The Downside of Fame

Mornin' peeps!

Neither Morticia nor I wanted to be photographed this morning.

Morticia (with me in the background - PHOTOBOMB!):


There was a reason for all this photographing that I'm not allowed to reveal ... DadKatt finally got a semi-decent one that MomKatt will be able to use for ...

OK OK I'm NOT going to tell them yet!  Sheesh!

She says I have a big yap.  MOL!

But I love her anyway!

Ya'll have a great weekend.



  1. We don't always like having our pictures taken, but sometimes you just have to let them do it so you can get down to more important things, like taking a nap.

    The Paw Relations

  2. Our Mum keeps jumping out with camera in hand ready to photograph every little move we make. We don't get paid for our posing either!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Oh for what, Selena? Curiosity did not kill this cat yet!!! mol Lovely pic :)

  4. Selina, how can you keep us hanging like this??? I'm dying to know what's up!

  5. Hmmmmmmmmmm, I will bet it is for....something!

  6. sounds exciting!have a great week end Selina

  7. Nooooooo!! Must. Know. Now! The suspense is killin me.

  8. Can't be that important that they can't take an old pic and Photoshop it how they want it or where they want it. Just meowin'.

  9. CK has it right. The Photoshop trick would certainly be a better idea anyhow. Everybody's eyes would be open and the picture would be in focus. Unlike some of our peep's photos!

  10. No wait, its for… um * baffled look * you gonna tell us?!?!?!?!?!

    Dash Kitten

  11. Enquiring cats need to know! I hope we can find out soon.

  12. Oh I want to know! I can send you nip!

  13. Did somebody at your house get a new flashy box? That's never good for us kitties. That means lots of practicing and more photos of us. Ugh! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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