Will the Real Black Prince Please Stand Up?



For those that don't know, the "fake" Black Prince in the first photo is Edward, son of the English King Edward III, who was known as "the Black Prince" because he allegedly wore black armor.  The real Black Prince in the second photo not only allegedly wears black armor, he keeps it meticulously groomed - bearing in mind that a knight is tidy and shiny at ALL times.

Man Ray has recently been knighted as MomKatt's "Black Prince" and his knightly qualities include chivalry to all ladies (whether furry or not), a willingness to run about the house challenging infidel kitties to trial by combat using the famous "Pole Axe Smacky Paw" method of defense, and loyally and devotedly serving his Lady MomKatt by following her wherever she goes, looking anxiously at her from the kitchen counter and regularly rubbing against and winding around her ankles in the bedroom to let her know he loves her and that he is there to defend her, if need be.

In truth, Ray is the very definition of chivalric! 


  1. Replies
    1. He humbly thanks you for your undeserved praise!

  2. Ray is so chivalrous and a devoted and loving gentleman to your Mom Selina.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

    1. That he is. And less grumpy than his brofur, Peppers. Knights cannot be grumpy.

  3. It sure sounds like the good Knight is having some fun days too!

  4. dood...knight two day...king two morrow...yur gonna knead like a crown or a badge sew everee one noes who roolz de roost !!!

  5. Ray has come a really long way from when he first arrived home! He sounds so happy and confident now - yay!

    1. He's a different cat in MANY ways but he's remained the same sweet, solicitous boy he's always been and I like that this trait hasn't changed as he's grown. :)

  6. Ray has evolved so much. It’s so nice to see. I’m glad he stayed in your family.

    1. They BOTH have - and Rachel is Miss Charm personified!! If you don't believe it, she'll change your mind!

  7. Ray sure looks like a big, handsome mancat! It's good to see how far he has come.

  8. Awww, congratulations sweet, handsome Ray! Hugs and nose kisses

  9. Long Live Black Prince Man Ray.

    So nice to see how happy he is.

    1. He's just THE sweetest boy and he's SO bonded to Rachel and his MomKatt! I'm so glad they stayed a part of our family.

  10. Yippee for Black Prince Man Ray!xx Speedy

  11. Man Ray is the catification of The Black Prince!! He was also the Prince of Wales :)))) xx

  12. Oh Ray...you warm my heart to see you thriving and safe and now a special relationship with your huMom...pawsome!

    1. Oh thank you Aunt Linda & Savannah! I do indeed love my MomKatt and she adores me/us. I hope you guys are doing alright, especially with your new sibling!

      Man Ray


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