Selina - Helping With The Coffee

Meowlo, Peeps!

"Coffee" (or "Go Juice", as MomKatt sometimes calls it) is an integral part of my morning.  No, I don't drink it (MomKatt says she doesn't want me anymore wired than I already am, just channeling Feisal).  But I do assist with its preparation.  This used to be Livia's job but, since she went to The Bridge, I have assumed the mantle of responsibility.

When MomKatt gets up in the mornings, the first thing that she gets done is to get the coffee brewing.  I follow her into the dining room, leap up on the counter and stake out my position.

As you can see, I've helped MomKatt get out the coffee pot and the Brita pitcher full of fresh, COLD water.  (She says that using cold water is most important to the brewing process.)

The bean grinder is behind the pot, so you can't see it, but I never mind it when MomKatt turns it on.  Doesn't scare me - never did.

After I make sure that MomKatt grinds the beans, puts them into the filter and the filter into the basket, pours the water and cuts the machine on properly ... IT'S PARTY TIME!

See, once she started grinding her own coffee, she had no further need for the little coffee scoop that came with her Mr. Coffee.  So guess who inherited it?

Yes, you guessed right:  ME!

Well, actually I kinda commandeered it.   One day when she was scooping out ground coffee, she made the mistake gave me a gift by leaving it on the counter while she turned her back to put the filled coffee filter into the basket.  I POUNCED!  

It's just plastic, so it skitters across the countertop really fast.  The first time I played with it, I just looked at it and WHAP! I knocked it into the floor for MomKatt to pick up.  Wasn't that nice of me?  (Again, it's all part of my "Fitness Program" for my peeps and my sisfur, Morticia, 'cause MomKatt had to bend over to pick it up, thus providing her with some much-needed stretching exercise!)

Then came MORE fun:

Then, I kinda screwed up and got it sort of up under the toaster ....

Uh ... MomKatt?  A little help here?

What household items are you allowed to play with?  Why don't you tell me about them in your comments?

Hope you all have a wonderpurr weekend!



  1. We pretty much play with whatever we want at our house. Heh-heh. Our favorite, all-time toy is the plastic ring that you peel off the top of a new jug of milk. They're pawsome!

    What a sweet girl you are to help with your Mom's go-juice. (that's what my Mom calls it!) We're sure your Mommy couldn't do it without you!

    Happy Friday!

  2. We are only allowed milk tops when the milk is finished as we slide them under the washing machine to save for later and it's too heavy for Mum to move. On the up side we heave a new set of words (with stars in) to practice!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. What a fun toy! My human drinks those awful energy drinks and her boyfriend is stingy with his coffee scoops, so we don't have that one.

  4. All we know is that our breakfast comes first before anything else in the morning. We'll play with whatever we can get our paws on, but it is mostly pencils and pens, but we also like straws. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  5. You are such a good helper! Thanks sweet Selina, I am feeling much better!

  6. Hey, we don't get the coffee scoop at all! It always gets put away because our peep says she is O C D that way. We usually steal pens and anything else we can get our paws on, though.

  7. That sounds like a cool routine :)
    We have gotten used to the grinder .
    We would like to get our paws on the scoop too.
    Looks like you have fun with yours :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  8. I don't think I play with any household item. TW gives me ties from the bread and milk rings but I don't play with them. I guess hair ties might count. TW only drinks coffee when she has a coupon to get a cheap one at DD.

  9. We don't play with many household items either, though like others have said, we like playing with the milk rings. It's one of our favorite toys!!

  10. My human is like yours: first thing she does in the morning is making coffee (after checking that we have food of course!), otherwise she walks like a zombie all day!
    I like your toy! Unfortunately, my human doesn't have a brewing machine so she still needs the scoop

  11. Oh I play with pens!! Any pen I am not particular and knitting needles!! MOL

  12. That looks like a fun toy to play with. Only Pooh plays with things other than cat toys. She will bat around or roll anything she can find. She loves playing with the pen Mumsy uses to work crossword puzzles, bottle caps and any string she finds hanging from somewhere. Hugs and nose kisses

  13. Sekina that's a very cool toy!we love our coffee too and the girls are always hovering around on the bench waiting for something to play with!! if it can be pushed or flicked it's a toy :) hugs Fozziemum x

  14. I always try to sneak into the bathroom cabinets and steal a q-tip to play with!

  15. Hehehe the strangest things are fun to play with,xx Speedy


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