R.I.P. Prancer Pie

We are SO very sorry to hear of the fact that our blogging buddy, Prancer Pie, had to go to The Bridge today.  His meowmy must be devastated.  She was reported there with him 'til the end.

Please know we carry you in our hearts this day, mourning with you and knowing how much this hurts.

Rest easy, my sweet friend.  I was and am proud to have known you.

Sad purrs,
Selina & MomKatt Laura 


  1. This is such very sad news :'( Heartbreaking. Our thoughts and prayers are with Prancer's family xox

  2. This has to be the saddest news.
    We send our biggest purrs and lots of love to his family.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  3. Oh my God, that is horrible, we hadn't heard.

  4. Such very sad news. I send my purrs to his family.

  5. We're very sad about Prancer Pie.

    The Florida Furkids

  6. This just breaks our hearts. Purrs to Prancer's mom.

  7. I was so upset to hear about this today. :-(

  8. We too were so shocked and saddened when we read the news last night.

    Sad Purrs,
    The Chans

  9. Oh that is sad news about your friend,xx Speedy

  10. We were very sad when we heard about Prancer Pie going to the Bridge. His family will miss him so very much.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx


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