Selina - Man Ray Thanks the Academy

Um ... hi folks.  I'm not used to public speaking and I'm a little shy still, so please bear with me.  I'm Man Ray and I'm really just here to say a very heartfelt "Thank you" to everyone who tried to help me and my sisfur, Rachel, get rescued and put into a safe place and adopted.

We know (because MomKatt told us all the time the last few months) how hard a lot of people were working on our behalf, and we want you to know how grateful we are, and we hope that you don't feel your efforts for us were wasted when it turned out that we were "home" all the time - we just didn't know it!  

Heck, we thought we were going to end up somewhere else, because MomKatt talked about it to us and, when she did, she'd get all teary especially when she looked at me.  You see, she and I formed a very special bond.  I was one scared little guy back in June.  She'd put me in my carrier, just to clean the office for 10 minutes, and I'd cower in the carrier and be in the exact same position when she came to get me out as I was when she'd placed me in the container.  My body was rigid and I didn't make a peep.  

See how scared I was?  I do NOT look like I trust what's about to happen, do I?

MomKatt didn't give up on me, though.  She told me over and over in the beginning, "I'm going to reach you, Ray.  You're going to learn that hands are GOOD things.  And you're going to WANT hands to touch and pet you.  You just see if you don't."  She let me go at my own pace; she pushed me sometimes, but she always seemed to know when to push and when not to.  She says I look just like some kitty named Homer that was blind but didn't let that small detail stop him from leading a very, very full life.  She wanted to help me achieve the same feat because she said Rachel and I were meant to be rescued and loved.

She won my trust, and now I give her massive headbonks, rub ALL OVER her, let her feed me treats from her hands and, yes, hands ARE good things.  I DID learn that lesson.  (Just last week, in fact, I learned what a "lap" was.  MomKatt TOLD me I'd like them:  and I DO!)  Now, I purr and purr (quite resonantly, I might add - though I still haven't meowed) and play, while still being the more laid-back and cautious of the two of us.  Rachel is every kind of crazy there is, but in a good way.  And she takes good care of me, her brother.  (Of course, I just let her THINK that.  Really I'm looking after her.)

You should see me now.  I'm confident.  I walk (carefully) by those new kitties downstairs, especially that really big one they call Peppers (who growls at me) and I don't even hesitate.  It's a pretty big place, downstairs, but I'm learning it and Rachel's helping me explore and get used to it.

So we have lots of fun times ahead of us.

But right now, I want to say a special thank you to Brian's Dad for getting us to MomKatt.  I also want to thank Savannah's meowmy for all her efforts to help get the word out, and Dash Kitten's meowmy also, even though she is all the way in New Zealand.  When Brian was sick recently, those two ladies took up our cause and were totally ready to help.  We are grateful for your work and we know that you three, including a nice couple in England who made a great video about us which was supposed to be used during Brian's Dad's Twitter push on Nov. 1, are the most helpful, generous and kind folks on the planet.  (Next to Mom&DadKatt of course.  MOL)

And there are so many others, people that we don't know, who cross-posted about us on Twitter and Facebook and Blogger and Word Press and Bast knows where else.  We are grateful for you guys, too, and thank you for your efforts.  Rescue kitties need all the help they can get and people like you prove every day that not all humans are bad - in fact, most of them are good.  :)

OK I'm gonna go now.  I think Rachel's gotten herself into some mess somewhere that I need to extract her from.  You'll hear about us here in Selina's blog and we hope there will be more pictures and maybe a video (!!) sometime soon.  But now we can relax 'cause we have all the time in the world and, again ...

Thank you.  From the bottoms of our hearts.

Man Ray

PS - Rachel just told me SHE wanted to write tomorrow's post.  No wonder Selina's hissing at her!  She thinks we've taken over everything, including her blog!  MOL!



  1. This post is making Mommy leaky-eyed. Concats to all of you. We are overjoyed at this news!


  2. We are so happy to hear you are both going to stay with Selina and her MomKhatt and DadKhatt. You've both chosen a wonderful place to call home.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. Man Ray, you gave Mommy here leaky eyes. And I am SO happy for you as well. Love you and your sisfur and the whole fur family.

  4. Sooo happy for you both, and for MomKatt, DadKatt, and your sisfurs & brofurs! You'll have lots of fun exploring everything downstairs and meeting all your new family. Love from all of us!

  5. Man Ray, we are huge fans of yours here, and we are so, so, SO pleased that you are now home, FOREVER! And Rachel too!

    The Chans

  6. No effort like that is ever in vain. You can never predict what is going to happen and we are just glad you found your forever home - even if you were already there. :)

  7. Ray, I'm so glad you get to stay here and we can hear news about you and Rachel frequently! Clearly, you belonged here all along.

  8. oh great.. now my eyes are leaking again.. Ray, you have come so far.. your momkat should be proud..

    1. Oh you've no idea how proud I am of this little guy ..... :) :)

  9. Woo Hooo!! Ray & Rachel we are so happy for mew both and for mom Laura cause we know how much she always wanted you kits to stay with her. ♥ ♥
    This is the bestest prezzie a momcat could ask for!

    Love ya all,
    Pete, Hen, & family, mom Teresa

  10. Ray, we are so happy that you are happy and comfy where you are.
    You and Rachel are in a great home and we predict many happy days ahead!
    We also agree that hands are good :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  11. I am very happy for you both that you have got your Forever home with Selena and her family.

  12. Man Ray, my Dad says what a remarkable guy you are and such progress from when he first held you as an itty bitty. We are so proud of you handsome dude!

  13. You have come so very far, Ray. We're so proud of you, and so happy that you have a place to call home at last.

  14. We are crying tears of joy for Man Ray and Rachel! We are so, so happy that they will stay with you and for the progress Ray has made with trusting Humans after such a sad start in life. Bless you MomKatt for loving them so well. And DadKatt you absolutely rock...thank you for doing this! We were so hoping for this exact happy ending!

  15. I am so happy to hear your news!!!!


    Tigger Angel

  16. Many happiness tears here! Congratulations all the way around. Hugs and Purrs.

  17. Ray you are a star..and so is mum and dad and all the are happy,healthy,harmonious and home...FANTASTIC :) hugs Fozziemum xx

  18. Man Ray we are so glad you discovered hands and laps are good things and that you have a home. We kinda suspected you did for awhile, but we knows it was a hard decision for the humans to make. They always worry about stuffs like how you will get along with the other cats, glad everybody seems to like having you around. Tell Selina sharing a blog isn't so bad.

  19. welcome home!I knew you were home the moment you arrived at Selina's home!xx Speedy

    A Bunny Know's!

  20. purrrs for the kind words Man Ray. So purrleased you are learning about soft hands and even laps. I am 7 years old and still do not trust a lap...maybe one day...Mom Linda and I have been proud to have been able to help you and Rachel in our small way. paw hugs, Savvy

  21. I reckon Selena's going to have her work cut out getting herself heard on her own blog!! But we are soooooo very pleased you are happy and settled Man Ray xoxoxox

  22. How did I miss this? Love hear from you, Man Ray. Did your MomKatt get to keep the hope chest or is she saving it for another cat who needs it?

    1. CK we didn't say anything to Terry about the Hope Chest. We thought it best that he save it for another kitty that needed it. :)


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