Monday Progress

Mornin' peeps!

Well, over the weekend MomKatt experienced some major progress with Kitten Ray ... and I managed to get lap time during the Tigers' game (and the subsequent Mariners' game they watched after THAT) yesterday afternoon.  (Both teams won, so Mom&DadKatt were very happy about that; plus she watched MARIANO close on Sat. afternoon for the Yanks so she was baseball'ed out ... but happy.)

ANYWAY ... this is NOT a post about baseball.   The REALLY BIG NEWS is about Ray.  I will let the pictures below tell the story in Ray's thoughts.

"Oh no ... there's that HAND again!  It keeps trying to get near to me ... wait a second, what's that thing?  It's holding something that ... looks like a little chicken leg!  What IS that?  Should I investigate it?"

 "Hummm ... I don't know.  I think it looks kinda suspect.  It IS in Giant Lady's hand ... sure smells good thought.  OK ... I'll move a little closer and give it a Whiff Inspection."

 "Oh WOW!  IT's a NOM!  Thank you, Giant Lady!"
Yes, Peeps!  Ray took chicken treats - MULTIPLE chicken treats - from MomKatt!  The first time was Sunday afternoon, and THAT was so successful she told Ray & Rachel that they were going to get treats twice a day, in the mornings after they'd eaten their gooshy food, and in the evenings before she went to bed.

Sure enough, last night before her bedtime, MomKatt took the treats upstairs and both kittens now know that, at the sound of that bag shaking, good things will be dispensed!  These pictures here are from this morning's Treat Time.  Rachel was ALL OVER MomKatt during the treat times (she learns FAST) and Ray, while a little hesitant, seemed to grow a little each time in confidence.  During the first "feed" Sunday afternoon, he was taking the treats off her fingers (she laid her hand flat on the ottoman and balanced the treat on her fingertip).  Then last night, she began HOLDING them between two fingers so he would have to TAKE them from her.

She also wants to continue reiterating the "hands bring good things" theme to Ray - and after all the treats were eaten on Sunday afternoon, she offered her hand to him a few times WITHOUT a treat to see what he'd do and ... HE LICKED HER!  Of course, it was because her hand tasted/smelled like the treats but ... who cares?  It was contact!

Of course, SOME  pigs kittens have NO hesitancy whatsoever ...  ;-)  (This is Rachel, as you can tell by her little owl-covered collar.)


SO!  Big news from Chez Carter Chat Noir Farm this weekend!  The efforts MomKatt is putting out on behalf of these two are starting to bear fruit and, as you can imagine, she's really proud - but she is PROUDEST of Ray.  That took a lot, we suspect, for him to overcome his fear and/or anxiety/hesitancy.

Guess a lot of peeps could learn from that, huh?  MomKatt included.

So ... celebrate!!!  Happy Monday to all my peeps!

Selina (who STILL hasn't met The Strangers In Room B yet)



  1. Oh my goodness, that is so wonderful Ray. That is such big step forward and we are so proud of you!!!

  2. A huge step forward indeed. Brilliant. So good to read and sounds like a great all round weekend. Hugs GJ x

  3. WHOO HOO!! I can so feel the joy when they take that first treat ;)

  4. that is great news!!! we are very proud of those kittens and so happy your mom is being so patient with them :)

  5. That is GREAT news, Selina, especially about Ray! And you are right, humans could learn something from him!

  6. Oh, congratulations! A great step forward! Purrs....

  7. ray...we iz happee enuff for ewe N momkatt we iz knot gonna even menshun de burd flavored treetz !!!! YAY !!!!! keep up de grate werk ~~~~~~

  8. Wonderful. BTW, how could Ray be thinking that stuff since he's blind. Heh heh. Just kidding. He smelled the chick-hen and the world was right.

    1. CK actually I do not think he's totally blind - he sees, I think, light & dark and shapes ... he gets around the room quite well. I just try NOT to surprise him. Now that's just been my experience from what I've seen through his reactions - who knows how much or little he really DOES see. But he sees treats well enough! :)

  9. Well, despite the fact you haven't met them yet, you sure are kind to give up some of your blog time to those two kitties, Selena. And isn't that good news. MomKatt is pretty ace, I'd say!! xx

  10. That's pawesome news! You can do it, Ray1

  11. Oh boy!!! We are so happy to hear the great news that these two cuties are learning to trust and have fun!
    It is especially good to see Ray getting comfy around humans too :) WOOT!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  12. Way to go, Ray Charles. Your Mom is going great with those interlopers.

    Wait until Ray figures out laps are warm and full of cuddles.

  13. Those are GREAT news! There are some good things happening here and there =^.^=
    Thanks for stopping by my bloggie for my Gotcha Day! It was furry nice of you!

  14. Selina, somehow I have missed too much here. This is Katie Isabella but using mommys account. xoxox

  15. Selina, hope you are getting your fair share of those treats. We are so excited for Ray. Such great progress he is making. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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