Meowlo Peeps!

I was taking my morning bath this morning in Pink Bed:

When I said to myself, "Self?  You haz cute feetz!  And your toes?  Oh.  JUST too cute to resist.  You should show them to MomKatt!"  (See me admiring them in this picture?)

And so, as you can see, I did.

"And the MomKatt oo'ed, and ahh'ed, and fawned overeth them, and the MomKatt did grin, and the MomKatt fetcheth the camera with which to document the sacred feetz, and she stood, and she clicked and da feetz wuz immortalized."

And now I/we is showing dem (and my aforesaid cute and adorable toes) to the world.   

Here endeth the lesson.  Feastest thy peepers.  Wanna see 'em again?

Once is NOT enough, is it?



  1. You have beautiful feet. So dainty.

  2. Like I said on FB, N-I-I-I-I-C-E! I don't have a foot fetish but this is a very nice shot.

  3. SQUEEEE!! those are so darn cute, you can share them any time!!

  4. my stars girl, your toes N feets should be on the cover of cats daily grooming !!!
    and imagine a small diamond ring on the second toe !!! hugs from dai$y =^..*=

  5. We have to agree!!
    Those are sweet feetz :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  6. Those are some cute feets with even cuter toesies.

  7. Binga spreads her toes like that - it gets my human every time!

  8. Selina you have the daintiest, prettiest toes we've every seen.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  9. Loved the paw pictures :-) Thank you for all the messages about Oscar xxx

  10. Careful, we might smoochie your toesies!

  11. What dainty little toes you have. I love your blog.


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