Looking Back to 2013

Meowlo Peeps!

MomKatt & I decided to wax nostalgic in our post today and look back at some memorable (well, to us, anyway) pictures of all of us Carter Clowder Kitties in 2013 ... yeah, yeah, I'll include The Kittens (who have become known as "The Twins" or "The Terrible Twosome" already).

Obviously, the "big news" at our house last year was MomKatt's first fostering gig.  Which, after about three months, turned into the classic "well-it-started-as-a-foster-situation-but-she's-become-attached-now-they-ain't-going-nowhere"!

Believe it?  This was Man Ray in June:

And this is Man Ray today:

He's come out of his shell and is now a loving and gentle kitty, eager to give very soft nose nudges to MomKatt's fingertips and have his chin gently scratched immediately afterward.  Ray is DEFINITELY MomKatt's boy and she finds it so hard to believe this is the same kitten that she had to TEACH how to play.  The difference in him is incredible.  He now LOVES to play, especially under the bedspread skirt.  He'll either happily play there by himself, "taming" the skirt, or just as happily hunt Rachel under its folds.  It's so funny to watch - he even shot out at her yesterday ON HIS BACK from under the skirt!

Speaking of Rachel:

I think she's insufferable.  Look at this - THE NERVE to assume MY position in Pink Bed!  And MomKatt is thoroughly snoopervised 24/7 in the kitchen by Little Miss Rachel Pants.  *sigh*

KITTENS ... !   Oh well, guess it's not SO bad .... I just shove her out when I want to by lightly whapping her with one paw.  (No photos of this yet are to be had.  MomKatt isn't fast enough.  MOL)

The year began with the loss of my Aby sisfur, Livia.  That was very sad.

It took Mom&DadKatt awhile to adjust to having no Abysinnians in the house after Livia died, but they are both proud to say that all the kitties they now have are either adoptions or rescues, and several of us are rescues that most people would consider "defective" or "imperfect".  Not to Mom&DadKatt:  we are "perfect" for them and they for us.  That's all that's necessary, right?

Peppers finally succeeded in losing two pounds this year, from 22 lbs to 20 lbs at his last well kitty.  He's still a handsome devil, right ladies?

MOL!  I love that picture.

Oh, here's me in case you've forgotten what I look like:

I used to love to investigate the tub.  Now, of course, Miss Nose Problem does it ... (that's Rachel's nickname, since MomKatt says she's got to know EVERYTHING that's going on!)

And me again ...


I feel a nap in Pink Bed coming on ... gonna get COOOOLLLLDDD around here the next few hours so I need to build up some body heat.

I think 2014 is gonna be a great year, don't you?

Purrz, ya'll!




  1. You are so lovely, Selina. Sounds like a pretty good year was had by all, with the exception of poor Livia. Hope your 2014 is even more pawsome.

  2. We hope for a wonderful 2014 Sweet Selina.

  3. So very sorry about Livia. We never have them for long enough, do we?

    Sounds like 2013 was a year of big changes for all of the Carter Clan. Here's to a great 2014!

    Sorry we have been 'least in sight' for so long. It's a long tale (pun intended).

    Laura & Taffy

    1. Friends! We have missed you here VERY much! MomKatt says to Email her - she'd love to know what is going on. Taffy I hope you're doing well - from one kitty to another!

      Purrz & loves,
      Selina & MomKatt Laura

  4. I hope 2014 is a banner year for you, Selina!

  5. That was quite a year for you sweet Selina. Purrsonally, we are happy to try our luck with a new year MOL!

  6. Great wrap-up, Selina. We hope 2014 is full of grand adventures for you and the other kitties. (Pee Ess, we love "Miss Nose Problem" as a nickname!)

  7. So glad man Ray has come out of his shell - cute photos!

    Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some informative posts and stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.

    Debby in Arizona

  8. 2014 is going to be a great year,thanks for share 2013 with us,xx Speedy

  9. Some big changes in your household Miss Selena!! Wishing you nothing but good things for 2014!! xox


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