New Pics of Me & Kitten Update

Mornin' Peeps & Happy Friday!

It's not a Fur-Low Furriday today but NEXT Friday is for MomKatt - and that means a FOUR DAY WEEKEND 'cause of the July 4th holiday! 

As you can see, I'm getting all excited & prepared by camping out with my two favorite things:  MomKatt's shoes and my leopard teaser!

I felt generous this morning and decided to forgive MomKatt forgetting my Blog-O-Versary.  So, when she whipped out the iPhone, I *did* cooperate and look up at her like she asked me to do!  :)  And here are the results of my cooperation. 

Aren't I gorgeous?  MomKatt says I am one sleek, shiny House Panther.

Think those kittens will turn out as gorgeous as I have?  Guess we'll just have to see!

News on them, they are still at our house.  Ray didn't eat his gooshy fud this morning but MomKatt's hoping that is just 'cause he OD'ed on crunchy food maybe before she got up there to feed them.  Rachel, meanwhile, eats like a horse, but MomKatt did get Ray to eat more treats (she's doing this twice a day) before she left for work.  Of course, Miss Rachel climbed all over her & demanded her fair share of the Dairy Temptations.  They know the sound of that bag shakin'!

Someone also had some gooshy poop in the box yesterday afternoon after she got home from work, but there was no telling who it belonged to by that point.  To date, their poops have been OK.  She hopes this, too, is just a blip on the radar.

So Happy Friday to all and remember to pet a gorgeous House Panther!  As Brian says, we deserve it!



  1. Long weekends are sure fun, but all we every seem to see is long weeks MOL! Howdy Ray & Rachael!

    1. They say Howdy back, Brian! That Rachel is MOUTHY! Meows all the time, very high-pitched like you'd think she was dying or something! MOL

  2. Sounds Pawsome with a long weekend next week :)
    You look very gorgeous in the pictures indeed , Selina !

  3. Selina, you are looking terrific. We just love all black cats. They are the best. Take care.

  4. nice to meet you selina. we are emma and buster and we blog at

    1. Meowlo Emma & Buster & welcome to my blog! Thank you for reading it! Glad you are here! I shall go right over & check yours out!


  5. You were very fast to forgive your human, Selina! Paws crossed that all is well with the kitties and that, like you said, this is just a blip!

  6. We love house panthers and will be happy to give all of you a few pets. Rachael and Ray are so cute, we are purring that they are healthy and will continue to thrive at your house.

  7. Selina, you ARE lovely and shiny too!
    Panthers are pawsome. Mom is happy to have one for each hand ;) heehee
    We purr the kitties are OK and maybe Ray is just having an off day.
    Happy Blogoversary too !!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  8. Selina, if those kittens grow up to be half as good looking as you, they'll be lucky! Have a great weekend!

  9. You're always gorgeous in your photos, Selina! We're so glad to hear that the kittens are doing well.

  10. Happy Friday, sweetheart! We are ready for all us to get some easy on.
    Hugs to you :-)

  11. You're looking Mahrvelous Selina. Hope little Ray is OK.

  12. Rachel is going to be a handful, but a whole lot of fun for some bean. Ray seems to be coming along, too.

  13. Happy Belated Blogaversary, beautiful Selina!

  14. Selena you are furry alluring looking up like that! It makes a six year old tuxie's heart go flutter flutter!! xx

  15. can't believe your mom forget forgot your blogoversary. Must be all the excitement with Ray and Rachael. Hope she makes it up to you. We're sending our concatulations. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  16. Selina you're looking gorgeous!hope the poop thing is a blip with the kittens,xx Speedy

  17. Hey there! It's me... Nissy. I sure do hope you'll come on by Nerissa's Life for a visit 'cause there's a special little somethin' waitin' for you over there.



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