Pawty Preppin'!


It's your Favorite One-Eyed Thang here.  Yes, I know I've been kinda AWOL lately ... but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you all!

Well, around here, February is an exciting month.  Lots of birthdays (well, two, really, but they're big ones AND they are on the same day).

MomKatt & my sisfur, Morticia, both have birthdays this Sun., Feb. 9!  Morticia forbid me to put her age on here and ... Wait a sec ...

I can't tell YOUR age, either, MomKatt?  Man, you guys are NO fun ...

Oh well.  Anyway, we were startin' to get our pawty on last night with a little Cat Sip action.  It's "milk for cats" and we LOVE it!  And, of course, the occasion provided an opportunity for Ole Shutter Bug to snag a few pics of us.  (Morticia was up here drinking with us but managed to finish HER Cat Sip right before MomKatt whipped out the cell phone camera.  She's fast, that one.)

Anyways, I'm the one in the middle and I'm flanked by The Twins (as Mom&DadKatt call them).  "The Twin Terrors" is a more apt name, in my opinion ....  Rachel is on the left (you can tell by her notched ear in the first picture) and Ray is on the right.

Can you BELIEVE they are nearly as big as I AM now?!  Of course, with the way they SHAMELESSLY beg for treats and attempt to steal the pawrents' food, it's no wonder.  MomKatt said last night that the phrase "on the make" suited them both very well - ESPECIALLY Ray!

Care to join us in our celebrations?  I heard MomKatt telling DadKatt something about "breaking out the 'nip" on Sunday!  Morticia will have it ALL OVER HER - she just loves to roll in it.  *giggles*  Don't tell her I told you.  She'd be SOOOO embarrassed!

Birthday purrz!


  1. Sounds like a great party coming up! We have our own version of cat milk here and we just got some this evening. Yum!

    The Chans

  2. morticia...we iz knot a loud on line over de week oh end sew we will say happee birth day two ewe...N momkatt two...earl lee...hope yur day iz rockin awesum mega soooper fun...hope ya get lotz oh cake N mice creem, sum toys, nip, primo grazz, flounder, trout, toona, noe burd, ham samiches, pork chopz, butter, pie, salmon, shrimps, donutz, a new cat tree with a full lee stocked fridge attached AND a 2014 CATillax car in for yur mom az well !!!!! ENJOY !!!

  3. It is so nice to see the three of you like that! And to think there were some who thought Ray would never come out of his carrier!

  4. We're always ready to pawty! It's amazing how fast those two have grown. It's like they are making up for lost time!

  5. Sounds like there will be some fun at your place this weekend !
    Birthdays are always fun to celebrate and we look forward to
    that :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  6. Did your human celebrate with some Catsip too? I bet humans spike theirs... and I don't mean catnip!

  7. Cool, a whole weekend of celebration? That's awesome!

  8. How nice you got to start celebrating early. Our Mom has a birthday the 9th and it's Fenris' Gotcha Day so we are having a party. Be sure to stop by if you have time.

    Wow the twins have gotten big. Y'all look great together.

  9. I will SO be here for that celebration and the NIP! Happy Birfdays you two! xoxoxoxox


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