A Black Cat and Her Writer

Meowlo, Peeps!

As you can see, I've re-seized control of MY BLOG from those KITTENS, and my Tame Writer (i.e. MomKatt) is ready to assist me in taking back what was once totally my territory.



Is it plugged in?  Turned on?  Check and check.



Honkin' big gargantuan-sized coffee from Sheetz?

BIG check.  That's for The Tame Writer, not me.  I'll just have some Cat Sip.

So.  The deal is, MomKatt is a writer.  And this is a good thing, being that I'm a blogging one-eyed kitty with no thumbs.  I cannot type.  I have no interest in typing.  I don't like Microsoft Word.  And I don't have to do or like any of those things, since MomKatt does this for me.  (But Word irritates her, too.) 

Life is good.

Now some of you probably don't know this, but MomKatt is a writer in her own right.  Kinda.  Well, she wants to be.  No, that's not right, either.

OK let's try this again.

IN THE RECENT PAST, MomKatt was a kind of writer called a "freelance writer".  She also calls it being a "hired gun", but the type of "hired gun" that is far more interesting (and less puffed-up at parties) than the "hired guns" other peeps call "lawyers".  Off and on, she's been a freelance writer since 1989.  

Geeze, you're THAT old?  I didn't know that!

Selina ... just stick to the subject, please?

OK.  Sorry.  *giggles*

Without boring you with the details, this summer was a bit rough for her.  She underwent a "crisis", and she's not written anything for pay for about two years (for reasons that dovetailed into the "crisis" but you don't need to know all about that.  Just take my meow for it.  They are two separate facts, but one influences the other.  Confused yet? 

One of the main questions about herself that's plagued her for years is whether she really wants to take a leap of faith and try to "make something" of her writing, instead of writing these little freelance/puff pieces here and there for a few bucks once in awhile ... when she feels like it ... and when the planets are aligned correctly ...

You get the general idea.

After writing my blog for me all this time (and ... AHEM! ... not without some inconsistency in the regularity department, which I'll overlook), as well as her own stuff (for which, as I've pointed out to her many times, she HAS gotten paid, so the peeps must like it 'cause peeps don't usually shell out greenbacks for lousy writing), she is finally beginning to believe that most of her my  our readers seem to really enjoy what she produces, whether it's for free for me or for someone else for dollars.  (I pay her, actually, in "Lap Time Miles".)

Adjoining my blog, a long time ago MomKatt put up a blog of her own entitled "Henry II, the Writing Life & Me".  It hasn't seen a lot of action lately.  In fact, until today, the last entry she wrote was dated April 10, 2013!

To make a long story short, she's finally decided to take that "leap of faith" and start to take her own scribbling writing seriously.  And, as her writing partner, I feel it's my duty to help her by kinda meowing this up (hey, she was there for me when I was adopted so I'm just pawing it forward, as they say).

So we'd really dig it if ya'll would check out "The Other Blog" from time to time.  (It's kinda embarrassing to admit MomKatt only has two followers on there, and that one of them's me.  MOL  Then again, she hasn't advertised the existence of this blog so it's no wonder it's not getting traffic, am I right?)

MomKatt, take over & tell the folks what they can expect.

Well, basically it's going to be a "training ground" for me to get back into a writing habit.  (Actually, I've never HAD a real writing "habit" because I have all the self-discipline of a hamster with ADD ... SQUIRREL!  I'm great on a deadline for an assignment but for anything else ... let's just say my procrastination abilities are rated very highly by Standard and Poor's.)  

Anyway, I envision it being a mash-up of opinion pieces or ... basically whatever I want to write about:  books I'm reading, things that are happening, I guess the usual blog BS that every jumped-up writer thinks others are just DYING to read ha ha.  But it would help, if you're at all interested, to get feedback and, who knows, we may find ourselves involved in some really good, interesting back-and-forths.  (I love a good back-and-forth.)

So click here to see what I wrote about today (ANGST!  ANGST!  CREATIVE TORPOR!) and if you like it, subscribe.  I can't promise you'll like every entry, but that's OK.  I'm writing (A) to please myself and (B) to begin to establish some kind of work routine.

Here ends the "Pitiful Pathetic Excruciatingly Self-Serving Petition for Followers".  Selina, take over.

Thanks, MomKatt.

