Rachel & Ray Charles Update

Hi Gentle Readers, MomKatt here, hijacking the blog for just a quick update about my fosters, Rachel & Ray Charles.

To date, they are just fine, but NO inquiries on them have been received.  Not, apparently, even an interested question.  Frankly, I'm really starting to worry.  I don't want to see them split up, yet Gary & I CANNOT take them ourselves.   I wish we could.  I frankly admit that I've gotten attached to the little mites ...

While I suppose that Ray would do alright at Blind Cat Rescue, I feel that is hardly fair to Rachel (who sees quite well) and not fair to Ray if they are split up, with him going there and her going into a forever home.  She's SO social & outgoing but I just CANNOT get him out of his shell.

It's just pitiful.  He always looks so SAD; yet, he'll play with the Kong teaser I got for them (we had good play sessions yesterday), they play together pouncing on each others' heads, etc. (normal kitten "wrastl'in") ... but whereas Rachel rubs all over me & wants petting all the time, unless I force the issue, Ray won't allow me to touch him or pick him up.  I have to literally corner him somewhere and then he just "freezes" - he doesn't move and he allows me to touch/pick him up.  But, it's as though he's "suffering" me to pet him, speak softly to him, stroke him.  Then after awhile he wants "down", which I give him. I don't push him beyond his limits.  Then he'll go scampering off to the kitty bed in the corner of the room.  It's just pitiful.

NOTE ABOUT RAY PLAYING:  I've observed that just running something in front of him soundlessly often doesn't seem to interest him much BUT if you do it making NOISE with the item (like, say, hitting a teaser stick against a chair leg or making "zoppy" noises with it on the parachute material which his play cube is made out of) he's more interested.  I guess he can hear it, so he's better able to locate it and swat it or bite it (he LOVES biting the Kong teaser:  he just BITES it and remains motionless with the teaser part in his mouth, like he's killing a field mouse or something.  It's really really cute!)

I want SO MUCH to make him happy.  Can you believe (and this, to me, is the saddest thing about all of this) Ray has not purred OR meowed ONCE since I've had him.  NOT ONCE.  Rachel, OTOH, purrs her HEAD off and meows full-voiced for her gooshy food.

*sigh*  I keep telling Ray he's got to let me in; because no one will want him if he doesn't ... they'll want Rachel but not Ray ... and I refuse to deprive him of her.  I don't know why I feel this way, it's just a hunch but I honestly think if that happened, he'd grieve for her and possibly die.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ... keep sharing them, don't forget them, help us to find a good permanent forever home for them.

Thanks for listening.  Just needed to unload and am trying to keep these two special souls in front and "out there" ....



 Ray (in executive mode)


  1. I have no suggestions for you but I wonder if you ever visit animalsheltervolunteer.blogspot.com - I have a feeling may they have dealt with blind kittens/cats. I think his name is Kevin Hattori but can't be certain - but feel if he can't help you he may know someone who can.
    Hope I've put the right link in - anyway it might be worth a try or he could know someone who would
    Luv Hannah and Lucy's Mum Sue

    1. Sue (And Hannah & Lucy):

      We'll check that site and the person out. Thanks for the tip!

  2. Sounds to me like he is having a tough time adjusting to being blind he just needs time I guess,xx Rachel Speedy's mum

  3. I really hope you can get Ray to open up more - it sounds like he needs lots of time, and yes, he really should be with his sister. Paws crossed that a home comes along for them soon!

    1. Yes, I think I'm now just beginning to see HOW much time he's going to need but I still do feel that he'll be worth it if I can just find that key that opens that door ...

  4. Is there any way you can split them up while they are still with you? It might help you get a better sense if your intuition is right, and it might help Ray have a better idea of what you are talking about when you tell him that they might be split up.

    Also, allowing him a place to cower where you can't get to him easily isn't going to help him. If you could put him in the bathroom for a couple of days, so you can sit near him and easily pat him with out any stress of trying to get him might help.

    I know Odilia is far less receptive of me if I am in a non-talkative mood. I sometimes can go days with out talking simply because I don't feel like it (yup, I can be one of those people) and I find when I don't talk to her it confuses her and she is far less happy.

    Might you have some Rescue Remedy for the boy? That also might help him..

    1. Sorry, I guess that was misleading. I made sure there was NOTHING he could go behind/get behind (like my desk or bookshelves. Their small cat bed (one big one, one small one) is just in the corner of the room & that's where he goes & lies down. I can get to him very easily there. The bathroom is a good idea. I can just shut the door & be there with him for awhile. I had a busier than usual week last week, plus some work issues wearing me out, so neither kitten got the time from me that they needed or should have gotten but I'm remedying that. :)

      And I get the "not talking" urge ... I wish more people got that urge sometimes! LOL

  5. I just feel so sick thinking what might happen to them.

    1. Well, Brian, as long as they're with ME, they're gonna be just fine. :) Selina says maybe time will wear DadKatt down ... ;-)

  6. Poor Ray! It's hard to dedicate the kind of time it takes to win over a cat who is withdrawn like that. With some cats, it's like turning a corner, but for others, it's a much longer process to gain their trust. We hope he warms up to you soon.

    1. I tell you it's time like this I REALLY look forward to retirement so I'll have that time all day, every day! Work gets in the way of SO many other important things!! Grrr ....

  7. We do not have any good ideas.
    We think you are doing a great job :)
    We send you and the kitties BIG purrs!!
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

    1. We appreciate your support - thank you guys!

  8. I'm sorry that Ray hasn't opened up. I should mention that I NEVER purred for TW until I did once a few months ago. I've lived here 7 years. Some cats aren't purrers. I purr for Pop all the time. Maybe you should try to write/email Gwen Cooper who wrote the book about Homer. I'll try to post about Ray on her FB page again tomorrow.

