Walk The Plank or Else!

Arrggh! Who needs an eyepatch, matey, when Ah only gots da one eye, donchaknow?  If'n I had an eye patch on me one eye, I could'na see me whiskers afore me face!  How silly would DAT be?  I'd be a-walkin' off planks an' the ends 'o piers an' runnin' into da walls an' a-fallin' down da steps an' into barrels 'o rum 'n grog 'n margaritas! 

Hey wait, that part might not be so bad ...

Ahoy! Scuppers! Mizzenmast! Cutlass! Shiver me timbers! Let's go walk the plank! 

What the heck am I SAYING?!  Avast!  Gimme da gooshy fuds an' no one gets hurt!

An' Ah'm takin' back me blog-o, so I am!  Dose kittens haf had enuff publicity!  It's MY blog, so it 'tis, ye scurvy upstarts!   Get yer own or face da perils 'o Davie Jones' lockerz 'n stuff!  Or worse yet, Ah'll toss ye into dis heah landlubbin' dryer so ya get all tumbly and come out all a-staggerin' like'n ye had tree legz an' ye'd been on a tree-day grog bender!

Ahoy dere, Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day ta y'all!  (Ya din think Ah WOULDN’T show up today, did ye?  Ah mean, Ah'm a one-eyed kitteh - what BETTER day ta come 'round heah?)




  1. MomKatt here: Pardon Selina. She's had WAY too much grog ......

  2. Ahoy, Selina! We be stopping by to wish ye a happy Meow Like a Pirate Day!

  3. Yar Selina! You found yer treasure early and now ye be happy ;)
    Happy pirating!
    Arrrgh, Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  4. Avast! Pass th' spiced rum 'n nobody gets hurt by Bloody Prudentilla Kidd. I'll have ye swabbing th' deck an' walking th' plant. Arrr!

  5. Selina, with one eye, you make the perfect pirate cat without having to dress in a costume at all!

  6. We's happy to hear you are taking part in da pirate day! It has its rewards, arrgh!


    PS we are willing to share our booty

  7. Selina, you look as if you actually are in the dryer. That looks like a rather precarious place to spend your time. You never know when you might go for a tumble. You got that pirate speak down really well. Wes thinking you's a real pirate and are hiding it most of the time. Arrrgh! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. Arrrgh Selina we both be real Pirates seeing as we only have one eye,ye eye patch can on yer missing,but ye are a fine pirate to be sure,xx Capt'n Speedy

  9. We were pleased that you came to visit us pirates - you certainly managed a tankard or two of grog without falling over!! Bottoms up as we say in the UK.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. Ah Selina a good blast a ye rum an ye be back on ya feetz an outta the dryer swift like an all...arrrrr big hugs Fozziemum xx

  11. It is nice to see you, Selina! You indeed make a great Pirate! Hope your Meow like a pirate day was fun!

  12. Happy pirates day..are you sitting in the washing machine..Bawahwhhahwa xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  13. Ok Selena!!! Yours tops the Rs. You even had the human chuckling !!! ;)

  14. You're funny, Selina. Um, we mean you're a fierce pirate, Selina.

  15. Have you recovered yet from all your pirating? Hope so!

    Please come for a visit to my blog today, Selina. There's a special little somethin' waitin' for you there.



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