HONESTLY:  I am going to advertise for "better staff".

MomKatt?  HELLO?!  Blog-O-Versary? June 15, 2011Ring any bells?

Of course not.  Her head's still on Camano Island.  Without it, the rest of her isn't much good.  

C'mon woman!  Get foster kittens, Mariano Rivera, the Da-troit Tigurrs, Max Schurzer, Humphrey Bogart and whoever else is in your head OUT of it and focus on ME!  Hey!  Over here!  Yoooo-hooooo!  *waves paws*
Anyway, MY Blog-O-Versary was two Saturdays ago.  Feel free to celebrate.  Me, I think I'll go pout in the corner.

Better yet, I'll bathe.  It helps me think.

Selina the neglected 



  1. Selina we are hoping your Mom will produce a six course meal for you tonight for neglecting you on your blogoversary. We are sorry to say our Mum forgets stuff too and we think their minds are full of "stuff" and we get forgotten!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Oh no!! That is terrible!! Why don't you have a House trashing party!! They are so much fun!!
    Happy Belated Blog-O-Versary!
    Your Tx furiends,

  3. Poor baby! Our mom's brain wanders off sometimes too - usually right about the time one of us is supposed to celebrate a birthday. Happy LATE Blogoversary! :)

  4. Typical humans to forget THE most impawtent things !!
    HAPPY blogoversary , Selina :)

  5. Selina...sinz yur mom forgetted bout yur blog oh fursary for two weeks; we think ewe shuld stik sum trout in de toaster beehind ewe N forget itz ther for like 2 weekz...wait...why waste good trout.....cheeze....limburgerz cheeze.... happee belated :)

  6. Selena, I feel your pain!!! The Staff is totally revolting!! I know what I mean mol We should really get a union oe something!! xx

  7. ..... almost forgot! Happy Blogoversary, Selena xxxxx :)

  8. She better make it up to you and she better start in 3 … 2 … NOW!

    Happy Blogoversary!

  9. You poor dear! Our Mommy suffers from severe bouts of forgetfulness, too. Happy Blogaversary, furriends! XOXOXO

  10. Happy Blogaversary Selina you can still have a party,mine was late too because mummy and daddy was away but we had a party afterwards,xx Speedy

  11. Happy Blogaversary sweet Selina! Maybe you will get extra treats and get to celebrate twice as long! Hugs and nose kisses

  12. Sounds like time for a little retaliation. Let us know if we can help! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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