  9. selina...doez catster still have de adoptions page up N runnin.....may bee ewe could put up one page for both rachel & ray with instructions they HAZ ta bee adopted two gether.....no ifz annez ore buttz.....

    N tell yur mom ta give her selves sum mega patz on de bak...she has gotten em both this far in a veree short time... considerin wear they wuz N what they had been thru...blessings two both yur mom N dad who onlee kneads 39 mor days to figure out they can stay rite ther

    pea ess...rememburr catz purr for lots oh reezons....sum never reely due at all...itz a rare day when boomer purrz.... then ya gotta reeeeeeeely listen.....


    1. Every cat's different, huh guys? Yes, MomKatt plans to put up a Catster page for them - they still do that on the website. :)

  10. We are so sorry a forever home has not been found for Rachel and Ray. We agree they should remain together since Ray isn't socializing as Rachel is. Calista Jo had three sibling. She and her brother have forever homes, but her two sisters are still available at one year old. DeeDee and Ellie will not be separated as one of them is just too shy to manage on her own. I keep wishing we could take them but with eight we are at capacity. Wish I could take Ray and Rachel as well. Sorry I don't twitter and don't have a Facebook page. We'll keep praying. Janet a the kitties Blue, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

    1. Guys, oh that's ok, if WE could take them, this wouldn't even BE an issue - they'd already be in their furever home. MomKatt just wants them to get the love that we do & the daily attention that they deserve in "the right place for them"!

  11. Hi Selena and MomKatt Laura,

    Back in 2008, my husband and I took in four feral kittens when they were 4 months old. Things were not progressing all that well, and then I had an idea. I thought I'd spend time in the kitten room with my laptop computer. The idea was to take the focus off of me, and to get me at their level so to speak. I hoped it might make them more comfortable.

    I sat on the floor and did my computing, letting the kittens check me out at their own leisure. Marmelade was the first to approach and sniff at my toes. LOL Soon, he came closer and I touched his nose. Later on, he let me touch his body. After that he made his breakthrough!

    At any rate, what I'm thinking is, if you have a laptop or tablet, or even a book that you can bring into the bathroom and spend one on one time with Ray, that might encourage his interest in you, rather than having your focus be on him. Maybe you've already tried this, but in case not, it might work like it did for me and my kittens. :)

    Hugs and Purrs,

    Gina and Kitties

    1. That's something I plan to do this weekend. It's hard to work JUST with him 'cause Rachel wants to be right IN THE MIDDLE of everything! LOL But our bath next to my office has nothing (other than perhaps the toilet) that he could possibly hide behind soooooo .... we shall see!

    2. We are all sending love and purrs for Ray!

      Gina and Kitties

  12. Selina,

    I think its patience, patience, patience. A friend adopted a very emotionally fragile cat (Stan) - it was Last Chance Saloon for Stan as he was so freaked out they thought no-one would take him. My friend did and it took him a long time (we are talking long months into years here) but he slowly built up confidence, love and trust. NO rushing, some setbacks but lots of hope. Dash and I will share your post and keep tweeting.

    Yeah, I know this isn't any help. BUT we will support and tweet and FB every day for you all. The kids are just magic.

    Marjorie and DashKitten

    1. Dash & Marjorie: Thank you so much! That means a lot. R&R thank you too!

  13. We're crossing everything we've got for the cuties.

    The Chans

  14. Paws crossed that someone who can give the time to them both to help Ray come out of himself steps up soon for these two beauties. You are doing a great job. We wonder if he has any remaining pain issues going on?

    1. He doesn't act like he's in pain at all. He plays, etc. just fine, eats very well ... from just outside observation, the only "problem" that I see is some missing fur on his right side. I don't know yet if this is a skin issue or perhaps "stress licking" but ... if it does not improve in the next couple of days, I think a trip to my vet will be in order, just in case.

  15. ummm let's meow a bit over Mom Linda's email lcrodgers at sbcglobal dot net if you want. I am a cat much like Ray...I have been here 18 months, don't do laps, can't be picked up with out being tricked and then I struggle, no claws, just terrified. I was considered unadoptable until Mom and Dad fostered me, and realized after 3 weeks, i needed a few years to heal from past wounds, and I can see and hear just fine. I will help with Rachel and Ray Charles after this weekend. paw pats, Savannah

    1. MomKatt just sent you an Email Miz Linda! :)


  16. Oh Ray, this breaks my mom's heart to read how afraid you are. I am so so sorry dearest little one. Thank goodness you have Rachel and your home where you are. xoxox

    1. Katie,

      He's making VERY slow progress, but progress nonetheless. MomKatt took him in the bathroom without Rachel this weekend & just sat on the floor w/him, allowing him to explore, etc. He's VERY curious about his surroundings and made a thorough walk-through of the entire bathroom (it's small). He even jumped into the tub/shower!

      She REALLY feels he's going to come out of his shell but when, and how far, no one knows. But she's not giving up ... meanwhile she feels very strongly that they really need to have a furever home of their own so they aren't confined to only one room and have their own, loving family. :)

  17. I am continuing to share the twosome on Twitter. I hope to put up an update blog post too.

    1. Dash, thank you! I'm remiss in not getting back to you sooner!

  18. How long has he been blind? I have a blind cat I adopted from a shelter last year as a baby. He's been blind since birth as far as we know but he runs and chases the other cats. It has been quite a journey. Wish I was closer because I'd snag both of them. Love my black cats!

  19. How long has he been blind? I have a blind cat I adopted from a shelter last year as a baby. He's been blind since birth as far as we know but he runs and chases the other cats. It has been quite a journey. Wish I was closer because I'd snag both of them. Love my black cats!


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