In other news, the kittens are growing more comfortable in the house every day, and I guess I'm getting better about it, though I still let that Rachel know with a well-placed/well-timed hiss who's the boss of Pink Bed.  At least she hasn't tried to get in it - if THAT happens, oh there'll be heck to pay, let me assure you.  They both find Morticia's tail fascinating and, since she can't seem to keep that appendage completely still, I have no truck with her complains and meows that she wishes they'd leave it alone.  (It IS pretty mesmerizing.  But I wonder if Rachel'll get tired of getting popped when she is only giving in to a natural urge to bat at it.)  (Also?  Ray loves chasing 'Ticia, too.  I don't think she returns the love, however.)

This morning, Peppers re-discovered the big cat bed in MomKatt's office upstairs where the kittens used to be housed, so they're basically "done" with being up there, unless they follow her up their to get treats.  (Honestly, you'd think she was the Pied Piper, the way they trail along after her.  I think Ray's just lovesick.  He can't get enough of rubbing around her ankles.  He's the only one of us that does that!  Disgusting.  No pride whatsoever.  Then again, I guess I should shut up.  You should see me practically revolving on the kitchen counter every time she opens the drawer with The Red Dot Utensil.  It's embarrassing.)

It's a holiday weekend for MomKatt so she'll be home with us on Monday.  Oh, and since it's Veteran's Day on Monday, I'd like to say thank you to any veterans reading my blog.  Also, if you see one out and about this weekend, go up to them and TELL them thank you.  Talk to them about their service.  They really like that and appreciate your interest.

So that's all for today.  Guess The Tame Writer deserves to go to lunch now.  She's put in more typing hours today than she has in a long time.  I'm kinda proud of the old girl!

(How are you feeling, MomKatt?)

(Good.  Really good, Selina.  Let's eat, huh?)





  1. Selina tell your Mom to stop dithering and dive in - she can always come up for air if she feels she's got in over her head. Take it slowly with small articles possibly for a magazine or a news article about something she believes in and go with the flow - you'll never know until you dip your toes in the water. Give her a hug Selina and make sure she keeps going.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. nice.....glad to hear your mom is getting "back on the wagon" and that everyone over there is doing well

  3. way happee bout R & R selina...N tell yur mom...we iz number three :)

    speekin oh foodz...feel free ta invite everee one ta trout towne fora grillerz spesh ul tee....we haz flounder, mackerull, trout, herring, shrimpz AND toona cookin two day....

    de veree best oh fishes ta yur mom...tell her ta listen ta her gutz....sure they mite knot look good on eggs ray, but they iz never wrong :)

    heerz two a grate week oh end !! XX

  4. I love reading about this opportunity to be undertaken again! YES! HOORAY! SMOOCH!

  5. My human says that one of her favorite anecdotes about Ernest Hemingway was when he lectured a group of college students about writing.

    "How many of you want to be writers?" he asked, and they all enthusiastically raised their hands.

    "Then why are you here when you should be off writing?" he said. End of lecture.

    So the important part of writing is the doing it part... it sounds like your human is on the right track!

  6. Hey Selina, tell MomKatt to let it flow! After all, she has you to get her on the right turbo track!

  7. We think it's cool that your Mom wants to write!
    Mom spends most of her time trying not to write ,heehee
    Tell your Mom to get started and have fun with it :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  8. Good luck to MomKatt. I never noticed the Blog on your sidebar. TW keeps threatening to get her own blog but I'm not letting that happen.

  9. Tell your Mom good luck and to just write! Mommy giggled about the thought of your Mommy bein the Pied Piper. She has said that very thing! MOL!
    Have a happy Caturday, pretty girl. XOXO

  10. Selena, your MomKatt just might get to be more popular than you!! Ok, maybe not ;) xox

  11. Your MomKatt is awesome and I love her writing blog. You are awesome, too, for promoting her!

  12. We will send our Mom to check out your Mom's blog. Mommy has a similar blog called Alasandra's place although lately she has mostly done book reviews on it. She uses it to rant when she is upset.

    MOL Socks used his tail to get Charybdis to not be afraid of him. See when they first realized Socks existed which was funny cause he had been watching them from day one but four week old kittens aren't very observant Scylla rushed to him like she had known him forever, but Charybdis was afraid of him. So he laid down and pretended to sleep while swishing his tail around and before you knew it Charybdis was playing with his tail and they became friends. That is the only time we have EVER seen Socks swish his tail around. Usually it is very still.

    Glad you and the kittens are getting along so well.


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