WHEREIN ... Ray Visits the Spa

Yesterday morning, I went upstairs to feed Ray and Rachel their morning gooshy delight, only to find this:

This had not been on Ray on Sunday night when I scooped their boxes before bedtime but, of course, I slightly panicked (plus this WOULD have to happen on a morning where I'd gotten up late for work anyway, so I was even more behind than usual). 

Nothing for it but a trip to the spa (a/k/a Dr. Brigham's office).

Have no fear, however, intrepid "Ray Fans"!  What actually happened to trigger this, we'll never know (WHY can't they speak English, for Bast's sake?!) but Dr. Brigham kept him all day and called me about 2 PM to say that he thought it was more of Ray's stress-licking, that something - a sound he hadn't heard before, an unfamiliar smell (DadKatt's shoes?  LOL) or something - had caused him to start licking that spot on his left hind leg.  And, when he did, since it's an obsessive-compulsive act (like a human chewing on their fingernails), and since his tongue is like sandpaper, he does not register, "Hey stop that!" once he gets to bare skin.  What he's looking for is comfort from the licking, never mind that he's taken all the fur off of one area.

Dr. B gave him a cortizone injection (20 mg of Depo-Metrol) and gave me a compound for the inflammation brought on by the licking (Pyoben Gel).  He gets that rubbed there twice daily - it's really a cleansing lotion.  He said the shot should also make him feel a little more at ease, and for me to continue his calming treats, which he gets once a day.

Dr. B also said that he checked Ray's eyes and thought he saw some improvement in his left from the eyedrops he's been getting!

Ray's tendency for "stress licking" is one reason that Brian's Dad and I have decided that these two really cannot go to a home with small children or dogs.  They really do need a calm, peaceful environment.  Dr. B and I are hoping that, over time, Ray will relax and NOT stress-lick so much.  Only time will tell what he does.  Meanwhile, he continues his calming treat once a day and his "skin/fur" treat in his soft food once a day, both of which are really helping him.  He's a sleek, shiny panther boy.

This morning, Ray was fine, he was also fine last night when I got him home.  He continues to be very demonstratively loving when he's standing on my desk and I'm continuing to work with him to get him more amenable to touching/being petted on the floor during play time or when I'm just hanging out with them.  I'd love to see him get where Rachel is, who just comes over and rubs on me, or headbonks me, or tries to climb my pant leg, wherever I happen to be.  

So.  That's where we are with the fosters.  Rachel continues to just be her charming, "all over me" self.  

She was FRANTIC to see her brother yesterday - I'd bet money that was the first time that the two of them had been separated for the length of a human work day EVER.

On a personal note, I'm sorry I haven't been around to more of your blogs recently, or had more up on Selina's blog, than I have.  To put things simply, this summer's been a fairly rough one for me in some personal matters, and some days I've really had to work hard to put one foot in front of the other.  These kittens have really helped to give me a focus on something other than how lousy I've felt.  Seeing Ray's courageous and successful baby-steps out of his shell have been totally inspiring, and you cannot be sad around silly Rachel for very long.  She's just so loving and sweet and ready for anything.  I'm so proud and humbled that I can and have, in small ways, contributed to bringing them up and helping them what little that I can.  I'm also amazed and grateful at everyone ELSE'S efforts to find them their forever home.

But, aside from them, it's just been hard lately, and I apologize that I've not been as active on Selina's blog or more active visiting everyone.  I have medicines now, and some professional help, and I am hoping to get through this rough patch successfully.

Cats - and friends - really are wonderful medicines.

Thank you, everyone.

MomKatt Laura & Selina & Ray Charles & Rachel       


  1. We are so happy that Ray is doing better now and I can only imagine poor Rachael in panic mode when her brother disappeared!

  2. I'm sending calming purrs to Ray - and to you too!

  3. SO glad that it's "only" stress-licking and that he's back to normal now! Hugs & purrrayers to you, Auntie Laura! We love you!!!

  4. Sounds like Mama Laura can use some calming treats also! Celestrial Kitties have done wonders by putting pure coconut oil on Starr's bald patches when she overlicks. Starr also likes to lick it. Maybe you could try getting some to put on Ray. That poor boy. I wish I could click my fingers and they'd have a forever home.

  5. dood ray.....eye will lick me bellah raw....every summer...like clock werk, N eye willna quit til de furst frost hits.....been doin this for 14 yeerz N noe one noez why...mite a been sum thin that happened ta me on de streets bee fore eye gived up me pass a port N dee sided ta live large N in charge in me for evers home...this yeer eye even switched it up ta me hind leg....eye noe wear yur comin frum buddy....N pleez ta tell momkat L....familee & self furst...bloggin....when her haz time....we will all still bee heer, N her mite wanna consider rollin in sum trout or flounder.....just coz her can....her will feel better & smell grate

    butter lover boomer oh cat N crew

  6. We're purring that Ray's stress level goes down a little so he stops overgrooming... and that your stress level evens out a bit, too!

  7. We send purrs, headbonks and hugs for stress levels to be down for both of you. xox You are doing an amazing job, really!

  8. It's been hard too dear frriend, right here. So we understand. Ray darling..PLEASE be better.

  9. So glad Ray was OK this morning. Gosh, sorry you had to go through this stress.

    Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some informative posts and stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.

    Debby in Arizona

  10. Big hugs to you Momkatt,you are one fantastic person!

  11. Sending you good thoughts and purrs MomKatt Laura, we do understand that as well and we know how difficult it is. You are doing such a wonderful job with Ray and Rachel and you truly are a special person. Thank you for caring for them and we always think of them, praying that a special forever home will come forward for them. And purrs to Ray, bless his little heart.

  12. Sounds like Ray and Rachel came to you at just the right time. I have found the responsibilities of the kitties has often helped me from not just pulling the covers over my head. Glad you are getting help. You are so, so special to foster these beautiful kitties. As much as I want to bring them home, in spite of the husband, saying, "no," repeatedly, Ray would probably be way too stressed with the other kitties. I continue to pray for them and will do so as well for you. Janet

    1. Janet, thank you for your kind words! In a way, I think you're right: frankly, lately? I think Ray (and Rachel) seem to be the only thing that I'm doing RIGHT these days ....

      Sisyphus rolling the rock up the hill ... I keep trying ...

  13. We are happy that Ray is OK and purr his stress licking will stop soon. He is in a great place (your home)
    We also send you purrs MomKatt.
    Stress is never fun and takes it's toll.
    We purr you get back to a happy place.
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  14. I am catching up after our recent times. Wow - I was worried for a bit! I WANT THESE GUYS IN A HOME!!!!!!!!!!

    Good to have an update.

  15. Oh bless him..stress is horrid for all creatures,human and animal,i do hope he continues to strengthen his little resolve.It is so sad that we cannot explain to them what is happening.I hope the treats keep working and perhaps some for Momkatt hey ;) we can't help others until we help ourselves so do take care and hugs from us Fozziemum xxx


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