BTW Rachel & Ray Charles are the first two kitties MomKatt has ever fostered before!  So this is very exciting for her - and of course, if she can help a kitty, she spares NO effort.

So, anyway, I'm back, hope you all missed me (I missed you!  MomKatt tried to keep up with reading your blogs but gave up and is going to go back & read them when time permits).

More on the Rachel & Ray Show coming soon!





  1. We are so thankful that you are fostering Rachel and Ray. Thank you for caring.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. There was NO WAY MomKatt was going to not step up to the plate. It was, I think, looking like either they were going to have to be returned to the trailer park or - ACK! - PTS ... just because it would have been ridiculously cruel to let Ray back into that environment, let alone Rachel, who CAN see. Now, we don't know that for 100% sure - SURELY someone else would've stepped up - but you can't bank on that, and MomKatt just acted immediately without even considering it for a moment. (Hey if I get a new bro & sis out of this so be it DadKatt! MOL)

  2. We're so glad to have you back and to hear about your foster brother and sister! That was a great thing to do. You are of course familiar with the expression "foster fail"????????

    The Chans

    1. Chans: Yes, all too familiar! That's why DadKatt made her promise ...

  3. Good job you guys...we heard those kitties were headed to foster but missed where they were going. Now we just gotta find them a forever home!!

    1. MomKatt had her fingers crossed behind her back when she told DadKatt, "Oh of COURSE we can't adopt them! We'll just foster ... no worries ... "

      Hee hee.

  4. Well done for fostering these two beautiful kittens,paws crossed they get the foreverhome soon,xx Speedy

    1. Meowlo Speedy & thanks for reading my blog! :) Nice to meet you!


  5. Welcome back. I had a feeling about Ray and the Raylette—heh heh. Thanks for fostering them. xoxox

    1. CK - Yes, we have a feeling about them, too ........ MOL!

  6. Smooch and hugs from all of us sweet Selina! We sure appreciate you, well, MomKatt, agreeing to foster these beauties. Y'all rock, but you knew that. My Dad says it was great to finally meet the MomKatt!!,

    1. Awww thanks & she was so excited to meet you! It was too bad ya'll did not have the chance for a quick lunch or something - next time!

      Selina & MomKatt

    2. Brian, Selina,

      It was so good to hear they were a step further away from danger. Thank you.

  7. This is such AWESOME news, Selina! I was getting worried about those two kitties, and I am so happy your humans are fostering them!

    1. Sparkle, MomKatt kept up with them while she was gone - she was seriously concerned about them & wanted very much to help! :)

  8. Welcome back! We did miss you! How wonderful of your mom and dad to foster those sweet kitties!

    1. It's good to BE back. I have lots to blog about in the coming days!

      Now talk her into letting me into that room with those kittens!


  9. selina......manee manee MANEE blessings oh st francis two R & R and may yur momkatt & dadkatt be blessed ten fold for offerin ta help ray & rachel...we saw this on brian'sainz blog N couldna wait ta see it posted heer !!! way total lee sooooper kewl mega mega AWESUM !!! we canna count but we iz clappin a bunch oh paws for yur familee and R & R N we noe everee one else iz two !!!

    total lee saweet !!!!!!!!


  10. and we iz that buzzed bout this we canna even spell...BRIAN'S blog... knot

    brian'sainz blog ...coz thatz knot even his last name less brian's french maybe !!

  11. Way to go, MomKatt and DadKatt. Those little kittehs needed a break.

    What's the Over/Under on how long before you adopt them?

    1. HA HA! I believe it might fall under "TBD" (To Be Determined) LOL

      MomKatt at least has to make a good showing of resistance .... (yeah right)

  12. It is so nice to know these sweet panthers are in good "paws" :)
    Sending you BIG purrs :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  13. We're so delighted to see that Ray Charles and Sister Rachael are with you to foster. What a perfect place for them to get acclimated. They deserved a break after such a rough start. We can't wait to hear updates on how they come along.

  14. We are meeting you for the first time. We jumped over here from Brian's Home to read more about Rachael and Ray Charles. We are so pleased that these two kitties have a nice foster home so RC can get socialized and they have more time to find a furever home. Hope you'll drop by and meet us sometime. Our mom is a big fan of all black kitties. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at www.thecatonmyhead.com, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

    1. Meowlo Kitties Blue & welcome to my blog! :) Thanks for reading.

      MomKatt's a bit obsessed with blackies but hey! Who am I to complain?!


  15. Selina, your Mommy rocks! Rachael and Ray Charles are adorable. Good luck on your fostering adventure. XOXO

    1. Thank you Prancer! I think DadKatt's really hoping this doesn't turn into a "foster fail"! MOL


  16. Hi ya, Selina! We think it's so cool that you guys are fostering Ray and Rachael!

  17. Thanks to Brian, I know have the honour to meet the huge hearts that are fostering two kittens close to the heart of Mum and I. My name is Dash Kitten * shakes paw * I will add your blog to my feed so I keep up with your blog.

    Dash Kitten

    1. Aww thanks Dash Kitten! *shakes paw in return* Nice to meet you & thanks for reading my blog!

      We're just all hoping here that we can help them in some way. At least they are NO LONGER in danger of being returned to that horrid trailer park ... honestly, some hoomans don't deserve to breathe, do they?


  18. P.S. Mum trying not to cry at your kindness to these two. I will continut to help try to find them a new home.


  19. Selena, you and your Mom and Dad Katt are just suoer brilliant to take these two kitties in! I am sure they will be fine now and we hope they find their forever home soon xx

    1. We hope so. MomKatt's determined to help Ray come out of his shell. She says she just KNOWS there is a cuddlebug under all that fear & wariness. So sad ...



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