She Haz a Sad!

My poor sisfur, Morticia.

Armed with her Valentine's Day weapons (wine, chocolate), she patiently awaited the arrival of someone to share it with her.

But no one came.

Except MomKatt, who ate the chocolate and drank the wine 'cause cats can't have wine or chocolate anyway.

Doesn't she look sad?  Poor 'Ticia.

At least MomKatt took her picture(s)!  (And we all DID get extra lovins & treats on V-Day 'cause she loves us!)



  1. We love you, 'Ticia! And none of us had Valentines either…

    The Chans

  2. We're sure lots of people love you 'Ticia - with us two and our Mum that make three here who do.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  3. morticia...ya shulda stopped by TT..we had pork chops, dai$y looked at her self in her 360 degree mirrorz for HOURZ on end, knot that her doezn't due that everee day sew like noe diffrunce ther and tuna had everee kinda food ever invented...but noe burd !! hope everee one haza pound oh perch week oh end !!

  4. OMC! Morticia didn’t have a date for the big day? I could’ve fixed her up with Parker’s brofur Ken.

  5. Don't give up pretty lady, your Prince is likely looking for you right now!

  6. Morticia! You were supposed to have nip and tuna juice! That was the problem.

  7. Morticia, we are so sorry no one came to spend Valentines with you. We just know there is a handsome mancat out there just waiting to discover you.

  8. Poor Morticia! I am sure you will have lots of Valentines next year.

  9. Sorry Selina, Happy Bear came from a tag sale a couple of years ago, so I don't know where to get one like him. I've seen similar ones on Amazon and around the internet from time to time

  10. Oh Selena!!! That is terrible!! Poor Morticia! I hope she isn't scarred for life! I am sure my sweet Sassy Silvervine won't mind if I send a few smoochies and some salmon munchies her way and to your good self, of course, Selena1 ;) xoxo

    Thank you for your good wishes on facebook. We appreciate it. It was a rough couple of days! xox

  11. Morticia, you doesn't half to have no date! You are gorgeous. Austin will come and squire you around. Or we'll have a girls's day out!


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