Ray and Rachel ... Meet Other Cats!

Meowlo Peeps!

Just a quick update on Ray & Rachel.  They're both doing great, and still continuing to turn into a pair of beautiful sleek house panthers, like Yours Truly.

This weekend, Mom&DadKatt started introducing them to all of us in the house.  *sigh*  It was bound to happen I suppose.

The good news is:  so far, so good.  Of course, Rachel ran right downstairs and began to take over.  I hissed at her but she just looked at me like, "Who are you and why are you losing air?"  Then she went about her business.  At least I made my presence known to her!

Peppers was in DadKatt's recliner yesterday, and Ray was lying on top of the recliner, looking down at him.  Peppers hissed at Ray and Ray just stared at him like, "What's YOUR problem?"  He didn't spook, and he didn't bolt, though.  He jumped down to the floor from the back of the chair when HE was good and ready to do so.  (I kinda like the little guy but don't tell anyone.)

They also met Sasha, which went well.  Morticia they'd already met.  I think she was just doing her best to ignore them, hoping they'll go away.  MOL!  Besides, she was too focused yesterday on bugging MomKatt to give us gooshy food earlier than usual to bother with a couple of kittens.

Rachel loves the pawrents' bedroom.  She thinks their bed is a HUGE catbed (and, well, it is).  Ray also carries toys around in his mouth.  He "relocated" 'Ticia's teaser in this fashion, and Peppers' sparkle pom.  Now MomKatt can't find the teaser!  (He also likes to go under their platform bed.  MomKatt says if he's taken it under there she's going to kill him because you have to take THE ENTIRE BED APART to get anything that goes under it - and that includes wayward kittens!  MOL)

So they are merging quite well with us, on the whole.  I personally don't know what to make of them but as long as they don't harass me like Boudicca does, we're good, I guess.  I mean, they ARE kinda cute, hanging out together on one of the cat trees.  They really are very closely-bonded.

Happy Monday everypurr and we're gradually being around the Blog-O-Sphere more.  We have truly missed everyone but this summer was hard on MomKatt and she's taking things one day at the time.  She says to thank you all for being so understanding.




  1. awwww - not a bad way to spend the weekend

  2. Glad they are getting along so well with everyone.

  3. They sound like such a social pair! But of course, that is mainly because of all your human's work with them!

  4. "Who are you and why are you losing air?"


    That's just TOO funny, that is.


  5. Oh my goodness, that is much more fun than going to the litter box every 5 minutes! Way to go Ray and Rachael!

  6. total lee way awesum R & R....N dont let selina fool ewe...her iz trooly a big softee....we haz knowed her for yeerz N her N her familee iz de best...headbonks ...ouch...N high paws....

  7. We agree with Nissy's comment, heehee.
    Good to see you kitties expanding your world and that it went pretty well :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  8. Thanks for the report, Selina! Glad to hear things are going so well with Ray and Rachel!

  9. We're glad that Ray and Rachel are getting a chance to meet the family and it is going OK. They must enjoy stretching their legs a little extra.

    1. They do! Rachel's run all around the house like a crazy cat. Ray is more ... circumspect. But last night he was leaping off of the cat tree and pouncing on Rachel. It is so cute to watch them play together. They really DO companion each other.

  10. Looks like the end of R and R's home search. I'm glad they're settling in so well.

    1. *giggles, claps paw over mouth*

      Seriously? That Rachel chick: she's weird, man ...

  11. Hmmmmmm! Ray and Rachel I think your work is done in the sucking up department. Furrever home found!! ;)

  12. We didn't realize that Rachel and Ray were still be sequestered. So glad they are getting to socialize with the rest of you now. Still praying that they will get a great forever home. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Yes, only because I hadn't had proper time to introduce them downstairs (i.e. a lengthy period like all weekend). I was proud of how they did - and continue to do. We're putting them downstairs every night now, but leaving the office door open upstairs so they can zoom up & down. :)

  13. We were hoping that Ray and Rachel would stay with you as we'd miss them if they went to a new furever home and couldn't blog.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  14. You sure are keeping busy over there, but I am happy to learn things are working out just fine.

  15. Hmmm your work is done then...hehehe Shhhhh!I won't tell,xx Speedy

  16. Hiya Selina! Glad to hear from you =^.^=
    The kids look like normal kids to me! Like my little sister, they don't even care about adults hissing at them! Ah, young kitties!
    Are they staying with you now or are you still looking for a furrever home for them? I'm sorry if I missed a post or two, but my human has been busy elsewhere and there were days I could not visit.
    Purrs to all of you!

    1. Austin, right now I'm just socializing them around other cats - it'll benefit them, regardless. With Brian sick right now, we told his Dad that Brian was his priority - R & RC aren't going anywhere, there is NO urgent rush to get them out of our house and ... well ... anyway, no for the duration right now they are still with me. Ray is continuing to make great strides - he's come SO far from the cat he was in June, afraid of his own shadow, hiding under furniture. I'm so proud of him!

  17. What a glorious post and pics...so heart warming to see such wee ones come out of their shells and start to enjoy their feline-ness..hugs to you all :) Fozziemum xxx

  18. oh pawsome!! That means they can be adopted into a multiple cat home for sure!! Great work MomKat! WE are ready to launch their next big promotion Nov 1rst. This is gonna be really BIG!! paw pat, Savvy


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