WHOSE Bed Is This Again? And Some Sad News ...

Mornin' Peeps!

I'll just let this photograph speak for itself.  It's of ME, this morning.

As you can see, I've regained Pink Bed.  Reunited!

And now to another not-so-pleasant topic.

MomKatt & I received some sad news last night from Ms. Jenna, the lady in South Carolina who helped rescue me and who pulled May Ray and Rachel from that awful trailer park.  Jenna Emailed to MomKatt:

"I will be trapping there [the trailer park] soon to euthanize any others [cats] I find there.  The Hispanics are killing all the cats I TNR'ed [at that location] with rat poison, drowning and shooting. There are three left of the seventeen I returned ... 

It is so hard to see their faces in the trap, trusting that I will do the right thing and protect them, and then I have them PTS.  Life can be so cruel.  Blindness is what saved the two of them [Ray and Rachel] or at least entropion issues, which made them more vulnerable and subject to human touch.  Hug them extra hard, please."

MomKatt responded, saying that, as hard as it was to do, what Ms. Jenna was doing was "far more merciful" than what those Hispanic idiots were doing to them, and Ms. Jenna replied that yes, that was how she had to think about it, and that they were feral, so there wouldn't be a possibility of a home for them.

When MomKatt Emailed her this morning (after waking up with this on her mind first thing today), she asked if Ms. Jenna had any help doing this, any support, and she said no.

"It is a colony I started and I have to finish.  I started it in May and it is still going on.  To date, I have gotten 74 cats from there and only released about 17 back there.  Three of that group are left with others to trap. ... I just hate to kill anything."

We're so full of emotion about all this right now, it's difficult to separate anything out of the tangle.  And of course, expressing all this to my peeps is "preaching to the choir".  This post here won't make those cruel people stop torturing, terrorizing and killing those innocent cats - or any others they may come across in future.  They won't stop until all of them are dead.  They have no empathy, no compassion - yet if someone were to harm one of their children, they'd be up in arms, saying the same things we say about their behavior toward these cats:  "How could someone do this?  My child is innocent!  How can someone be so cruel?"

What separates people like Ms. Jenna, and MomKatt and all of you, who'd unhesitatingly hurt THEMSELVES rather than see a kitty or another animal of any kind deliberately harmed or made to suffer, from people like these?  What kind of sick, weird kick do they get watching the life getting choked out of one of these cats, or feeling their bodily throes as they fight the drowning they won't be able to escape?  Does it amuse them?  Make them happy?  Excite them?

Or do they just not feel ... anything?  Nothing at all?  No more emotion than you or I would feel about a piece of paper tossed into a trash can?  And what about any children there in the trailer park, watching all this?  What is, to us, the MOST frightening thing about all this is what actions like this ARE TEACHING THEM about how to treat not just animals, but living things in general?

Animal abuse is perhaps the highest indicator of cruelty in adulthood, and it's one of the surest signs common to just about any serial killer you'd care to name, along with fire-starting.

This would have been Ray and Rachel's fate if we hadn't said "Yes" to fostering them.  I'd like to think something good would have happened at the last moment for them if we hadn't taken them, but a deeply cynical side of me responds quietly, "Look at them.  Eye issues.  Ray not being as social as Rachel.  SHE might have gotten adopted but ... would HE have gotten taken with her?"

Ms. Jenna told MomKatt at the conclusion of their Emailing last night to hug Ray and Rachel very closely and she did.  This morning, and last night, more times than she could count, she'd glance down to see Ray gently winding around and rubbing himself against her ankles, looking up at her with that heart-shaped face and those longing eyes, purring softly.  Rachel gets up on the kitchen sink and snoopervises the washing up, then tries to steal MomKatt's breakfast muffin.  And of course, there's Yours Truly, lounging in Pink Bed without a care in the world.

And they - and all of us - are happy, well-loved, well-fed, spoiled rotten, really.  If anyone so much as ATTEMPTED to lay a finger on any one of us, MomKatt would ... well, let's just say that person's finger - and possibly other bones in his body - might not be in one piece when she got through with him.  And make no mistake, that is NO exaggeration.  We are her children and she'd fight for us like another woman might fight for their human child.

So please spare today some thoughts for the remaining kitties in that South Carolina colony, and for Ms. Jenna, whose efforts have saved many kitties, myself and Ray and Rachel included, but who in the next few days is going to have to do something that, while in the long run is far kinder than what the trailer people would do, is still sorrowful.  Those little lives ... all that effort to TNR them, so that they wouldn't be part of the problem that makes feral colonies in the first place ... all that kindness ... I'm tempted to say "wasted" but I know it's not.

Still.  I feel the departure of each of those little lives like a tiny clutch at my heart.  And I think how LUCKY, how VERY lucky, all of our cats are ... and how lucky I am to have their trust and love.

I'd rather be the person I am than be like those trailer park people ANY day.  And I still hold out hope that there are more people like us, dear Readers, than there are of ... THEM.

Selina & MomKatt

PS - 9:47 AM Just got an Email from Ms. Jenna:  five of the kitties will be going to a shelter so CROSS YOUR FINGERS that homes can be found for them!!              


  1. We like that last sentence best! All paws and hooves crossed for the five. We agree that people who are unkind to animals are usually also unkind to other people.

    The Chans

  2. selina...may 10,000 pregnant ratz take up rezidency in thiz nayborhood, N may they bee greeted by 100,000 mor.....

    we trooly hope those who wented ta adoption finds a for evers home N they iz ther by next week...may yur momz friend be blessed ten fold...her tried her veree hardest ~~~

  3. That is such a sad situation for all the kitties and the kind human trying to help them. Paws crossed that the kitties who go to the shelter find their furever home!!

  4. It's so so sad to read about the cat's situation in the trailerpark :(
    My mom-person and dad-person can't understand how people can be so cruel ?!
    Glad that at least 5 of them will go to a shelter !

  5. I feel terrible that people are so cruel. Years ago we had a Vietnam vet who lived on the next block who poisoned all the cats, even people's pets that were indoor/outdoor. OTOH, TW just found some people who do TNR locally to take care of the cats in the park and they are Hispanic.

  6. It is so sad after all the devotion and work that Ms Jenna has put into helping those poor kitties. I hope the 5 that are going to the shelter will get loving homes.

  7. Comforting purrrrrss for Ms Jenna. We can't imagine having to do what she has had to do. We really hope a large colony of diseased rats settle in that trailer park.

    Many states have anti-cruelty laws any more. Most of the time, the penalties are not harsh, but even a fine might slow those folks down a little bit.

  8. This is so sad. We agree with what MomKatt said.
    "I'd rather be the person I am than be like those trailer park people ANY day. And I still hold out hope that there are more people like us, dear Readers, than there are of ... THEM."
    WE also endorse the comments from The tabbies 'o trout towne !
    Hugs to all kitties.
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  9. What the frick is wrong with these humans?? Oh, our furry hearts go out to Ms. Jenna, because we know this is not easy for her to do. We purr that the ones that have gone to the shelter can find homes.

    And Selina...good to see you in your bed again. :)

  10. Jenna has done so very much for so many kitties and we just love her to pieces!

  11. I am keeping my paws crossed for those five kitties. This is such a horrible, sad end for so many of these trailer park kitties, and although I try to be compassionate, I can only wish the absolute worst for these evil creatures who have harmed so many of them. I really do wish them a lot of ill, and so does my human.

  12. I had the sads until the last sentence and then I had hope! Some people are so cruel and heartless. It is beyond comprehension. Let's hope and pray all those kitties find loving homes! xox

  13. That is just a beyond comprehension situation and so very heart-breaking. Sending our love and prayers to Ms. Jenna and to all the kitties who are now Angels and all of the kitties anywhere near that trailer park. Sending prayers to the 5 and hoping they will get a chance to experience love and safety in a forever home. And hugs to Ray and Rachel (thank God you fostered them and now have adopted them, bless you MomKatt and DadKatt).


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